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MOH War Fighter.


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I am unsure what this game is trying to be.

Is it going to be like BF3 with large and close quarter maps or is it MoH, Americas Army, CoD rolled in to one.

The videos I have seen so far regards the multiplayer side of things does not make me want to play this game as I do not see it being better than BF3.

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Seems I wasnt far from the mark, guy even thought it was a little HALO like ffs

Enlisted: 2011-10-25

2012-10-21 02:06


It actually felt a little like HALO to me. I know that sounds weird but the grenade tossing and the pacing of the game felt very HALOISH wrapped in a modern military clothing.

felt smoother than BF3 and more like a better looking CS

def a unique mixture of FPS and a very cool experience in the end.

PS I agreee with the First Person Ghost Recon comment


Enlisted: 2011-10-26

2012-10-21 05:51


Oh, and lets not forget the engineer class turning into what one youtuber called a "juggernaut". (he puts on a mask and has extra armor). MW3 copy anybody? WTF is that? I I hate the red outline crap. Gives away enemy positions too easily. If YOU can't see him, TOO BAD!


Enlisted: 2011-10-27

2012-10-21 06:00 , edited 2012-10-21 06:04 by Watties12


Its kind of like a battlefield spin off.

Controls and feels the same, but now there is more specific classes and the fireteam gimmick.

While it has similarities to cod, such as a much faster pace and smaller quarters than BF, it plays nothing remotely close to it.

Its very much its own creation.

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