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Everything posted by theresaweespotineurope

  1. But it doesn't mention how much we all hate the IRA?
  2. just found this http://news.stv.tv/scotland/277833-rangers-fans-hold-demonstration-outside-bbc-in-glasgow/
  3. The Site is still down. If it is a database error then it is really strange there was no warning and for all the years I've known the site it's never just dissapeared and that over 7 hours its been away now, definately strange.
  4. the site is fine but as soon as you try for the forum its an invalid link, I've been posting on it for years and never had this problem. Tried it from my phone as well and the same problem, if there is any other posters on here you should give it a go...
  5. FollowFollow to be exact. Seems to have vanished without any trace. Strange.....
  6. I'll lay you out like a behar rug my friend. After I've shat on your maws couch and porked her in the wrong'un. Cunt.
  7. Reminds me of Scholes. Terrific player.
  8. Momentum starting to grow with this guys, do all you can to get the word spread, join the facebook page and invite the bears on your list to join! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Back-Our-Terrace/105646099521175
  9. Keeping this fresh in your minds! Join the facebook page and send the text! get the word spread! Viva la revolution!
  10. You'd be surprised, considering some of the other fcking halfwits we need to put up with.
  11. Join the facebook page and keep spreading the word bears, lets drown out these fenian rats with our champion tunes, NO SURRENDER!
  12. Add the facebook page and get it spread http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Back-Our-Terrace/105646099521175#!/pages/Take-Back-Our-Terrace/105646099521175 Aswell as getting the text doing the rounds "Final derby game of the Season, The Rangers support stands. Show these fenian bastards that we wont be mastered, pass this on to all good Bluenoses."
  13. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Back-Our-Terrace/105646099521175?ref=ts&sk=wall#!/pages/Take-Back-Our-Terrace/105646099521175
  14. Every fan has a part to play. Throw your weight behind the 'take back our terrace' campaign. We could have a BIG say in the league if we ALL stand up and be counted.
  15. It would of maybe of been a better idea of doing this with the sole intention of getting the Copland to stand. The Rangers end. This would perhaps be more acheivable.
  16. Shameless bump, anybody fancy copying this to the FF website?
  17. Have we all been sending the text? this thread isn't really for arguing but for us all to be pulling in the one direction and making a difference! Get it done bears.
  18. Get the text sent lads! "Final derby game of the Season, The FULL Rangers support stands for 90. Show these fenian bastards that we wont be mastered, pass this on to all good Bluenoses"
  19. Just to remind folks incase you missed it in the OP, NO negative input is needed, just ideas to take it forward. This is do-able. We shall not surrender before we've started.
  20. The last campaign for us all to be stood throughout the cup final at Hampdump went pretty well with a good number of our support getting behind it. It was a massive day for not only the team but us as fans as well. We stood up and we're counted and we cheered OUR team over the finishing line, now wether that was down to us campaigning online and through texts then that is debatable but I dont think it done any harm. So what next? Well this may seem a bit far-fetched at first glance but it IS do-able. I propose we take back our terrace the next derby game at Ibrox. Before anybody says it can't be done then I refer them to the last derby game at our ground the 2-2 cup game where there was large sections of our support stood up throughout, and this is without an organised campaign. The FULL of Ibrox stood up throughout, can you imagine the sight, the sound, the fear it will strike into the taigs in what could be the most important game of the season? I propose we send the message through facebook, text and other message boards. Get it passed round your supporters club and let them know that the time has come to fight back. This thread needs no negative input, we all NEED to pull in the one direction for this to get off the ground. "Final derby game of the Season, The Rangers support stands. Show these fenian bastards that we wont be mastered, pass this on to all good Bluenoses." There is a template for a text campaign if you can do better then feel free and get it posted. Also feel free to copy and post this on FF as I have been banned for life(obviously edit out this bit) United we STAND, divided we fall. NO SURRENDER. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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