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Posts posted by Lloyd

  1. 1 minute ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Ok, anyone other than Pedro.

    Yes they signed for Rangers, but don't doubt the influence of a manager. Listen to Alves admiration as a clue.

    All ifs buts and maybes.

    But I feel they are more comfortable with a European manager speaking their natural tongue. Without this, i reckon theres huge question marks for them all here.

    We won't know that until it happens I guess, I still think it's better to take that risk than give up any chance we have of stopping the taigs.

  2. Just now, wewillfollowrangers said:

    Aberdeen haven't played us or the taigs. come back after they have.

    " getting a capable replacement in " sounds easy, not so much in the real world, i'd suggest we stand a better chance of getting performances out of the latin players we have brought in under Pedro than any of the obv suggestions for replacement.

    We're treading water at the moment without proper investment and a massive hike in the wage bill we wont challenge regardless who the manager is, I think we'll be second by Christmas, cementing that and getting as close to the taigs as we can is the only realistic aim, the time to asses the manager is at the end of the season not having knee jerk  reactions after 9 games, whilst he is still bedding in a new team and we're still improving, we have to be patient and realistic.

    It's not 9 games he's been here for over 6 months ffs.I am being realistic we won't get Second under Pedro, he was brought in because he talked our inept three man panel round at an interview he got because he was mates with Pedro Mendes.

  3. Just now, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    If suggest that's a bit naive.

    I think alves is largely here because of Pedro. I also wonder whether Cardoso, Pena, and morelos would be as settled if let's say mcinnes took over.

    In honesty I'd imagine all 4 as minimum would look for an exit strategy.

    Given all 4 are amongst our better players, don't under estimate the removal of Pedro without significant playing squad repercussions.

    They signed for Rangers, not Pedro. Morelos joined off a recommendation from JJ so had nothing to do with Pedro anyway and they are here because Pedro knew them and wanted them had Pedro not been here and we went in for them they would still have came imo. Also if we replace Pedro with Mcinnes we are basically gifting them 10 in a row.

  4. Just now, wewillfollowrangers said:

    In what way would sacking Pedro, paying him off and bringing in a replacement and beginning rebuilding , yet again, be whats best for the club? Yes we're 6 points behind the taigs, if you believed with the level of investment we've had, the fact that we're bedding in a whole new team it would be any different - more fool you.

    We have players still adjusting to the frenetic physicality of Scottish football, a team thats an unfinished project in terms of recruitment, supposing we go on a run, and at Christmas we're second? and within 6 points of the taigs and had been in a cup final? with the team continuing to gel and acclimatise, signs of improvement are there, its achievable, we showed resilience v st Johnston that wasn't there before, Pena managed a productive 95 mins and Dorrans had his best game for us, theres clearly signs we're going in the right direction.

    While we continue to develop as a team and signs of improvement are there it would be madness to get rid of the manager and start again.

    We would not need a full rebuild this time as many of the first 11 are good enough to build a challenge on imo.

    The taigs have drawn 2 games, we should be keeping the pace with them at this stage like Aberdeen are doing.

    It wouldn't, we will struggle for second under Pedro and we should be getting a capable replacement in so that we actually have a chance of stopping them cunts long term.

  5. 1 minute ago, Leeds_Bear said:

    Much like the Scottish Media, you’ve heard what Pedro said but you haven’t listened to it. I honestly don’t mean that in an insulting way but you’re taking the comments far far to literally. 

    I don't think I am maybe I'm being cynical, Pedro is obviously saying the media can say whatever the fuck they want but he doesn't care with the first one but he should have just said that instead he writes their headlines for them for the next month of 2, the blue blood one was a blatant beg for the fans to get them on side same as the "We are the people" after Hibs. 

  6. Just now, RFCRobertson said:

    Caravans - Popular Portuguese saying, Mourinho once said it as well. Who is also Portuguese.

    Bleeding Blue - Another popular saying among Rangers fans. See also "Blue Nose", "Blue Hearts" etc. Guy is trying to connect with the fans, to show that he is passionate about being here and he isn't seeing this as a "flash in the pan".

    and the last bit, Pedro could say a whole presser that rings with you 100% and the media will find something to either criticise or take out of context. Newspapers are about headlines first and foremost and by extension, getting sales. If they need to twist a story or hell hack a dead girl's phone for a scoop, then they'll do that. 


