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Everything posted by ABOD

  1. As if i would tell you were i sit Your a stalker FFS.
  2. not wanting to take sides as i don't know either of you but reading the threads the past couple of months you seem to be infatuated with him That's an odd conclusion. No its not, I agree. mmrfc, we all know your a taig, so why don't you just say something stupid like your pal did earlier and admin can get rid of you too...? CD4 Row W Seat 0160 are my season ticket details from last season, a bit odd for a taig to have season ticket details Ibrox isn't it ?. Care to post your details ?. I see you checked the seating plan list from the internet also mmrfc1872
  3. Naw because they play in a different league and country. Rangers is in my blood them other teams are just in a completely different basis. You know what its like supporting Rangers as part of your tradition and culture no i thought not
  4. It was someone who liked to give it tight to the suspected taigs on here mate. mmrfc1872 one them i see
  5. In my school, you got a lot of guys who would support us when we were winning, and a Man U/Chelsea/Arsenal when we weren't. That was only primary school though, I take it you're talking about secondary? I support another team also my local team and an English team too.
  6. Its strange world we're living in with stalkers and all sorts running about Who is this SOW boy anyway?
  7. Brilliant perfect for the thread BLUE
  8. You have a strange way in showing it.
  9. Despite the differences between us which have surfaced on this thread TWB - there is a world of difference between what he did and they way you have conducted yourself. Whilst you may not be the most popular person here and elsewhere...... I dont think you were or are in danger of being banned. this is true whilst i think TWB talks pish he has no chance of being banned unless i have a stinking hangover tmro Everyone buy KPL a pint ! Ill get him on the whiskeys
  10. Yes he's gone. Well, then I'm definitely not posting on this thread again. Why are feared of being caught out like your friend? No, and he's not my friend. Yous seem to have same attitude ? Do you want to be labeled an impostor with the same opinions, racist and bigot attitude towards our faith and traditions ?
  11. In summary if people just want to talk about football, why don't they just fcuk off to pie n bovril and talk about fitba or stay out of the threads, that are about the very topic they don't want to discuss. NO SURRENDER! Strange that You've taken it out of context - why are you even in this thread ? Someone's taking it a bit too seriously... You've just took it out of context also Why are you in this thread ?
  12. Yes he's gone. Well, then I'm definitely not posting on this thread again. Why are feared of being caught out like your friend?
  13. Apparently they are on about having Crimson Flags for the parade on the same day. According to ££ But its not a bad idea.
  14. Unbelieveable how OTT can you get too tattood.
  15. In summary if people just want to talk about football, why don't they just fcuk off to pie n bovril and talk about fitba or stay out of the threads, that are about the very topic they don't want to discuss. NO SURRENDER! Strange that You've taken it out of context - why are you even in this thread ? That boy always done the same lad Hes shit stiring twat just like the Handwringers. You joined yesterday, you don't even know me. And vice-versa.
  16. In summary if people just want to talk about football, why don't they just fcuk off to pie n bovril and talk about fitba or stay out of the threads, that are about the very topic they don't want to discuss. NO SURRENDER! Strange that You've taken it out of context - why are you even in this thread ? That boy always done the same lad Hes shit stiring twat just like the Handwringers.
  17. In summary if people just want to talk about football, why don't they just fcuk off to pie n bovril and talk about fitba or stay out of the threads, that are about the very topic they don't want to discuss. NO SURRENDER! Here Here
  18. If these boys are for real i don't think they've even left the house lad.
  19. Has that EdinBearHole not been banned for calling my religion SHITE Now if thats not being rascist what is? A bloody disgrace if admin lets this go. As for Travelingdick you have no clue about our club either i wonder about this site and the way its coming down to the standards of ££ letting any tom dick or harry into it.
  20. Yes OK i can't get them words in your mouth so ill just tell you.... The Rangers are a football club with protestant hertiage and traditions.
  21. On another fishing trip? Seriously if you love Rangers I couldn't give a shit what Religion you are, what Race you are or what Political ideologies you hold as long as you respect the traditions and beliefs of the majority of the support then it's all good! I don't do "fishing trips" I was just wondering because of the amount of people who have refered to us as a "Protestant club". Well what would one call our club then? The Rangers. Yes The Rangers are a __________ club
  22. On another fishing trip? Seriously if you love Rangers I couldn't give a shit what Religion you are, what Race you are or what Political ideologies you hold as long as you respect the traditions and beliefs of the majority of the support then it's all good! I don't do "fishing trips" I was just wondering because of the amount of people who have refered to us as a "Protestant club". Well what would one call our club then?
  23. On another fishing trip? Seriously if you love Rangers I couldn't give a shit what Religion you are, what Race you are or what Political ideologies you hold as long as you respect the traditions and beliefs of the majority of the support then it's all good! True Actually Muslims would treat our club better than them handwringers/taigs.
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