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  1. No wouldnt want to see that either, think he'll have in in somehow though maybe at RB.
  2. I genuinely cannot see why people would be opposed to supporting fans of the same team attempting to do something and make a stand. If someone doesnt want to attend i have no problem with that, but almost belittling it is unnecessary. What Vanguard Bears (as always) with the significant support of most other 'branches' of the Rangers support is doing is very commendable.
  3. Why are you so opposed to it, do you fundamentally disagree with the fact that the BBC show distain towards Rangers at best or is it that you simply think the protest wont achieve anything?
  4. Im the same mate, what a player to have on the bench or able to fill in at centre half or play the role McCulloch did on Sunday if needed. I'm convinced ally will try and find a place for him in the side once he's fit.
  5. I dont think the issue is if EBT is legal or not, it definitely is. The issue as i understand it is that HMRC are alledging our scheme was admisistered incorrectly therefore making it illegal.
  6. It didnt click what had happened for a min or two so i was telling the guy i wasnt moving. The guy then calls the steward and went to one side and had a chat with him while me and my mate were still seated. Steward then says im using stolen briefs and im getting papped out. I told him i wasnt so he got the old bill to escort me and my mate out and that was that. Jumped on subway and caught the last of the first half and the second half in the Glaswegian.
  7. Not quite so bad but something similar happened to me once. Played Barcelona in 2007 at ibrox, didnt have a ST and living down south didnt want to buy the match package for games i wasnt going to. Bought two spares off a guy on FF. An adults and a kids ticket, paid him via paypal with promise of special delivery. Anyway no tickets turn up as he reckons he couldnt afford to post them so a few PMs later agrees to meet me day before the game. I go to clydebank to meet him no show. Am phoning him at his home number and his sister tells me hes a work (hes a postie apparently!!!) after a few hours in clydebank he shows up. I get the tickets go to ibrox the morning of the game, upgrade the kids ticket to an adult and its happy days. Anyway get in the ground 10 mins into the game a bloke and his kid show up for the same seats, the tickets i had had been stolen out the post and sold to me, obviously because the guys a postman he's just lifted them and sold them!! I phoned him after the game no answer! Pm'd him and he promised to refund me (obviously admission of guilt as to what i accused him of)Guy then disappeared off FF, made a couple of calls to his house but didnt know where it was etc so what can you do? Anyway sorry for the long post i have every sympathy with you - should never need to resort to paying over the oddds for briefs though, if you want tickets for away games join an RSC or apply to those clubs who deal with supporters directly and you'll get some.
  8. They must be, every mention ive made of it had been chopped. Thread on there now re dundee utd 5th nov it's titled and someone mentioned the protest in a post on there and the post was chopped its pathetic!
  9. Most certainly would support it tonight was a hatchet job
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