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Everything posted by TheMoonlighter

  1. Delighted that you enjoyed your day. Our story continues to spread far and wide.
  2. Further to the incredible response from Rangers supporters world-wide to the Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour which has been running this year, we're delighted to now announce dates for the Autumn. We will run Tours on the following days: Sunday 19th September and Sunday 17th October. Saturday 23rd October We currently have a reserve list in operation for Sunday 18th July and may yet squeeze in anothet Tour before the start of the season. If you'd like to book on any of these dates please email Iain at thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com and i'll take it from there. Come along and join us and help spread the Greatest Story Never Told.............until now.
  3. Just a wee reminder for those who have booked on this sunday's Trail. The Open-Top bus will depart from the John Greig statue at 12pm sharp.It would be appreciated if you could be there no later than 11.45. No tickets have been issued for the Bus but ''Olive'' will check names as you board. We have a lot to cover as we make our way around Glasgow, from Fleshers Haugh to Burnbank, to Berkeley Street and on to the south of the River Clyde. We also have a 30 minute 'pit-stop' at West of Scotland Cricket Ground in Partick, it's a beautiful setting and the scene of the Rangers first ever Scottish Cup Final. Much more about that on the day. We are due to arrive at Ibrox Stadium for the Tour at 3.30 which takes just over an hour. I look forward to sharing our wonderful story with you.
  4. We had to hold off until the fixtures for next season were released before we could identify dates for the Founders Trail and Stadium Tour for August, September and October. Once the first batch of live games have been published we'll advertise when we will be running.
  5. The on-going research means the Founders story is constantly evolving. We're uncovering little gems frequently. Looking forward to sharing our wonderful story with you and your dad next month. can you garauntee the weather? Including the walking Tour we done this will be our fifth Trail. It's rained once. God, Sun , Righteous and all that my friend.
  6. The on-going research means the Founders story is constantly evolving. We're uncovering little gems frequently. Looking forward to sharing our wonderful story with you and your dad next month.
  7. Our Founder Peter Campbell lived in a house looking on to the park (West End Park at the time) at No.2 Parkgrove Terrace. The building still stands. That whole area we refer to as 'Founders Country'
  8. Every penny made from this venture is ploughed back into the research that promotes the good name of our Founders. Put your energy in something positive, you'll feel so much better.
  9. Once again we take our journey of discovery through the streets of Glasgow visiting the sites and celebrating the people that played a role in establishing The Rangers in our early years. From Fleshers Haugh to Kelvingrove, to the McNeil family home in Berekeley St to Burnbank to Kinning Park then Craigton Cemetery and on to tour our magnificent Ibrox Stadium, with many other places of interest in between. With the current financial fiasco surrounding the Club, come and join us on a journey back to our roots in 1872, where the only thought was forming a boys club and taking it to the top. ''Rangers FC, formed only for the love of football''. For further details drop me a note to : thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com Here's a couple of images of recent Founders Tours. Hamilton Crescent Partick,scene of our very first Scottish Cup Final in 1877. Fleshers Haugh. Bears ready to take the journey of discovery (the only wet day we've had ) Honest ! Our home at Burnbank, just off Great Western Road. Our Founder Peter McNeil's Grand-Daughter unveils our plaque at Fleshers Haugh which we also visit.
  10. Here's exactly where our ground stood at Kinning Park. 1887 saw us close Kinning Park , and a match took place to mark the event between the Moderns and Ancients. Here's the team pic. Front row seated, far left bowler hat and cane: Moses McNeil Opposite end of the row from him bowler hat and tache , his brother and co-Founder Peter McNeil.
  11. Limited seats available for Sunday 27th June and Sunday 18th July. Drop me a note to : thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com and i'll take it from there, be delighted to welcome all on-board for a journey of discovery. The Greatest Story Never Told ..............until now.
  12. Our home at Burnbank. Then: Is that a young Rangers team playing there ? Now: Note the same steeple, pic taken from the same spot. on-board the Founders Trail Bus.
  13. I found that the most moving moment of the day, looking at Mr Struth's grave with Ibrox in the background fair brought a lump to my throat. And to think that Mr.Struth's funeal cortege passed directly passed our Founder Peter McNeil's final resting place which is 30 yards away. A lovely heart-warming thought.
  14. West of Scotland Cricket Club, Hamilton Crescent, the scene of the Rangers first ever Scottish Cup Final in 1877 which saw an epic battle with Vale of Leven.
  15. The final resting place of , in my opinion , the Greatest Ever Ranger Tom Vallance.
  16. We will also be announcing soon an event in the Autumn that will further highlight the locations around Glasgow relating to The Rangers early years and in turn will see a couple of charities benefit.
