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Posts posted by ara

  1. Try to get back up for home games as often as possible, though we live a 6 hour drive away... £130 in diesel..

    Skived off work and drove 6 up and 6 back to see last nights match...bought my lad a ticket as part of his birthday...

    We'd both looked forward to it all week....

    ... but couldn't believe the shite that was served up to the fans in the first half...

    Edu was as bad as I've seen him, but it was the pathetically negative gameplan that incensed us both..

    Roll on Ally's appointment...and...

    ...Thanks Walter!


    PS We'll be back though:21:

  2. Interesting post Muff. There are three things for me:

    1. Lack of good quality players:

    It's a fact that we are being screwed by Lloyds and have our limitations to attract quality as a result, but that doesn't explain the fact that we are still paying enough on wages to have better overall quality being shown on the park. So poor squad management decisions are also to blame.

    2. Walter Smith's defensive 'be hard to beat' style:

    1st half last night was shocking - it was clear that we - as a unit - sat back from the KO. That has to be the way we were set up as a gameplan - so that attitude automatically prevents us from 'getting in the opposition's faces' - but our defence don;t have the solidity of past years and that's a recipe for a pounding. TBH I'm surprised we haven't really been taken to the cleaners.

    3. Team Motivation & Aggression:

    We 've got so used to sitting back that we seldom now remember that 'getting intae them' is an option. This, coupled with a lack of confidence in the quality of our firepower (you may not agree Muff but my view is that losing Miller was the tipping point as he did press back in the last third) results in us looking like a tired old sparring partner who is there to take the punches, rather than dish them out to the opposition.

    I think that many of our players are now being brainwashed into constantly playing on the back foot, constantly tracking back, rather than showing their potential.... again to use a fighting analogy, if your dad says go and fight these big boys, but remember never hit with your right hand son, it would do wonders for your confidence wouldn't it?...

    Up to now, I have been thinking that Lloyds and cash were at the heart of all this, but when I look at these 3 things, it's clear that there is no point in addressing 3 unless the other 2 get sorted first. Both 1 and 2 can be addressed through improved management decision making, TO A LIMITED EXTENT However if Ally is given the remit to turnround these issues AS FAST AS WE'D LIKE TO SEE it will involve widescale changes & money to implement (pay out contracts etc.) ... we won't have this cash unless we have a change of ownership ....

    ... if that doesn't happen soon then the job will still need to be done somehow, but likely to be painfully slow for us all - with more limited personnel changes needed to stimulate a new, more balanced team style that should emphasise whole team responsibility for both attack and defence ...

    My conclusion is that the commitment to a new style of play needs to come first, then the execution plan - to be implemented in timescales dictated by cashflow.

  3. I think at some point someone official will have the break ranks and comment.

    This situation is not good enough.

    Yes Frankie, but the only comment that will matter will be an official announcement.

    There is clearly board disagreement about the way these figures get positioned to the outside world.

    The bank are unlikely to be giving an inch and want to keep the pressure on to squeeze every penny, but this can result in a pessimistic view on the accounts (e.g. the view taken on bad debt provisions etc) that may be a disincentive to any potential purchaser. Unlike other shareholders banks will often keep squeezing even if a deal is still in the offing... it's just what the bastards do.

    It's also clear that they are hampering any real decisions taking from the Rangers side of the board table, so any mid term thinking is unlikely to be considered... until we either renegotiate our financial structure or get bought (which would deliver the former).

    Being in that board room must be absolute hell... and if you chose to walk then the club suffers.


  4. With the usual takeover stuff doing the rounds, funnily enough fanned into life on the week of two important games, is the return of Murray or someone from his dynasty/regime not as possible as anything else. Why would he want to sell a profit making company, isn't it loss makers sensible people try to off load.

    ... nope. When the banks are calling the shots, they're like the baillifs... any decent offers will be accepted...and the best offers are usually paid for your most valuable (often most profitable) assets.

    So it's not just loss making businesses that get offloaded...

    Same thing with our players really... we lose the best/most marketable prospects first..

    The key is making sure any asset sale doesn't look like a 'firesale' to a potential purchaser - as that means the seller will get bugger all for it...

  5. ... a full strength Arsenal could have possibly had a slim chance if Barca were just below par.

    The timing of these key injuries now makes it an impossible task..

    If Barca play to their full potential Arsenal will get thumped

    But then again, so would any team... Barca are simply the best team on the planet right now.

  6. One game at a time for me, no point in looking beyond St. Mirren. Take our eye off that game, and we will drop points.

    Good sense and I agree... the fight can only be won one step at a time, but knowing what we can still achieve is important for the team and us fans too.

    On the same basis, the scum won nothing this week...

    St Mirren is the beginning of the next, and most important, chapter of this season...

  7. Games in hand won...top of the SPL and poised to lift number 54.

    1st Cup of the season secured and back at Ibrox...

    Into last 8 of Europa...

    Team back to full strength...

    ...all while watching the scum implode following their dual cup exits...

    Despite our anger at the antics of the filth.... it's still possible that we can still do ALL of this...

    Now's the time to BELIEVE!


  8. Ara! How are you mate?

    Hey bud!... no bad at all...

    You still in Oz mate?

    ... looks like another cup final riot on it's way over here...remember Manchester?! LOL!

    ... geez...can you imagine WTF would happen if our mob end up in Dublin?!

    Let me know when you're next over and we'll try to hook up for a beer!


    PS Had to have my cartilage taken out after stamping through that last sash bash!

  9. My lad is the only Rangers supporter in his school of 1500 down here... never afraid to show he's a true Bear. Over the years he's handled all the 'SPL teams are all shit' banter '...

    We both sat screaming at the telly the other night...left raging.

    ... following morning a bunch of guys at my lads school thought it'd be funny to start chant 'Celtic' and 'just can't get enough' at him to take the pish ...

    ... he buried two of the twats on the spot ... that shut the rest up pronto... but got him hauled up...

    ... when he got home he told me 'you may hear from school dad'...

    What do you thing my response was?...

    Proud as fuck!...


    PS Taking him up for the PSV game for his birthday...

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