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Everything posted by bauba30

  1. Come on now, lets be sensible here. This is Alan Gow, he will be with us in 5 months - let us just hang on to the funds and get him in June - we can use the extra funds on someone with a bit more ability
  2. eh? yeah right enough, he only played in the EPL for over a decade, so not a chance of being in front of 50,000 fans eh? Although Villa Parks Capacity is just under 43k he would have played at plenty of grounds with a lot more than 50k in them. Personally, I thought he looked ok in 1st half and he pretty much dominated the 2nd - and considering, I would have given him 45 mins to get used to playing with his new teammates
  3. For me our back 4 could all have got 7s Hemdani was atrocious and barely merited a 4 Barry was outstanding, easily merited an 8 Boyd and Sionko were non existant, Boyd could never stay onside and was guilty of persistant fouling - Sionko was worse - 4s for them too Actually thought Sebo looked sharp for all the time he was on, did some good work - maybe 6 Burke helped the balance of our team and we really need him out there from the start if fitness allows All IMO
  4. IMO, the position we need more than any other is central midfield. Fergie played his heart out today but lacked any kind of support. Hamdani was just atrocious today and even at his best, is just merely tidy, we need more from there
  5. so far Ugo looks good in the air - we are losing out in midfield a lot, game seems to be passing Hemdani by
  6. pitch is like a turnip field - making passing difficult
  7. When did we sign Lubo? Libo, Lubo, Labo, whatever you call him, still dodgy under whatever name
  8. From Clyde - Ugo plays and Lubo comes in for Burke
  9. Well Alba, you are entitled to that belief Of course I believe that to be nonsense but Im happy to leave it at that
  10. Do you know what? You remind me of some of these Religious radicals who constantly go on about people not being completely "pure". I am sure that we extradited a couple of these people for preaching their garbage so i wonder i we could do the same with you. Would make everybodies life easier really. <yes> You are a nutter mate. If you were able to read your post with an open mind instead of one filled with prejudice you would know that. You seem to hate Gers fans who were not brought up the same way as you more than you hate Celtic fans themselves. That's part of my problem, many, and I mean many, people on this forum seem to find fans who as I said before weren't born Gers or don't go to matches as "impure" fans. Your post raises some very good points, the sort of hate for those not born Gers on this board is resemblant to that of the way many Bluenoses feel about Celtic fans. It's an absolute disgrace that we are getting ripped into each other. To all those who think they are superior Rangers fans, Get a F**kin Life. You are the Bigots who bring the club's reputation down and give UEFA an excuse to put their weight on us. F$^k Off <crweee> <crweee> <crweee> Ill second that Seems to me Rangers needs a few less "Rangers Men" really - that way some true Rangers Supporters can take their seats and i hope your not on about me being a bigot. Where did I say that you said you would second what yes dado loves me posted, and its bad you can not have a debate without people getting called bigots or told to f--k off. this thread has been running all day and nobody has acted in that manner, i respect your opinions i might not agree with them but i dont abuse you over them. (That's part of my problem, many, and I mean many, people on this forum seem to find fans who as I said before weren't born Gers or don't go to matches as "impure" fans. Your post raises some very good points, the sort of hate for those not born Gers on this board is resemblant to that of the way many Bluenoses feel about Celtic fans. It's an absolute disgrace that we are getting ripped into each other. To all those who think they are superior Rangers fans, Get a F**kin Life. You are the Bigots who bring the club's reputation down and give UEFA an excuse to put their weight on us.) Minstral, that is what I was agreeing with - i am not a fan of elitism - that certian Rangers fans think themselves better fans than others because of the above is a sad state of affairs So to put you straight, I never called you a bigot, I was agreeing with the sentiment above.
