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Posts posted by ara

  1. Personally I think he's been more patient that most strikers would be with his outstanding goal scoring record ..

    Strikers who are in goal form are generally egotistical assholes and he has kept the goals flowing .... even when given a glipse of a game from the bench.

    Most would have left for bigger £££ down South by now...

    Give him some more respect and play time and he will deliver GOALS...it's simply what he's good at!


  2. _________mc gregor_________




    We should go for Kightly of wolves to replace darchy if his injuries hamper him further. Although i love to watch a fully fit darcheville play

    That'll do for me...JCD & Boyd up front !!!


  3. ...said it before...he's a lightweight who doesn't have the strength or bottle to really dig when it matters..

    ... Made my mind up when he shirked 3 tackles in the barca game right in front of where I was sitting ...

    Aye hope the wee fella's OK, then scores a couple...so we get a decenmt price ...

  4. Anyone saying that we're playing great, top of the league is all that counts, etc. has a short memory.

    We have not played well for much of this season, this forum is testimony to that if you want to look back.

    It's simply that Celtic are also playing inconsistently and dropping more points than they have in recent years.

    Boyd id a natural goal scorer and any club that lets one of these go for £3m must be dripping with effective strikeforce talent.

    We're not.

    i.e. We should not let him go and I respect him for the patience he has shown, despite being constantly left out of the starting 11 he's scored as a sub time after time and not spat the dummy out as many have done in similar situations over the years.

  5. Instinctive goalscorers are scarce and the management should be doing all they can to help and improve Boyd and concentrate their efforts on making the team an attacking force to frighten the opposition again rather than being a team to be attacked.


  6. Been watching a few Tottenham games recently, their defence is truely woeful but are great going forward.

    So how does that figure in our favour if our preferred Euro style is 4-5-1, allowing strongly attack minded teams - with only defensive flaws - to come at us and have a go?

    ( Sorry, but here speaks a man that has spent a lot of hard earned cash following the team thru Euro-exploits recently ... and am left still feeling flat becasue we have not shown how we can play or what we represent with the words "No Surrender!"....)

    Lets give this f'n tournament a REAL GO!!!


  7. ... Keep him !

    ... Play him !

    ... Concentrate on getting some decent midfield creativity...

    ... To enable us to break out of the 4-5-1 default mindset..

    ... Then use this more positive strategy and blend of team to properly harness his natural goal scoring talents ...

  8. He's got the ability to go on dangerous penetrating runs from midfield!

    ... something we were sadly missing on Wed was any level of penetration...

    ... give the guy a chance..

    ... same for Boyd - doesn't deserve to be left in the cold when we're badly short of goal scorers... he migt no be the most technically perfect striker, but he is an out & out goal getter....

  9. Blame the players 85% - Blame Smith 15%

    Poll though is just a RUBBISH idea. Smith must stay, but he needs to be more attack minded.

    He picked the team,and dictated the tactics Nvager.The players love him(there maybe an exception or two) they would play their hearts out for him.We all love Walter,but if he accepts the applauds for all the good things he does,then he must accept the criticism that he is getting now.In my eyes he deserves everything that is being thrown at him,the last four CL game tactics were an embarrassing disgrace,and that's all down to Walter. :(

    Completely agree...pissed off at our performance, which was predicted by many on the RM forum (as a result of a predetermined strategy)... need for change and such change will need some more creative and penetrative quality in our mix.

    Still ragin...

  10. f*ck all points from the last three games...

    Don't look for too uch positives from this run of CL performances..or recent SPL ..

    ...the real point sto take are points of learning..

    ... but will we?..

    ... Hope so..



  11. .. It's the first time in a long time I shed a tear...

    .. Had a big row wi the missus...(she's in bed now...)

    .. Drank a bit too much whisky...

    .. Knew my lifelong love (RFC) had been ridiculed in public tonight...

    .. Really started to question 'The Wisdom of The Father' ...

    .. Realised we did not really step up to the challenge

    .. and am left with only one stark thought...

    .. What would those greats that cumulatively make us Follow, Follow think of tonights performance?..

    .. Baxter, Cooper, Forsyth, Gazza, Laudrup, Jardine and.....dare I say it ...

    .. Coisty....

    .. what did he think of it all...

    .. having played in so many great Bears teams with a goal hungry attitude?

    ..Some things have to change - sooner rather than later ...

    .. we need to penetrate to score...

    .. we need creativity to penetrate...

    .. and .. with very few bucks now in the coffers...

    .. it's now a time for leadership...

    .. which can no longer sit in the stands ...

    .. unfortunatley very representative of tonights approach to the game...

    .. We keep our side of the bargain by Follow Follow-ing until the very end..

    .. We now want to see the capability and commitment .. in every player and .. in every game...

    .. To justify the collective belief and voice of millions throuhout this globe..

    .. and TO WIN!!!

    .. F*ckng everything on this planet..sometime in our lifetime!!!!

    .. Why am I writing this stuff after too much too drink>

    .. Because I am ...


    .. Till I die...

    (another tear I'm afraid...night guys!... last post!..aaaaaaarrrrgggh!)

  12. A lot of people around me were clapping JCD when he went off.

    Why? Missed a fecking sitter (which I've been told looks worse on tv than it did from the stands), and had a disgraceful challenge and probably correct to send him off (again, havn't seen it in replay)

    then he gets clapped off?

    I'm not saying I was booing him or anything, I was dissappointed but that isn't to be encouraged at all.

    So the fans that clapped him, why? Because of his contribution in a Rangers shirt in his injury ravaged Rangers career so far?

    Think it was because he got fuck1n annoyed and fought back (albeit in anger that never helps in the end as we all know from school fitba), rather than the shitey miss...

  13. nah, he wasn't. the players toally let him and us down, tho i would agree he left it 10 minutes too late to throw on boyd. however, smith got the tactics correct, it was their execution that was abysmal.

    Completely disagree with this...square balls never break a tight defence..only penetrative play does...and the team were not asked to play this way...

    I've seen the same throughout this campaign...

    Sit back and see what's happening...we are backing our playing style into a predictive corner that will progressively become less and less of a threat .... due to it's predictability & repetitiveness...

  14. :angry2: We will get the same old rhetoric about "punching above our weight" and that " the UEFA Cup was our real expectancy".

    Total shi*e. Lyon were their for the taking as were Stuttgart if we had gone for the throat from the off and did'nt defend like total numpties.

    We are playing a style that is unnatural to the Scottish football mentality plus we do not have the right players to do it justice anyway. Leave it to the foreigners.

    110% agree with this statement!!.... nice to know I am not alone and that my view of what makes a great Rangers team is not just based on overly fond memories only ...

  15. 4-5-1!

    Look please try and understand that you can only field what you have got in the first place!!

    If you had quality playing 4-5-1 do you think the result would have been the same?

    To be perfectly honest,without being patronising,if you have played the game at any level,you will understand Walters dilema at what formation to play!

    As i have said on a previous thread,Walters hands are tied to what formation to play!

    Although we are all hurting by this result,especially when we see that we are not too far away from the quality of the competition we have seen so far in the CL!

    We will strengthen the squad and we will see a completely different approach next season in Europe.And dare i say it Walter will even see Boyd start every game!!!!

    ...nicely put bud, but I can't see it given both Walter's prior track and the resultant lack of cash in the club right now...

    ... WS will be under pressure given tha the board will have forecast at least 70% of the revenue, profits and dividends flowing in after tonight's game...anything could happen now... personally I like the man and his values, but his influence is inclined to be 'one-trick-pony' like at present and we need to add some quality and attacking invention into the mix...

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