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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. Hey yeah you with the sad face... Cheerio 10 in a row ya mutant fucks
  2. Can't believe how awful he has been 🤣
  3. Just saw duffys defending for the 2nd goal. He is never a footballer 😂😂😂
  4. Even if celtic do make the comeback it's still been a great afternoon seeing them beeling on social media 😂😂
  5. Celtic really are making these covid times much easier to live with 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Was speaking to an aquitainance there who's a celtic fan. He is delighted Lawwell will be away, says they just need to get Lenny out next then Desmond will give the new manager tens of millions to spend on new players. Thinks they'll hold on to eduoard and ajer and build a team around them 😂
  7. The first credible challenge from our team and these cunts are running for the hills. They said this is war but they've ran at the first sign of conflict. Peter Lawwell won't see 10 in a row!
  8. I was looking for it on ITV4 last night as well
  9. 3 draws on the bounce for Lenny and his boys. Get it right fucking up every single one of you! Karma is a bitch. Neil’s here for the 10 😂😂😂
  10. Comical isnt it? My mate who runs a landscaping business was on the Livi pitch with his tractor last night trying to brush all the rain water off. Said in his words that no pitch would have stood up to the rain that fell there last night. It is a joke of a surface to be fair but must have been torrential if he is saying that.
  11. Aye the chairman fucked off on holiday with the world championship prize money 😂
  12. Who we thinking today? Hoping Gary does the business tonight.
  13. What a fucking game of darts. Been some tournament so far!
  14. Yasss Chizzy! Huge stones hitting that bull for 32!
  15. Shame for Chizzy he's got the jocky Wilson snatch. Boy is class when he gets going. Would have won a major by now if he didn't have that holding him back!
  16. Dirk van Divingboard doing a job on Duzza
  17. Gary plays his best when he is cheesed off by something 😂
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