  11. What made me value Arsenal? The same way you were brought up to be a Gers fan. My Grandfather who lived in London was a huge Arsenal fan and there fore when i went to visit he would take me to the games. Obviously this got me liking them just the same way it got you liking Rangers. But i have always valued Rangers above Arsenal and always will What is wrong with having another team that you follow, not support? It isn't as if Rangers and Arsenal are great rivals or such. And if they ever did play against each other Rangers would always be my choice. Maybe you are not intelligent enough to open up your mind to other posibilities than the ones you had drilled into you. You may call it a contradiction but i woul call it more along the lines of SENSE. It is great having some of that BTW. You don't know what you are missing. :wacko: So if Rangers get beat and Arsenal win, do you feel "O.K."? Or if Arsenal draw and Rangers draw how do you feel? I wonder about these double entendre's from time to time about this type of thing. I like to think that the real football supporter lives and dies by the 5 o'clock whistle on a Saturday/Sunday afternoon watching their team, THATS ALL. Question has to be - are you a Rangers Fan, a football fan or both No question you can be both Why cant you, say, live and die by Rangers performaces and results but also follow what is happening in other leagues, other countries? I mean, its not as if you are buying a season ticket with 2 teams. As I have stated before, when Davie Cooper and Bobby Russell were doing so well for Motherwell, they became a team I always looked out for after Rangers. Didnt mean I wanted Rangers to do less well, and I wanted us to stuff them when we played them, but DC was my hero
  12. Do you know what? You remind me of some of these Religious radicals who constantly go on about people not being completely "pure". I am sure that we extradited a couple of these people for preaching their garbage so i wonder i we could do the same with you. Would make everybodies life easier really. <yes> You are a nutter mate. If you were able to read your post with an open mind instead of one filled with prejudice you would know that. You seem to hate Gers fans who were not brought up the same way as you more than you hate Celtic fans themselves. That's part of my problem, many, and I mean many, people on this forum seem to find fans who as I said before weren't born Gers or don't go to matches as "impure" fans. Your post raises some very good points, the sort of hate for those not born Gers on this board is resemblant to that of the way many Bluenoses feel about Celtic fans. It's an absolute disgrace that we are getting ripped into each other. To all those who think they are superior Rangers fans, Get a F**kin Life. You are the Bigots who bring the club's reputation down and give UEFA an excuse to put their weight on us. F$^k Off <crweee> <crweee> <crweee> Ill second that Seems to me Rangers needs a few less "Rangers Men" really - that way some true Rangers Supporters can take their seats and i hope your not on about me being a bigot. Where did I say that
  13. Do you know what? You remind me of some of these Religious radicals who constantly go on about people not being completely "pure". I am sure that we extradited a couple of these people for preaching their garbage so i wonder i we could do the same with you. Would make everybodies life easier really. <yes> You are a nutter mate. If you were able to read your post with an open mind instead of one filled with prejudice you would know that. You seem to hate Gers fans who were not brought up the same way as you more than you hate Celtic fans themselves. That's part of my problem, many, and I mean many, people on this forum seem to find fans who as I said before weren't born Gers or don't go to matches as "impure" fans. Your post raises some very good points, the sort of hate for those not born Gers on this board is resemblant to that of the way many Bluenoses feel about Celtic fans. It's an absolute disgrace that we are getting ripped into each other. To all those who think they are superior Rangers fans, Get a F**kin Life. You are the Bigots who bring the club's reputation down and give UEFA an excuse to put their weight on us. F$^k Off <crweee> <crweee> <crweee> Ill second that Seems to me Rangers needs a few less "Rangers Men" really - that way some true Rangers Supporters can take their seats
  14. easy - if you are 5 yearls old, you dont know diddly squat about anything.
  15. You're on fire tonight Thank you, I'll be here all week Try the veal
  16. Im surprised allready, that you are actually believing this
  17. Even if it's a five year old? yes even 5 year old i knew the words of follow follow at 5 year old. and what other conscious decisions were you making at this young age?
  18. We didn't make a bid. I think we were put off by the fee of around ?5M. We were put off? you know for sure? or is that just paper talk? personally, there is no way on earth that I thik we could afford him
  19. so if you are 7 years old and you change your team, but then support them for the next 30 years, buying season tickets when you are old enough, then you are not a true supporter? Yet the one who is indoctrined by his father from the age of 2 and who never makes a conscious decision to follow the team is a true supporter? strange
  20. we made a bid for Kallstrom? You been drinking?
  21. Mortally embarrassed? My god, get a grip man! This is Alan Gow we are talking about - if we missed out on Ronaldhino over 100k then I will be close to embarrassed Anyway, if Rangers signing policies mortally embarrass you then I suggest you possibly need to chill just a little
  22. Will always be Davie Cooper for me Not for the glory years at the beginning and end of his Rangers career, but for the dire times in between, when he was the ONLY reason for going to Ibrox - that although our team was awful you might see 2 or 3 instances of sheer magic from Davie that when you went home you wouldn't be telling the family about the goals or the score, but about those pieces of outrageous skill. That the next morning you'd be out in the garden trying to replicate what you had seen. Then when you go to school on the Monday and you are playing footy at lunchtime, you try the same thing against your mates. It is also Davie because he did the unthinkable, made me adopt Motherwell as my 2nd team. What he did for them in the time he was there was just fantastic. All of a sudden Sportscene cameras were there because Motherwell were an entertaining side to watch and who were at the top of the table. Who would have thought that? It is also Davie because I was there at Hampden in 1981, 11 years old and front row, half way line. in the 2nd half Coop was right in front of me, tormenting one of the top defenses in the UK and giving one of the great all time Rangers performances. Coop for me every time
  23. As for changing clubs as a supporter, Scotty has got a warped sense of something or other. The lad that talked about changing from Celtic to Rangers was a child when he switched, he hadnt formed anything But he should have known better etc etc - no, when you are a child, you dont know squat about anything mate My younger brother was a Sheep fan in the 80s, he was born in 1976, so do the math - the rest of the family, who are all Rangers daft, bought him all the Aberdeen gear - he was about 5 when he started. Around 8 or 9 he started to change, slowly at first, then by the time he was 10 he was a Rangers fan - has been ever since, and now spends whatever spare money he has on a season ticket and transport to the games and back. Is he less of a fan than one who from the age where he could walk and talk was told by his father that he had to be a Rangers fan, who was told of the ancint "traditions" associated with the club and had both drummed to him for years? IMO, my brother is a far greater fan, the other was indoctrined, had no free will in the process. Whereas my brother took a clear choice that no, he would'nt support the dominant team of the time, he would be a Rangers fan and stick with them through thick and thin. And as an asides, the type of fan that my brother is is far less likely to be a bigot and embarrass our great club than the first example is All in my opinion of course
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