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Posts posted by DeanMK

  1. I proudly voted no in the referendum but agree with your reasoning and sentiment if not your decision regarding the referendum.

    Voting yes doesn't bar people from being a rangers fan any more than the old catholics can't be rangers fans nonsense. Just because the stereotype suggests all rangers fans are proddy loyalist no voting white males, doesn't mean there aren't other types of fan out there.

    In fact for a club as great as ours it shouldn't come as a surprise that people of all colours/creeds/political persuasions and religions support Rangers - and those who think otherwise are stuck in the dark ages.

    That's the point I'm getting at. I'm not trying to convince anybody that I'm a political genius that voted correctly and anyone who voted no is an imbecile.

    Just don't agree with someone telling me I can't support my team beacuse I don't have the same beleifs as them.

    Although yer a dick for voting naw. ;)

  2. I said I'd personally rather they didn't, I also acknowledged it's a free democratic country and people can't be stopped from going to Rangers games if they wish to. Obviously that sort of view annoys you but I see Rangers as still being more than 11 men kicking a ball on the pitch.

    I never weighed up pros because nothing could ever have made me vote Yes, it goes against everything I believe in, but when I decided to actually campaign I went at it from the political perspective and there was no true reason for independence. The economic case and currency plans were a shambles, and the rhetoric of 'Tories bad', 'Westminster evil' was designed to whip up the mobs. You only had to go to one of Jim Murphy's street meetings to see where the vast majority of mindless idiots were, Scottish nationalism is ugly and anyone who supports it has either been taken in very badly by propaganda or is an anti-British bigot.

    Of course that view annoys me. For me Rangers are a football club. A fantastic club. As far as the topic of this thread goes I'll never be able to support any other team let alone Scotland like I do Rangers. But at the end of the day. It's football. If you can't see past sporting or political preferences and hate anyone with differing opinions to yourself then you should fuck off back to the dark ages. No need for that.

    And again, that's your viewpoint. I think you're wrong but I'm not here to convince you otherwise. It's funny you talk about propaganda though with the bias the BBC showed in favour of the No camp in it's reporting of the referendum. Also, don't make me laugh with that "anti-British bigot" shite. There were plenty of bigots infesting the no camps.

  3. Aye that's definitely what I said when I was out knocking doors for the No campaign.

    Aside from personal reasons I looked at the facts and there was no case for it, the country would have been far worse off.

    Well be that as it may, many of the times I've gotten into debates with people about the referendum it's been against mindless idiots who spout shite with no foundation. And that's not to say there weren't plenty of muppets like that from the Yes side as well. If you were knowledgeable on the pros and cons and still felt no was the best choice then that's your prerogative. I'm not on here to debate politics with people. I was annoyed at a comment about people who voted yes not being allowed at games. My choice wasn't made through a hatred for the Union or the English. I just though it best suited what I wanted. I shouldn't have to explain my support for Rangers simply because I have a differing political view from a (supposed) majority of fans. I pay my way into games. I used to buy merchandise (pre-Ashley), I pay monthly to Rangers First. I have shares in Rangers. So I'm perfectly justified to support my team if I fucking please.

  4. If you were taken in by nationalism then fine but at least have the honesty to admit it, there was no economic or logical case for a Yes vote.

    No, nothing to do with nationalism or patriotism. I made a vote based on what I thought was best and what appealed to me from reading the white paper and doing my own research. Unlike yourself who I imagine voted no so your Union Jack tattoo still held validity.

  5. All we kept hearing from the Yes side was that independence wasn't about the SNP because they weren't guaranteed to win elections.

    So basically you voted to break up a hundreds year old nation on the basis of something that may never even have happened :lol:

    Where are you getting this from? I liked a lot of the policies that were put forward. Already said this but I guess it was easy to miss when you selectively read things.

  6. That is not a good reason

    Westminster is not responsible for employers not raising wages in line with inflation

    Have the SNP ever made this a manifesto promise of theirs? If they have no wonder all the businesses bombed the idea of an independent Scotland

    Westminster is responsible for setting the minimum wage. The lowest wage an employer can legally pay. Why are you not understanding this?

