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Everything posted by backup

  1. He needs to deal the aces ! https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11788/11363651/Rangers-chairman-dave-king-warns-celtic-will-fold-like-a-pack-of-cards
  2. Should we accept a stadium sponsor, we wont mortgage as that would dilute/remove lender security.
  3. Now that 8 is nailed for the taigs, what will our board do to put a spoke in their wheel to stop 9, what are you expecting them to do.
  4. Unfortunately we know only to well the answer to that, courtesy of a spineless board. The fans really do deserve better, a lot better.
  5. 👍I take it we don't know who cited him or why his "hearing" is a month away, also wonder who cited SG and us,yet never cited bain or broon.
  6. Will the different disciplinary standards continue without a shred of embarrassment from those in authority ?
  7. The board our board are gutless and to ours and the players expense, absolutely gutless. To think we ruled the roost back in the day too !
  8. Republicanism is against everything The Rangers stands for, it is a cancer that was soundly defeated at the ballot box, it has no place in our country or Union !
  9. Are some here really claiming we are not treated unfairly, really ?
  10. There are one or two who for whatever reason can't and won't see that the gist is about our board defending the players and ensuring a level playing field in disciplinary matters, more fool them. 3 o'clock has come and gone, where are we now.
  11. The yestapo are enemies of the Crown the State and our way of life and traditions.
  12. I know I read it, but I still can't believe I did, utter tosh and appeasement in the extreme.
  13. we have people commenting who have no understanding of the OP, though the majority in the thread do.
  14. You obviously haven't read the thread, know your subject.
  15. and of course there is the snp.....
  16. It is beyond the pale that quiet dignity/abject surrender is being promoted by some, has to involve a degree of masochism.
  17. deary deary me, best put you back on ignore.
  18. celtic aren't slow at bringing matters to public notice, pity we are unwilling to match them in that department... celtic said: "celtic Football Club is surprised that there will be no disciplinary action taken by the Scottish FA regarding the incidents during the match on December 29, which have been widely addressed in the media. "It is reported that no action was taken because the match referee saw all of the incidents in question. "Given that the referee took no action at the time, this tends to suggest that such conduct, which in one instance led to a celtic player, Anthony Ralston, being injured, is acceptable in Scottish football. That cannot be right.
  19. broons actions are not under scrutiny from anyone, except we fans. as above no one in authority is interested....compare that to Halliday getting a red for a raised celebratory fist or Candeias getting a red for blowing a kiss !
  20. It is more than surprising we have some who with our board still follow the false God of quiet dignity, little wonder we get shat on from a great height !
  21. Police have spoken to prosecutors about Scott Brown's behaviour during Old Firm game. It comes as the celtic captain was accused of deliberately 'goading' rival Rangers players at the game at Parkhead on Sunday. He faced widespread criticism following the incident, including from Steven Gerrard who said he 'would've gone' for the player. However, a spokeswoman for Police Scotland said chiefs were content with the incident. John Hartson: The Rangers players need to own their actions - Scott Brown did nothing wrong She added: "After consulting with the Crown Office and reviewing the circumstances, Police Scotland is content that the actions of players at the celtic v Rangers SPFL match on Sunday March 31 2019 were in the wider context of a sporting event.
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