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Posts posted by ara

  1. I hope he sticks around, there are very few players with his passion and enthusiasm at the club.

    Its great to see foreigners who really become part of the club on the same level as the supporters and get what it means to be a bear.

    I think Nacho is one of them, or more accurately hes one of us.

    Theres only one Nacho Novo :rangers:

    ...actually there's a total of 5 of them in the family, all called Nacho...

    altogether now..

    " there only 5 Nacho Novos..."

    (..he does get a bit upset when we sing there's just the one left...thinks there's been a big pile up or somethin...)

    Hope he stays, hope he plays...

  2. ...respect your stated view Minstral (and have done in many of your posts)

    ...we can dig down and say 'fuck the world!', but that insularity could well lead to real problems as other changes take place around the increasingly commercial world football has become. Its a world we either influence by our own actions, or be influenced by our own inaction ...

    Lets be VERY CLEAR ...No bear should ever be ashamed of anything and EVERYTHING we stand for, but as a club we must take decisions to enable us to compete and spread a positive brand image. A lot of people have talking about getting PR jockeys in, but they need to be given a clear steer if they are to have an impact.... to this effect it'll be difficult for them to sell a brand who stands for some of our deeper (and proudest) values.

    So unfortunately we HAVE to think of how to best market the clubs image most positively... either on the back foot to protect ourselves from external forces, or get on the front foot to go and create the most positive noise about RFC the world has heard yet... I always think attack is the best form of defence...but we can't go back to using the sticks n the bricks in this battle...

  3. ... we are clearly all proud of our history and our club.

    The important thing is to demonstrate that pride without aggression or violent intent and in this regard the Pride Withoud Predudice slogan is bang on, but is clearly not being backed up by the effective PR Management process needed to create a sustainable impact. This in turn must be supported by consistent monitoring standards WITH CLEARLY STATED RULES WHICH ALL CLUBS AND SUPPORTERS CLUBS SIGN UP TO.. the main theme is this lack of consistency and clarity.

    Theres no point in RFC banning certain songs if other clubs are allowed to sing them week to week.

    What Yank says makes good sense in that, just like on the pitch, getting angry and aggressive in our response will often result in a reinforcement of any negative views towards us. By the way many outside Scotland do not really have a view either way ... but Celticdo play cleverly on connecting with the national Irish side's colours and brand which outside Scotland is seen as an image representing partying and not terrorism and violence (because the RofI have done a good job on the international PR front)

    If we are to lead the Old Firm out of the problems we have to recognise we have issues. Any negative image is not all our fault...but we're not shiny white either.

    Pissing on the beautiful streets of Barca ain't helping anything... and despite the Ultras shite that night and the pickpockets around the ground, the vast majority of Barca people (including the police) were very patient with many pissed up Bears who weren't exactly acting like they would at Ibrox on a Saturday. At a local game they may have reacted earlier but they didn't during several scenes of provocation we saw over the 3 days we were there (cans thrown at them etc...daft when the guys got a sub-machine gun strapped to his side!)

    The national Scotland team did a great PR job in turning round the image of the Tartan Army from a Dock & high waister-wearing crew with a reputation for mayhem, so it can be done...

    Before I say what I'm gonna say I want to point out that I'll sing GSTQ as loud as anyone, but ....

    I've travelled quite a lot and what's interesting to spot is that internationally, Scotland, the Saltire and the Scottish brand image promotes a far more positive and friendly image than the Union flag, which is often seen by overseas national as an alternative for the St Georges Cross...i.e. is is seen as reflecting autocratic, arrogant traditional English values. Now we value the Union flag for different things obviously and are proud of those reasons, but such perceptions are FACT and will always be there and will be difficult to change unless we do something else, which will be difficult. This is an issue I have not seen often discussed, possibly because such political identity runs so deep in our club... but remember my point is made to help understand why perceptions may be as they are outside Scotland...

  4. Bazza is as near a figurehead for the team as we could have.... maybe your point is more do we need a world renowned player?

    If so it always carries the prema donna risk that has wasted so many millions over the years... part of me would like to see one or two bigger stars arrive but I also don't want to see the 'play for the jersey' spirit being lost by bringin in 'flair' players....

    Getting a good balance consistently is not so easy...

  5. OK...saved the JPEG to Photobucket.

    Came back to edit si.

    Clocked on wee screen below fonts

    Pasted in the new URL to the JPEG...and it STILL came up with the dynamic page warning (for a JPEG IMAGE!)...

    Now baffled, losing the will to live fast...may have to take a break for some pornsite R&aaaarrrrgggghhh!

  6. Hi guys

    Jama has kindly done a sig for me.

    I've uploaded to Photobucket and used the URL to edit my signature (in My Controls)

    Dunno what I'm doing wrong...tried moving the url around the box to little effect..

    Any help appreciated...


  7. Maybe i'm jumping gun here but with the EPL screaming for change and maybe to revitalize their league by playing abroad wouldn't this be a good time to approach them again and offer to freshen things up by letting them have the worlds greatest club join them..........suppose the unwashed could come too

    to be honest they dont need us as they are doing okay money wise and why would they want to give us a share of the money. also who would drop out to let us take there place and i cant see it ever happening.

    ...youre right Minstral...the money gap is too big for them to see it as an attractive option right now.

    That, coupled with the fact that we could leave the SPL in shite seems to be the main stoppers whenever the subject gets raised..

    ...The Old firm could field 2nd teams good enough to compete in the SPL while fielding 1st squads for battle in the EPL, scheduled week about to give a home game at Ibrox every week...

    But back to the question...Charlie Nicolas & unpredictability my arse...we'll simply be The Best...and still The Famous...Glasgow Rangers!

  8. ... FFS ... playtimes over boys!

    ... if you have it then no need to prove anything...especially to another Bear..am I right?....

    ... we all should know that ALL SAS are the real deal if they pass selection...

    ... don't knock the TA either, did you know the TA have an SAS regiment?.

    ... ex full time, keep training like fuck... making sure there are enough specialist skills for major conflict etc.

    ...needed to work this way cos of costs...sad I know...

  9. 1972 cup semi final versus Hibs, which we won...

    Barrier trouble and my old man ended up throwing me onto the pitch and jumping over himself before order was restored...

    Early match I remember well was John Grieg's testimonial at Ibrox against a Scotland XI, where he played a half for each team...

    Great stuff!

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