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Everything posted by TheMoonlighter

  1. During our research a colleague of mine spent a good bit of time on this studying map co-ordinates etc. Here's what he came up with. Old Ibrox over the current location. Hope this helps.
  2. Come and have a look, we hope that you enjoy. http://www.thegallantpioneers.co.uk/
  3. At the end of last year i accompanied the author of The Gallant Pioneers Gary Ralston down to Fleshers Haugh to meet up with a BBC Film crew. They were in the process of doing a series on Britains Parks and this edition was the story behind Glasgow Green. Gary was interviewed at the place of our first ever match on Fleshers Haugh and gave a cracking account of our four lads and the early days of The Rangers. The programme is presented by Dan Cruickshank and is to be broadcast on : Monday 2nd August on BBC4 at 9PM. Get the sky+ set folks. Our story continues to spread far and wide.
  4. First of all my name on here is nemisis and secondly if you want to quote me go to my profile then find posts is the easiest way, making up quotes is not the way to go. Last post on one of the locked threads last night that's what you said , word for word. Frankie, thanks for the sicky and the PM's earlier. We'll be back on as soon as the next Founders event is ready to be announced. It's been interesting.
  5. There wasn't an invite to any dedication in any way shape or form sent to me was there ? , i know that and the people throwing the accusations about that i ''snubbed'' it about also know that. It was a deliberate attempt to blacken my name and the Founders Committee. Will we now deal with me being labelled a crook on here ? A) ''He's only interested in lining his own pockets'' B) ''He's only interested in lining the fat profiteers pockets''. Nemises : ''He's not interested in the Founders only profit'' But I'VE to sit round a table for the good of the Founders ? Do you get the same kind of welcome over on VB that i got a taster of on here ? Why on earth would you want someone like me anywhere near your site or group, who's ''only interested in profit'' ? Yet, i'm the one who has the problem. I think we'll continue to pick and choose carefully where we take the Founders Project, it's served us well up till now.
  6. You can have an invite from me if you wish but given I've not organised or had any input into the ceremony and am not aware of when it's taking place I'm not sure an invite would be of much value coming from me. Would you attend if the organisers invited you? That doesn't really help. Thanks anyway, but i'll wait until someone can tell me when this was ''invite '' was sent, and in what format in order for me to ''snub'' it.
  7. Would you like to go to the ceremony? Given all the hard work and celebrating of the Founders I think it would be a great shame if the Founders Committee missed out. Whoah, a wee tug on the reins there cowboy. Is this my invitation now ? Where is the one i ''snubbed'' ? ? a few on here over the last few days were adamant that i blanked a personal invite to a ceremony i knew and know nothing about. I asked earlier, in what format, when and by whom was this sent ?
  8. As discussed earlier via PM with people on here i'm totally in the dark about this ceremony. It would appear many are in the same boat. Can someone please inform me , because i'm still in control of my faculties, when i received this invite ? Was it a verbal invitiation, did i get sent a PM, email, have i missed a personal invitation in the post ?WHO sent this ''invite'' when, and exactly what did it say ? Can someone post a copy of what and when it was sent please ? I had to ask Admin on here if the actual event had passed. I haven't got a clue what people are referring to regarding this.
  9. Seats going fast for the 25th July, thanks again for the many positive responses on here.
  10. In my opinion the Book continues to deserve a platform of it's own.
  11. Have you been to Tom Vallance's Grave mate ? It's fittingly in remarkable condition for a remarkable man. Bill Struth attended his funeral in 1935, that shows you how highly this kid who was there at the beginning was held by the Club.
  12. That's it, spoil another positive thread. You know admin won't do anything about it. I wouldn't blame Moonlighter if he ignored RM all together after this shit. The Founders Story has now been written and is far bigger and far more important than any footy fans website my friend. Neither myself or our wonderful story will be going anywhere soon. Our own website will be off the ground in good time, where we will reveal a few gems that have been uncovered since the Gallant Pioneers Book was released. This will help continue the celebration of our Founders who stood firm in the face of adversity to ensure the good name of The Rangers was preserved at all times. Formed purely for the love of football.
  13. Still available for a cracking price of £9 at Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_20?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+gallant+pioneers&sprefix=the+gallant+pioneers Do you have your check-list done ? Gallant Pioneers? Check. Family ? Check Passport ? Check Sun Oil ? Check New Rangers Top ? Check. Broad Smile for the Tims ? Check. All in that order. If you've had too much of the sun on the Costas or are watching the rain run down the window in Blackpool, then treat yourself to the best book written about the Rangers bar none. It's a education.
  14. 'The Rangers, formed for no other reason than the love of football' Isn't that a beautiful line that captures everything that these four kids were all about ? Come along a join us on a journey of discovery and celebration.
  15. Thanks to those who've emailed this morning in response to this. The feed-back continues to be positive, very much appreciated.
