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The bottom feeders banquet


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The bottom feeders banquet

written by Scorchio

It's been a busy news month at Rangers and yet another which has left the bottom feeders in Scottish football's press & media stuffed to the gunnels with our Club's never ending source of tasty scraps, scraps which they scavenge around for every single day.

Eager to digest, loosen their bowels and follow through with their latest brain farts in type, their daily dose of the written and spoken trots at Pacific Quay CSC and their verbal diarrhea disguised as Rangers news & chat on Radio Clyde, it's a relentless stream of steaming excrement rather than consciousness.

Agenda ridden bottom feeders and crawling parasites suck the life out of every little scrap they're thrown and with increasing regularity, simply release their next piece of Rangers tagged excrement disguised as journalism with little regard for clarity of thought or consequences.

That's how to 'make it' in the Scottish football press and media and it's been so for longer than I care to remember. Just write and/or talk copious amounts of crap about Rangers like so-called journalists such as Michael Grant, Glen Gibbons, Ewing Grahame, Hugh MacDonald & all of their Rangers hating peers and you're good to go.

Even better if you're still moderately youthful too because the has-beens of Scottish football punditry are getting the heave-ho to make way for the next generation of fork-tongued Rangers haters. Ra ladder-climbing bhoys of tomorrow are on the up and there's a stream of willing participants eager to bend over and give them a spit and polish at the same time as a footsie.

It's all good though because self-absorbed buffoons with fake posh accents and unwashed corduroys like the egotist extraordinaire and full-time bullshit artist Graham Spiers unwittingly provide us all with a constant source of entertainment and amusement. Listening to or reading knowledge lacking idiots coughing up pages of the Oxford dictionary on national radio or in the national press is great value for money.

It's difficult not to at least consider affording these bottom feeders and buffoons a tiny degree of sympathy because as they fumble around their little minds searching for misplaced hooks and their next piece of juicy 'new club' bait there's always thousands of listeners and readers two or three steps ahead of them.

Meanwhile, other obsessed pillocks and virulent vermin like Channel 4's unleashed and unhinged Alex Thomson and his good pal mad Phil the terrorist sympathiser plot and scheme their next round of attacks on Rangers. These parasites do so in a far more sinister fashion than the mainstream media bottom feeders though.

Disgruntled, but unfortunately not completely downtrodden yet following their previous failings, the fundamental aim of these obsessed crackpots and sworn enemies of Rangers appears to be seeing our Club killed off once and for all. Their modus operandi is misinformation, manipulation and last, but certainly not least, friends in high places.

Much to the fury of the loony brigade Rangers haters, Rangers FC is still here, still the same Club and still going strong. They may hate to admit it, but some of them will be coming be along to Ibrox on Saturday to watch the only show in town taking on Brechin City and to scavenge for scraps from the Rangers news banquet table.

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Thanks for that Zappa, at first i thought it was a piece by yourself, and was convinced that the writing like your avatar, was reminiscent of the late Frank's wit, and sense of humour.

The author does though, have a way with excrement, and manages to paint a vivid picture of these hate filled shit stirrers. It is apt that he associates them with dung, as that is surely their nearest, and closest relatives, in the tree of life.

Well done Scorchio, you've really got your shit together. :7325:

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