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Everything posted by rangersross

  1. Pray tell me why? Do you honestly think Clyde has a better one? I already shown that RR has a bigger audience share and from the work I've done with Scotlands's biggest sports PR agency I know what radio station they recommend in terms of attracting interest amongst bears. Or do you know better? Ive done work with the SFA doesnt mean im playing for scotland mate
  2. This thread shouldnt be about defending what we have done to new members who have done little to deserve an opinion in how the site is run, it should be about celebrating the achievment of getting this ad on radio thanks to the hard work of some of the members on here championee
  3. Everything is better with RR :Animation44: ...Im sorry I had to make a joke somewhere about this I might have suggested Calton FM, but I'm trying to string out my ban. (header) you are indeed a funny man, tell me have you managed to educate any of us yet????????????????????? In the art of sarcasm, obviously not. But you are obviously of an open mind. I'll make up a celtic moniker, come on posting full of love, and I'm sure you'll lap up every last bit. So are you older than twelve? whats the problem SP ? A lack of debate, perhaps. Methinks I spot another closed shop. a closed shop ? You mean ASDA was shut ? Its the way he tells them, honestly
  4. Everyone involved with this deserves a pat on the back as they'v done a great job and gone beyond the call of duty to enhance the sites name
  5. Everything is better with RR :Animation44:...Im sorry I had to make a joke somewhere about this
  6. Look, a lot of work has obviously been put into this and I find it dissapointing that people would simply look at the negatives, The advert is seriously awesome and since ive seen this site go from nothing to having adverts on radio in a short space of time and I couldnt help myself smiling when I heard it - Its an awesome ad in my eyes
  7. Sorry mate. always forget to take pics when I get there
  8. "Oww look a pound" "OUT THE WAY NACHO ITS MINE"
  9. Svensson should take Ugo's place and Prso for Boyd in the 2nd leg
  10. Is there any chance that we could have more space to operate in the 2nd leg as they wont be able to set the whole formattion around stopping Barry, we could see them push which would give players like adam a chance, Just wish Buffel wasnt injured
  11. Yeah cause he can do worse that Kris "man down" Boyd....... Im pretty sure my local pub team striker could...
  12. Just a minute ago there was 4 players gathered round the ball on the left wing waiting to cross it in and only 2 in the box, whats the point <_<
  13. Rangers should ban whatever boot Ian Murray is wearing, he can hardly stand up for 2 minutes
  14. I see the graham norton show is on tv now, maybe we can swap him for Ugo <_<
  15. Ugo - Middlesbrough reserves (free) Weir - Everton Reserves (Free) Hutton - Academy Novo - Dundee (400k) Boyd - Kili (400k) Burke (Academy) Adam - Academy (on loan at partick thistle) Im hardly surprised when our squad is made up from players like this that we cant do it against a La Liga side made up from players from Real Madrid and Betis
  16. You DO know that an away-goal counts double, right ? So actually we're down 0-2. It doesnt REALLY count as 2 only in the right circumstances
  17. Half time - not felt this dissapointed so far in walters reign
  18. The only way we got the ball of that guy is him falling over himself
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