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Everything posted by skateollie84

  1. haha i love how he trys to play dead right after!!
  2. Pleased for the lad, if he can do that then he's not even a gamble to have on the plane to SA.
  3. So group G is the only one where 4 continents are represented? Interesting.
  4. What?? Is that what they are saying?? Can they just quit jabbering and get the finger out because the natives are quite restless??
  5. They really do assume that the football fan is thick as fuck when having to explain all this!
  6. These are an absolute fcuking joke both Portugal & France are above England & South Africa in the world rankings it seems FIFA just make things up as they go along The hosts are always seeded. Also when it comes to Portugal and France, I don't know the real reason England are seeded over them but Its pretty deserved I'd say. Both France and Portugal have been really poor lately and England have been the best they've been for some time. Damn you Davey! think its cause they both came through the play offs rather than qualifying outright Its because FIFA based the seedings on Octobers rankings and not Novembers.
  7. You see, I get quite excited when I look at that team sheet, but its quickly torn away as you realise it would never happen
  8. I was listening to some radio advert that was using "partridge in a pear tree" and something random came to me! I used to be in the Rangers young supporters club years ago (i'm 25 now) but before it was called that (was it not Broxi bear club or something?!) Anyway, I remember one year getting sent this random christmas video of "partridge in a pear tree" but it was all rangers related verses....All i remember is from number 5! 5 signed footballs, 4 Richard Goughs, 3 silver cups, 2 yellow cards and a defender in a bow tie! The defender being Stephen Wright if I remember! The voiceover/singer was a slowed down, creepy as fuck voice! Does anyone else remember this?!?!? I know there were lines about Gazza and Super Ally but cant remember much else!
  9. Nothing. thats why its not in the the den ya bawbag Its just been moved ya bawbag
  10. Nothing. thats why its not in the the den ya bawbag
  11. what a game! But also gets you thinking.....Fulham NEED to win and come racing out the blocks.....Rangers NEED to win and......errrr....
  12. less of that about my namesake lol you got the same hair aswell? no im black
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