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Ferguson to be investigated


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Yes Barry hasn't come out of this smelling of roses. Sir David knows to go forward he has to show the supporters that the club is bigger than any one individual. I think he will get Barry to issue a statement and that hopefully will be the end of the matter ( if the media let it go )

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Ferguson's behaviour in this sorry episode has been reprehensible.

He now needs to forget about the captaincy, he has not for a long time demonstrated any capacity to fill this role and will be a better player for not being the captain. He has neither the intelligence nor the maturity for this role.

However, as a player with the ability to change a game, with the vision and skill to make an incisive pass, with a determined attitude (about his own game) then he his head and shoulders above anyone at Ibrox, apart maybe from Dado.

Keep your mouth shut outside the club, knuckle down to th task at hand and do your own job not everyone else's.

In this way the team will get the best out of Ferguson's ability.

As for the investigation, it is important that Sir David Murray conducts this quickly, and then deals with Ferguson if appropriate in a confidential and measured way and then let's move on from it.

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Now not for one minute am i suggesting Fergie is innocent in all this but maybe PLG was favouring Clement and trying to fashion the game round him instead of trying to adjust to suit the already established players. If BF has undermined PLG with no cause then throw the book at him but maybe PLG and his signings didnt take playing for our great institution seriously enough, the results and the manner in which his signings have played should be the main issue and the fact that his man management skills were poor.

Both parties played the press card here not just BF but due to the lack of a decent cohesive team, bad results and shocking signings PLGs hand wasnt strong enough.

The manager has gone, i had hoped he would stay and work through the hard times but he is responsible for the team and how they played. Whether BF is reinstated as skipper who knows but what we need now is our strongest team backed to the hilt by the people and this put to bed. Our club has been the laughing stock long enough.

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Maybe the fate that Murray intended was that they get round the table and work it out, having worked for the french and understanding there psyche PLG wouldnt have that so maybe he politely declined the olive branch approach and they agreed to disagree.

Thats where my money would be with Fergie happy to accept the chance to work it out.

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