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I logged on 5mins ago and found an email from the council of manchester assuring me of wat we already know now lol

"Dear Mr Wilson

Your email has been passed to me for reply.

I have been asked to reply to your email on behalf of Manchester City Council.

I'm sorry that you have formed an unfavourable impression of Manchester's arrangements for hosting the UEFA Cup Final 2008.

I can assure you that our city is well used to hosting major events and that we will be offering a very warm welcome to fans of Rangers FC and FC Zenit St Petersburg on 14 May.

Our city is well used to "friendly invasions" of many thousands of visitors for major events like the UEFA Cup Final.

Fan zones with entertainment and access to food and drink throughout the day have always been part of our plans for this event.

In the light of Rangers qualifying for the final and the massive reported demand from fans for bigger and better provision, we've arranged for big outdoor screens for fans to watch the match. Pubs and clubs across the city will also provide opportunities for many thousands of fans to enjoy the match and soak of the atmosphere of the big day.

We have been working with our partners for many months on planning for this event to make sure that the football match itself and surrounding activities including transport and fan zones, will be of the high standards Manchester sets for itself.

Our aim is for all users of the city centre, including visiting football fans, to have the best possible experience – and one they will recall with affection for years to come.

Details of arrangements are still being refined and will be updated as they develop on our website, www.manchester.gov.uk

I hope this information is helpful and wish you a successful visit to Manchester.

Yours sincerely "

Margaret Stephenson

Head of Events Unit

Manchester City Council

2nd Floor, Heron House

Brazennose Street

Manchester M2 5EA

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