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Everything posted by Sonnybear1972

  1. Nobody's disputing that mate, my original point is why does CG feel the need to comment on it when he's been accused of being racist himself in the past, know what I mean?
  2. That's my point, the tweeting about it does nothing but pointscore
  3. You're allowed your opinion mate but I think people are more annoyed at who made the tweet and pots and kettles and all that.CG is point scoring
  4. If you mean me mate, I've no said once it's accepted. I said the boy doesn't need people sticking the knife in, and I admitted shouting racial and sectarian abuse at football, never said my behaviour was acceptable and am no proud of the racial
  5. Now see that could be contrived as sexist bit we'll no get into it again eh....
  6. You're right but let the authorites deal with it if people are offended we don't need do-gooders sticking the knife in. The arguement here is not wether it is right or wrong what the boy done, the point is it'll be highlighted enough by the mhedia without him getting his bit in.
  7. I will believe it or no am on my way out to pick up an indian.....
  8. I'm saying that the boys made a cunt of it cos he's been angry and doesn't need his downfall highlighted by people it's fuck all to do with. Regarding the rebel shitehole comment I made, that is how I feel about Scotland as a whole. Sorry you are of different opinion, we will leave it at that.
  9. Lol aye you're right mate, I've never even farted in public
  10. I've shouted racist and sectarian abuse at the football before and I'm sure if honest then I wouldn't be the only one, should I be made to lose my job and be publically outed for making an arse of it,
  11. Exactly mate and this cunt pushing for a name and shame is playing right into their hands
  12. Aye whatever Ghandi.... let the authorities deal with it then, we should never push for another Rangers fan to be named and shamed and banned from Ibrox. This country is a republican shitehole and if you don't like my point of view, don't comment on it then
  13. Wether the boy is in the wrong or no, we don't need supposedly our own, hanging him out to dry.
  14. This is the type of modern Rangers "fan" that sums up what's wrong in this rebel shitehole we live in......
  15. Harry Hill will be too busy doin "you've been framed" on a Saturday night
  16. Be funny if he was just some daft Dutch bluenose
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