    Face facts, Caixinha is here whether you like it or not. Unless of course you want McCoist, Warburton or anyone like that at the helm, because they were so much better than Caixinha weren't they? 

    Mate, I know what the sayings are, the caravan one was pish when Mourinho said it but he can get away with that because he said it after winning a league Pedro said it after a 0-0 with hearts, the blue blood one is said by Rangers fans he said it to pander to these Rangers fans and get them on side which is desperate, the media are cunts I agree but he feeds them at times.

    no one is saying they want Warburton or Mccoist back, they weren’t good enough either, I just want us to appoint an actually capable manage, back him and build a team capable of challenging within 3 years, I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

  7. 1 minute ago, graeme_4 said:

    Of course.

    But there was nothing wrong with that press conference. 

    Not his Press Conference I think the way he deals with the media (sometimes) is okay but his Cringey soundbites Bug me because they’re cheap and Embarassing.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Jack The Flipper said:

    Fans trying to find fault in absolutely anything they can when Pedro has not actually said anything wrong is embarrassing.

    Doesn't do too badly for a guy speaking in a language that isn't his 1st. Even the Pedro out brigade are clutching at straws - next they'll focus in on grammar.

    You basically discredit your own arguments for getting Pedro out with this behaviour because it shows your opinion is not in any way fair or reasonable.


    Let’s forget about what he says then and focus on Results, hasn’t won 3 games in a row since being here, lost 3/3 of games vs the taigs including a 5-1 smashing at Ibrox, lost 2-1 to the sheep at Ibrox, Lost 2-1 to a team from Luxembourg, lost 3-2 to Hibs at Ibrox, couldn’t beat Partick thistle in 90 minutes with 2 attempts..

  9. 41 minutes ago, Jack The Flipper said:

    Always some dick wanting to put a downer on things, why don't you go out and enjoy your Friday night, we'll be happier with you gone.

    You're just wanting to complain in the same tired old way picking fault when our manager hasn't actually done anything wrong in this press conference. 

    We should be looking forward to this weekend with the possibility of getting into a final.

    Really, just ask yourself - are you actually a Rangers fan? It seems you're actually more disappointed that you cannot pick up on something wrong that Pedro has said in this press conference and you're a wee bit disappointed. 

    I think I'll look forward to the Motherwell game and be positive about it until there's something to be negative about,  because let's face it - Pedro isn't going to be removed before the game - no matter how much you want him to be.

    So am no allowed ma opinion then?

    ”are you actually a Rangers fan?” Hahaha coming from the cunt wanting this dud to stay ? I don’t care if you think I’m no a fan I want what’s best for my club and you want to follow blinded by hope rather than realism, I understand that.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Leeds_Bear said:

    In your opinion. 

    And this isn't about that, it's about Pedro 'talking pish' which you've still yet to justify on any level.

    Regardless of whether you think he's doing a good job or not, should he just come out and be a robot churning out nothing and not defending his decisions? Would you rather he just let the media drive an agenda against the club week in week out? That's certainly not good for the club. 


    They do this anyway. I just want him to give normal answers not start talking pish about Caravans, Bleeding Blue and just in general giving them their headlines for when he fails so they can take the piss even more.

  11. Just now, Leeds_Bear said:

    Mourinho was lauded long before he was a successful manager. But I take your point. 

    Ultimately have to look at whether you're on the side of the agenda driven media or the manager of Rangers. 

    Not a hard choice for me, however blind you might consider it to be. 

    I want what's best for Rangers, I couldn't care less about Pedro mainly because he's not good enough, It's not about taking sides either it's about what's best for the club and keeping Pedro isn't whats best

  12. 3 minutes ago, Leeds_Bear said:

    On the whole I've been really impressed with Pedro's press conferences - you can sometimes be frustrated into thinking he doesn't help himself with some of his comments. In my eyes he's not the one with the problem, it's the Scottish Media who seem hell bent on finding anything to mock him with.

    Compare and contrast with Mourinho who week in week out has something weird and wonderful to say, but is lauded as a master of the media - even if his team are under performing. 

    Some fans could do well to back our manager a little more in these situations, we have enough enemies. 

    Mourinho is a successful Manager who has won the champions league at multiple clubs, Pedro is a dud manager who got fucked out of europe by a team from Luxembourg. That's the main difference I can see.

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