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Teddy bear 1873

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Posts posted by Teddy bear 1873

  1. Been thinking this myself, always like to think there’s hope for everyone, pena need to sort his shit out and if he did I think he can be decent but he needs to want to if not there’s no way he’ll play for us again, or football for that matter. 

  2. Unreal! this team are utter shitebags, tav might as well fuck off never a defender n that’s supposed to be our captain, teams set up like a bag of shit struggling to keep watching without my total sectarian rants getting to the point of blood vessels at bursting point and also shouting sectarian pish at  them and this bunch of fucking wasters.

  3.       Martin alves Wilson/ Wallace 

    tav                  Jack             Murphy

        Candeias                  Windass 

              Morelos       Cummings    


    1 hour ago, Copland bear said:

    The sky cameras caught it all, showed on channel 409 this morning so the evidence is there, a yellow all day long for pushing him , but as you said the ref was conned and Broadfoot should receive a ban for his actions which were disgraceful for an ex Rangers player 

    Unreal the lengths our ex players go to against us! Has the compliance officer even said anything?

  5. 1 minute ago, plumbGER said:

    He sounds like a wee guy who would be at the front of a gang starting a fight then run away and hide at the back when punches start getting thrown.

    Gid chance of it ?, fanny, but a funny fanny 

  6. 4 minutes ago, plumbGER said:

    Aye but he was off the pitch when the guy he was sent out to mark scored so that makes it alright.

    Well maybe not, seeing as he got battered by said guy and wasn't there to help his team when they needed it most.

    He has made a bit of a cunt of himself with this article.


    He has that ? glad he done it tho, had a wee chuckle to myself when I read it 

  7. Should've been a comfortable win over hearts but, we missed good chances and maybe should've had a pen.

    The jury's out on Pedro and with easier games ahead we might get to see Pena a bit more, but a striker is needed, miller has been a good servant and scored some important goals last season but a sub would be best. 

    I'm still convinced we will have a good season but not as optimistic as I was at the start 

  8.                       Goram

    Stevens  Amoruso Gough  Numan


              Gazza            Albertz


                 McCoist        Mols  

    Subs: Klos, Moore, Robertson , Gio, Reyna, McCann, Hately

  9. 1 minute ago, Gaz52 said:

    They got put back in due to some poorly filed paperwork by Legia, that's all it was, paperwork and they still managed to sneak back in and celebrate it even though they got absolutely destroyed on the pitch

    I like to think this is where we differ from those shameless tarrier bastards, we don't want back in, we shouldn't want back in this way, it would be an absolute rid-neck

    It's still a rid neck! But if it was offered why not, then again don't answer that 

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