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Puff candy

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Everything posted by Puff candy

  1. I'm for anyone that avoids the "L" word and if miller can do that then i would be happy to have him .
  2. Do you think miller is going to buy us and avoid liquidation?
  3. Pearce will know his overaged players like beckham etc so Mcgregor won't be one of them
  4. Brilliant , what's the video called on YouTube
  5. I hope that ned stays at septic for a long time because he's not got a Fu@£ing clue, his tactics and team selection is shocking . Fu&@ing wee rat .
  6. Has anyone heard why he good sent off ? I been told it was nothing to do with him questioning the ref , if that was the case he would have good sent off there and then , after he spoke to the ref he went in to the dressing room and his" team talk " was over heard by one of the officials and it was a bigoted message , this is why he got sent of . He is nothing but a moron and should be charge with sectarian aggravation . If this was you or I......
  7. Fuck them , win , draw or defeat tomorrow we are still no 1 club and always will be
  8. To many people getting upset with all the kiddy fiddlers on here , why let it upset you ? Just laugh at them and there little small lives . They worry about our club more than there own . They are in our shadow and always will be , that is there problem . Just laugh !!
  9. Whyte had this money in Place before he bought us , so to me he should be liable for it . He had to prove that he had finances in place before he got the club and the finance he showed were the clubs future income !!! The man is a prick.
  10. You keep reading on this thread if this is true ? Me and one other said it ! What do you want me to say? Mr liewell wouldn't do such a thing ? Is that better for you ? Next time I go to post I'll ask your permission first .
  11. If this is true he is a total sad case and he should be shown up for what he is .
  12. The hotel was massive not far from red square , the police were mental asking for fags and money . 2 nights we done
  13. Anyone remember arsenal for winterburn testimonial ? There was a hoax bomb threat before the game , we had a few guest appearances that night .
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