    Yes, it was part of their plan. Well that's what happens when your government lets large corporations run riot and call the shots. But you're obviously cool with that.

  7. Fine by me.

    You gave me one of the most ridiculous reasons for voting Yes I'd ever heard.

    I gave you one reason. And a very fucking good reason at that. Wanting a national minimum wage that raises in line with inflation is not ridiculous. But it doesn't surprise me that you think this. You've already exhibited to me that you must be missing a chromosome or two.

  8. I know a guy who was a die hard Rangers fan, followed the club everywhere home and abroad for decades, was a stanch unionist and loyalist who would join in with all the party tunes, he was even huckled and charged with sectarian singning at one of the away matches a couple of years ago. In the run up to the referendum he had a massive change of heart (or suffered some sort of major malfunction to the brain) and started activley campaining for independence.... After the yessers were defeated he blamed no voting Rangers fans for the loss and now hates us with a passion, he no longer follows or supports the club . What a fucking bellend... Pretty sure he's now a fully fledged member of the Tartan trannies. Another Rangers hater to the ranks.

    That's pretty grim. But it shows you that it goes both ways. I don't have a hatred for no voters. People are entitled to their opinion. I certainly wouldn't alienate myself from people simply for having a different political view from me.

  9. Wages keeping up with inflation is down to employer's not Westminister.

    So if we held another referendum tomorrow you would vote no if your happy with tax levels changing under the vow?

    Minimum Wage is controlled by Westminister. Although what you say isn't entirely untrue as large companies seem to have their fingers in the government pie when it comes to taxes and wages.

    No, my voting reasons were more than just that. I'm just not prepared to have a long winded conversation about politics, economics and social values on the Rangers Media forums. The sheer fact I voted yes has caused enough of a rift. :lol:

  10. What political values do you have that you feel voting yes was best suited to?

    Without going deep into discussion over the policies that may or may not have been passed upon Scotland gaining independence. I've wanted to see our own independent government for a long time. Being able to control our own National minimum wage, income tax and national insurance was a big positive for me. Under the current set up, our wages have never really kept up with inflation.

    I think we've been given the power to change our tax levels though as part of this "vow".

  11. Getting a little desperate now aren't you son? You seem a bitter angry young man that some people have an issue with those that sought to wipe us out and seek to victimise our support for its perceived 'Britishness'.

    As for voting Yes, how are the oil prices looking at the minute? :D

    Desperate? What the fuck are you even on about? I'm not victimizing anyone. My point was that I didn't think politics and football should be mixed together. I was responding to someone posting about people who voted yes shouldn't be allowed to support Rangers. My support for Rangers isn't based on the fact our support are largely unionists. I support Rangers because my dad took me to games from a young age and I lived 10 minutes from Ibrox. I voted yes because I believed it was the decision the best suited my political values.

    Aye, the price is shite. But oil prices always have been volatile.

  12. Politics shouldnt be anything to do with it but when our club is on the receiving end of political policies aimed specifically at football and unjustly weighted against Rangers fans then I cant see how your opinion stacks up. The powers that be have made it happen and they should reap what they sow. Both the SFA, HMRC and the SNP have targeted Rangers for their own ends. If your choice is to accept living under and supporting those corrupt arsewipes then you really are a lost cause.

    As for youngsters not being interested in politics someone hasnt noticed the UBs at games have they?

    Good thing I didn't vote for HMRC or the SFA in the last election then?

  13. I think to be honest most of the younger generation don't really give a fuck about religion or politics anymore - religion doesn't have much relevance to the lives of most now.

    I have an interest in politics and am non-religious. Neither of which I believe should have anything to do with sport. Unfortunately it seems there's a few on here who can't see past that and allows it to fuel their hatred.

  14. Good for you, I can only imagine your hatred and disgust when the majority of our support sing pro-British songs. It must really get under your skin.

    There's other football supporters that these songs get under their skin aswell, they don't support Rangers surprisingly enough.

    But then that's you assuming I'm this union-hating patriot that wears a kilt and sings Flower Of Scotland every night before bed. That assumption would be inaccurate. I wanted to see Scotland governed by people who aren't so detached from life outside of London.

    I can't believe that on a football forum we're talking about politics dividing a support.

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