  16. Due to the incredible response to the Founders Trail, we've decided to add an extra date next month. We will now run on : Sunday 25th July. We have an extensive waiting list for Sunday 18th July and we've contacted those people first to give them the option of moving dates. However, there are plenty of seats available for anyone who wishes to take the Journey of Discovery and celebrate our Founders. We will once again depart the John Greig Statue at 12pm and make our way around Glasgow visiting the various locations that were important in the Rangers early years as well as the sites of the various homes we've had since 1872. We arrive back at Ibrox Stadium for the Tour at 3.30 pm. If you require further information or would like to reserve a seat, please drop me a note at : thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com
  17. Why don't some of you book a seat on the Founders Trail and come along personally and meet the people behind the project ? You can watch them first hand working hard to promote and celebrate the good name of our Founders. The alternative is sitting on here hour after hour thrashing a keyboard till your fingers go blue sending out negative views that just can't be making you feel good. Just a thought. The questions and accusations posed on this thread have been answered on this forum on numerous occasions. The problem is, the answers aren't what people want to hear. I'll say it one more time as i'm far too busy for this nonsense, the Founders Project will NOT be bogged down in an inter-website squabble that i have little knowledge of and have played no part in. Get over it. Rangers First.
  18. Thank you for that. I will be back on here to advertise the celebration of our Founders. Their efforts come first. I do hope that perhaps Admin can in future restrict the groundless accusations that have been banded about on here today. It does no-one any favours.
  19. But the questions you refer to have been asked repeatedly every time a thread about the Trail is posted. And these questions have been answered repeatedly yet some people don't seem satisfied with the answers. That still doesn't answer my question I'll answer it, in a word . No. I won't be taking the Founders Project into an arena that involves bitching between two websites. I'm not taking the four kids who fought to establish our Club there, it's a simple as that. I've tried my best to keep the project out of it, but as soon as it appears on here i'm accused of being a crook who's out to make a profit out of Rangers supporters. This crook is then asked why i don't advertise on their site ? Better than that i've now to sit and have a pint. No, i'll continue to put the Founders first and watch from the side-lines while individulas rap themselves up in their own squabbles.
  20. Psst, don't tell anyone but there's a guy going around Rangers pubs selling small metal Blue Stars , like the one on our jersey from the 1877 SC Final. You know what ? that's marvellous. It gets the story out even further. It's commonly referred to as a spin-off from a popular venture. Best of luck to him and anyone else who takes this product out to the punters. wither it be t-shirts, Polo Shirts, Books etc etc. Our research comes at a cost but we will continue, there's a long road to travel yet. The only people who'll benfit from it long-term are Rangers and that's what we're all here for after all. Isn't it ?
  21. No, it's about people like you who deny there's any money being made, when you actually do make cash from it. Now I'll ask you again... Did you make any cash from the Ralston book when selling it outside Ibrox or not? Do you make money from bus ticket sales? Do you make cash from T shirt sales? Did you permit the selling of memorabilia on Ebay? All very straight forward questions and I'm sure you'll have no problem answering. Unlike the request to post your tours on Vanguardbears, which for some reason you ignored or missed by accident. If i'm as much of a crook as you're making out why do you want me anywhere near your site ? Also a straight forward question which you'll have no problem answering. For a while on here you were accusing me of being someone else, glad the peeny eventually dropped. The books were purchased at cost from the publisher , they were all signed by the author and sold to Rangers supporters , i actually saved them money. Every single penny made goes back into the Founders Research. It's a good news story, is that what's annoying people ?
  22. Ah. So it IS all about the inter-webstie squabble. Thought as much. Moving on. We've sold out the Founders Trail for July 18th but may be announcing an extra date in July this week. I'll post details when i have more information. Thanks for all the interest shown.
  23. Th profit made goes straight back into the research. I urge any of you. Go and spend the next four+ years of your life researching anything that's close to your heart, go to the Mitchell Library , Records Office in Edinburgh and various other places. Keep a note of all costs ,come back on here an and we''ll discuss the hunderds of pounds it will have cost you. That was all done straight from the pocket. The research goes on regardless and neither that nor me posting on here will cease. Our story and our Founders will be celebrated.
  24. We will be encouraging our club members to go on the trail, especially thE younger ones - it is essential to understand the history of the club & this sounds the ideal opportunity to do just that WATP Be delighted to have you along. The younger generation are the one's who'll carry this forward for us all.
  25. I find this extremely odd. I've been on various websites over the years and i've yet to find one thread having a go at the guys outside Ibrox or any other football ground who sell T-shirts, Scarves, Hats, Fanzines, Badges etc etc . I've had Founders Polo Shirts and Tshirts made, because punters asked for them, i make a tiny wee bit of profit on them which goes straight back into the research behind the project,but my project is being targetted on here. Why is that ? Is it really down to this supposed inter-website squabble that i have scant knowledge of and have had no part of ? Why don't you try being positive ( i know that's a big step for some ) and put our Founders and Rangers first instead of yourselves ?
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