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burnbank bear

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Posts posted by burnbank bear

  1. I got told last year it was going up £1000 but never believed it.. Also got told people in the main stand boxes wanted to switch over as bar 72 got European games.. Price them out and we will take the seats...hard to believe but its came true now 

  2. On 23/07/2019 at 16:33, TartanTeddy said:

    Never understood why they don't offer season ticket holders things like discounted Rangers TV, of some form of merchandising, would surely  be good for income generation or at least reward supporters loyalty.

    I'd happily pay something for Rangers TV but not going to pay the full amount when I attend most games.


    Tight arse !!

  3. On 22/07/2019 at 19:27, rabc10000 said:

    Why not??? Personally I know a guy a few yards down from me whose openly gay and camp as fuck but he's a diehard bear for as long as Ive known him but he's terrified to go to a game after getting his cunt kicked in at his first ever game. 

    Don't understand why someone's sexuality should dictate whether he follows us or not after all we have so many yessers following us with no problems at all

    I think that’s you and just saying the guy doon from you !!

  4. On 12/06/2019 at 09:26, Mcloy_72 said:

    If true about jimmy,then gerrard done the right thing.Jimmys the kit man nothin more.I think he forgets tht at times,like tht time he was growlin at gerrard in the video,should have had his jotters sooner.Il thank jimmy for his great service to the club,but i think his ego got to big at times,now hes made a cunt of it.We all make mistakes,but its time to move on.

    Like you back to the huddle board !!

  5. 30 minutes ago, del gray leuchars said:

    Why? Our players should be held accountable for allowing this. The rage that should be in them that will make sure they never allow it it happen next year. They won the league, we didn't! And I would make mcgregor be out there as well, as Gerrard says indiscipline has cost us this season. Don't see it as a guard of honour but a wall of shame for our players. I know if I was to have to clap them, I would make sure I would never have to do it again.

    Aye !! No problem 

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