  17. Here are a few images that show the work that has gone into promoting and celebrating our Founders who formed the world's greatest club. From here Fleshers Haugh To here. William ''Daddy Dunlop'' wrote a beautiful article back in 1881, which told of our early days. He wrote : '' Genial Peter McNeil would go from the West End to Fleshers Haugh on a saturday morning and stand guard over a piece of ground until the sacred hour came when his team-mates joined him'' We felt that this was such a dramatic image we had a painting done which was accepted on behalf of the Club by David Weir last October: The painting now hangs on the Marble Staircase within Ibrox. We also had a Plaque unveiled within the GCC Football Center at Fleshers Haugh last september. Our Founder Peter McNeils Grand-Daughter was delighted to pull the cord for us. Gordon Smith was also delighetd to lend his support. Every penny generated by the Founders Trail goes straight towards promoting and celebrating the four kids. Some rather wet Bears are ready to Follow Follow in the foot-steps of our Founders last year on the Founders Trail. An elderly Moses McNeil outside his home in Roseneath looks delighted with the celebration of his and others hard work. Hope you enjoy these images, more to follow. Although we are keeping some new research under wraps until our onw website is up and running.
  18. Just a wee reminder here. This thread was about the promotion of our Founders, but once again they've taken second place to the pettiness of many. I will repeat myself though, it's obvious that a lot of traffic from VB is on here daily and that's great that saves me the bother of drawing up another ad and thread for your site. As i've said we're on a few websites that have all responded positively to the project, but we're now branching out into other areas like Supporters Clubs and the Tourist market. I'm going to ''piss off again sharpish'' as i have a life to lead. We'll be back on over the next couple of days with further details on the June and July Trails and Stadium Tours. Hope to have some of you along. Rangers First.
  19. Of course let's not get the notion into our heads that footy websites are the be all and end all for the Rangers support. It's a tiny proportion that use these, large swathes of the support reckon we're ''trouble-makers''' and ''bonkers''. We're on plenty of websites and the word is getting around which has led to 3 full buses already this year, June and July will also sell-out. But,while we sit here typing away the real world is spinning around outside regardless. That includes the vast majority of the Rangers support that we're now targetting, through various channels. If some of you are so keen on me to advertise the Founders Trail on your site then get a thread running for me, there is plenty info regarding how to contact us on here. Or take the Trail first then that'll let you give the project a ringing endorsement. Your members will likely pay more attention to a moderator than a ''bag of wind '' from FF.
  20. I'm positive at all times thanks. Every week our work is unearthing more about our Founders and many others who helped shape our Club, the greatest story never told, until now, is getting out there. Just please keep me out of your fueds and squabbles,if that's what's happening, it's not really my scene, i couldn't fight sleep. In the meantime, book a seat and help spread the word.
  21. Previously i merely alluded to the fact that perhaps the McBeath relative should have been consulted before any work was undertaken. That isn't really ''hijacking a thread'' or being ''negative'' now is it ? I offered an opinion which i believe websites are about. I think certain individulas on here, as their posts have shown, have copyright on negativity, and all because i have an account on Follow Follow. My goodness, how trivial. Rangers First.
  22. The excellent work done on the restoration of William McBeath's grave is covered during The Founders Trail. Our own website is under construction, but as i say we will continue to advertise on the more popular sites such as Follow Follow and Rangers Media. The decison making process on anything we do is decide by myself and two colleagues. Come along,book a seat and you'll find that your figure of hate isn't actually involvd at all. Hey you might even enjoy the day out. The project never has and never will be a closed shop , in fact we've invited a poster from here along to a meet, which we'll have fairly soon, who has ideas on how to expand the Trail. No apologies for being positive again, i do realiase that doesn't suit all on here. Rangers First. At all times.
  23. IT IS open to ALL Rangers fans from anywhere in the WORLD, not just FF as some people on here seem to think, There was a thread on hear a couple of weeks back from which there have been a Few from RM booked up. The trail is advertised on ALL Rangers web sites, contrary to what you have heard. Despite the offer of a log in & indeed an open invitation to post news of the Founders Trail on another Rangers supporters site, the organisers chose not to. The real reasons for that remain unknown. Hence the reason why there is division amongst The Rangers Support. and this instance proves once and for all who is responsible for this division. Why would they refuse the opportunity to post the details of this on VanguardBears This ISN'T about Rangers Media. This ISN'T about Vanguard. This ISN'T about Follow Follow. This ISN'T about individuals. This IS about the promotion and celebration of four kids who fought to keep their dream alive. Their dream became reality and their Club, which was formed purely for the love of football, nothing else, became the greatest in the world. Maybe some on here should put them before their own pettiness. We will continue to advertise on here , because i believe this site has many good Bears who will put The Rangers first before themselves, unlike others who are more interested in their inflated internet egos. Iain.
  24. IT IS open to ALL Rangers fans from anywhere in the WORLD, not just FF as some people on here seem to think, There was a thread on hear a couple of weeks back from which there have been a Few from RM booked up. The trail is advertised on ALL Rangers web sites, contrary to what you have heard. Despite the offer of a log in & indeed an open invitation to post news of the Founders Trail on another Rangers supporters site, the organisers chose not to. The real reasons for that remain unknown. As posted it's obvious there's a load of posters form Vanguard on RM , this thread alone proves it. Saves me repeating myself on other sites. The heavier traffic is on here anyway is it not ?
  25. It was me who researched the story. Me who organised The Founders Trail And it's me who runs it. Any questions you want answered fire them over, leave other people out of it. Cheers.
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