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What a wicked web they weave - SFA & Co

Carsons Dog

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How did we let this happen? Whilst we were winning our titles and paying down our Lloyds debt, scurrilous bastards like this were planning our downfall and setting in motion this roman empire that now dominates the highest levels of Scottish football. We were blind to this and those like Murray and Bain who should of known what was going on, failed us, again.

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How did we let this happen? Whilst we were winning our titles and paying down our Lloyds debt, scurrilous bastards like this were planning our downfall and setting in motion this roman empire that now dominates the highest levels of Scottish football. We were blind to this and those like Murray and Bain who should of known what was going on, failed us, again.

They threw up a massive smokescreen whereby they demonised Rangers at every opportunity, phrases like 'establishment club' became the norm. They spoke of institutionalised bigotry at the SFA and within the referees and all the while they were secretly infiltrating every strand of our society.

All this talk of 'sitting at the back of the bus' was complete bollocks and designed to take peoples eyes off the ball whilst they weaved their people in to the very fabric of society in Scotland.

Rangers were seen as the big bogeyman, the stumbling block they had to dismantle. Well they played their Joker and it has failed as we are sttronger and more resolute than ever.

I suspect Leggo is right and Liewell is positioning people like this in to positions of power to fight the inevitable legal battles Chico is going to engage them in in the coming years.

It reeks of the Opus Mafia.

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They threw up a massive smokescreen whereby they demonised Rangers at every opportunity, phrases like 'establishment club' became the norm. They spoke of institutionalised bigotry at the SFA and within the referees and all the while they were secretly infiltrating every strand of our society.

All this talk of 'sitting at the back of the bus' was complete bollocks and designed to take peoples eyes off the ball whilst they weaved their people in to the very fabric of society in Scotland.

Rangers were seen as the big bogeyman, the stumbling block they had to dismantle. Well they played their Joker and it has failed as we are sttronger and more resolute than ever.

I suspect Leggo is right and Liewell is positioning people like this in to positions of power to fight the inevitable legal battles Chico is going to engage them in in the coming years.

It reeks of the Opus Mafia.

Exactly, our previous owners were a godsend to them, not caring about the club or fans, only their own bank balances, Whytes crimes were a bonus for them and now Charles is stirring things up they are getting in the cavalry to help with the long and bitter battles to come. But we will prevail because while we may have been demonised like no other football club on earth, we are made of stronger stuff, our fans have shown that this season by stepping up to the plate when most needed, and now we have owners willing to do the same :uk:

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Circulate all this around other club forums, because thr comes a time when the parra line tires and facts start to sink in, its an unavoidable truth that eventually has to sink in, this is Scottish football and although it's more to do with us it's the whole game that is suffering. Heads should roll.

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First chance Rangers get, they should get people installed in the SPL and the SFA. We have got to fight fire with fire, instead of sitting back and watching the new Roman Empire take shape.

Slightly off topic, if I was 20 years younger I would be trying to get elected to the local council . We have to mobilise as one and re-infiltrate all the places that hold power in this dark secretive little country. It's time to reclaim Scotland back from the jolly craicsters. Our culture can not afford to sit on it's respective arse and watch them take over our nation. :7325::7326::7325::7326::7325:

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They threw up a massive smokescreen whereby they demonised Rangers at every opportunity, phrases like 'establishment club' became the norm. They spoke of institutionalised bigotry at the SFA and within the referees and all the while they were secretly infiltrating every strand of our society.

All this talk of 'sitting at the back of the bus' was complete bollocks and designed to take peoples eyes off the ball whilst they weaved their people in to the very fabric of society in Scotland.

Rangers were seen as the big bogeyman, the stumbling block they had to dismantle. Well they played their Joker and it has failed as we are sttronger and more resolute than ever.

I suspect Leggo is right and Liewell is positioning people like this in to positions of power to fight the inevitable legal battles Chico is going to engage them in in the coming years.

It reeks of the Opus Mafia.

how much did Paul mcbride death set them back, or are the idiots following his plan without his brains to mastermind it. time will tell.

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Hmmm. The guys a Tim and works for Harper McLeod, but is his authoring of an article in a law society paper evidence of skulduggery on his part?

I would say its circumstantial at best and even then it surely depends on whether or not he was involved in advising them to appeal?

As for the president that stuck his nose in and invalidated the proceedings, wouldn't that be Campbell Ogilvie? He should know better than to offer them an excuse, but in fairness to him perhaps he thought he had to 'keep an eye' on the disciplinary hearing to try and ensure fairness given who was up on charges?

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I just hate these henious cunts!

FFS, give them a fake o' level and they think their Albert Einstein.

The few that are educated, are only to gain for the unholy roman empire and the destruction of all that is lutherian and non-rc. Our beloved club is but a pawn in their bigger quest, but a rather special one for them to take at that!

Their motives are the spawned in hell, as they are evil incarnate. Their rap sheet over nearly two millenia tells the story and nothing has changed. Conspiracies, corruption, subversions, abuse, genocide abound. Now that aint any coincidence.

"But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words" (2 Peter 2:1-3).

From these warnings of Christ and Peter, which were written down many years earlier than John's letters, Christians knew there would be an apostasy. There would bemany false teachers and many would follow them. Lawlessness would be prevalent among those who claimed to be Christians!

I am not a particularly religious person, but the above caught the imagination. I had a vision of hoops and tricolours evrywhere.

Just googled ''anti-christ'' and you don't have to look far to see whom the above refers. ''Covet'' for sure, ''destructive heresies'' somewhat, ''Exploit'' everything and everyone, particularly innocent children, ''Deceptive words'' YES, ''and bring on themselves swift destruction''. I truly fucking hope so. It's taken too long already!!!

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