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Johnny Hubbard

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Everything posted by Johnny Hubbard

  1. and I believe they can go back 10 years but this is bigger than us and them this is corruption in local politics and involves a major bank linked to the local politicians involved
  2. If I remember right one of those streets (can't remember which one), made one of the exits from Celtic Park illegal Vague recollection.........
  3. I would be shaking in my boots if I had a decent sized following. In fact I would be so scared I wouldn't talk about it all
  4. think that might mean there's tightly draughted anti racist laws but other laws aren't
  5. Glasgow education department hire out rooms at Parkhead and Ibrox . I went to several in each involving teacher training and with weans who were on learning programmes. I'm surprised there's so much difference in those costs. How does it break down...........is there a link ? ta
  6. It's a pity interesting posters are banned................less to read and think about
  7. why are there attempts to derail this by individuals with a lot of post counts ? One of whom is certainly a placement by our present board has some sort of deal been made with Lawell ?
  8. It's land Celtic built on. Something that looks like a secondary school from the 1970's mind you. Access roads as well
  9. not at all they have shown that an investigation by the eu has indeed started. that hasn't been reported on here in the past. what on earth are you on ? (about)
  10. will someone copy and paste the reply. When I open it microsoft are trying to make me make choices I don't want to make, nor will they let me close their dialogue box message. I've had to restart the computer to get rid of it. ta
  11. who are the "uk authorities", and what details have they submitted ? Should this not be available under FOI
  12. well I hope they'll be in our division next season. If things go tits up they'll be in the bottom league and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. yes......I've seen that shite on jamboskickback...............
  13. I agree this cunt's a bag of shite I was hoping he would be exposing dodgy land deals but he's rabbiting on about tims behaviour. Giving us the small story while the big one is untouched
  14. Huddleboard & Celtic’s increasingly toxic image Take, for example, the site known as the Huddleboard. This purports to be a fans’ forum where people come and sound off from behind their keyboards in relative anonymity, brave men that they are – and they are mostly men it seems. Fair enough, passion and free speech and all that. Except that those running this site either don’t seem to know or care that comment is one thing, crime is another. Hot on the success of prosecuting Limond the excellent detectives of Police Scotland may well now be taking a close interest in Huddleboard and those who run it. In reality Huddleboard is just another facet of the increasingly toxic public image of Celtic. The Seville days are ancient history. Like a bully with no natural competitors (though Rangers are on their way back), the Celtic of today is rightly gaining a reputation for the most consistently violent fans in the UK who attack stadiums as if we’re living in 1974. They are Scotland’s modern Millwall: an underclass of extreme politics and mindless violence – the same old toxic brew. That’s the Celtic Underclass on tour. The same cancer is reflected online. On Huddleboard for instance in recent days. Open threats Here so-called Celtic “supporters” openly threaten precisely the same journalist as Limond did. They threaten her with blatant physical and sexual assault for doing her job. It’s disgusting and laughably stupid – and yes guys – deleting any of it now is far far too late. Even in the unlikely case of it being Rangers ‘fans’ on the stir, it is apparently being tolerated by the people moderating and running the site who bear responsibility in law. The details of the criminals engaged in this vile, inadequate idiocy will be known to those running the site. Their details are logged. And no, you can’t delete them either. Should they wish not to give such information to Police Scotland they will place themselves in an interesting position legally. I have good reason to suppose the police may well soon require such information and rightly so. Hiding behind having a server in the US is unlikely to hold up before a determined and professional police force. Hiding and huddling – not exactly heroic. I would advise the Huddleboard moderators to start moderating, publicly apologise for the criminality that has been published by fans and wipe this stuff from their output forever in future – though it may well be too late for that, legally speaking. Calling time on Glasgow’s culture Yet again, alongside Limond the obvious criminality on this site is startlingly clear to an outsider yet around Glasgow of course few even appear to notice. But this is now. New Year. 21st Century. Post-Limond. Police aware. If Glasgow culture’s still stuck in early twentieth century tolerance of this filth, there are many outwith Clydeside who are not, and are calling time on you, here and now. There are many well-moderated Scottish football sites run by grown-ups who can distinguish between a comment and a crime – The Scottish Football Monitor is one. Huddleboard is not one. - See more at: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/scotlands-modern-millwall-celtics-toxic-public-image/6921#sthash.OZVZIKx7.dpuf
  15. Expand Reply Retweet Favourite More [*] alex thomson ‏@alextomo48m TOMOBLOG: THE CELTIC CANCER - coming up soon. Expand
  16. bawsburst wants to blame Ally to deflect the leaching away of money by the board
  17. I think you're right and he won't be forced out the door like Hutton was but remember........don't believe the lies, .we've got money and let's wait for the accounts to be published oh right...so all the cash is gone but no worries...there's all them sponsorship deals that'll take care of it aye well....we need to sell players to stay afloat but it's all Ally's fault cunts on here are board plants.................or maybe they've had a lobotomy
  18. 35,000 st's and a home gate of around 40.000...........that should be enough to pay for a decent squad but his signings have been what was avallable during the restrictions imposed upon us I don't think Ally's made the best of what we've got but the nub is this "But this might be the only club in football which spends as much on the boardroom as it does in the dressing room and that simply can’t be allowed to continue." we've been fucking drained of cash and Ally is being used as the lightning rod on here wake up !
  19. we should ask that Jim Spence and Graham Speirs and Cosgrove do the the summing up and phone in ohh right !....no need...................done deal already
  20. right we're on cooncil telly so everyone in the world can see This is an opportunity to show we can play good football fuckin' players better turn it on..........................we're on telly !
  21. I was on it. I'm guessing about 5 or ten minutes before it happened. It was busy but not a problem. I remember a roar that I learned later was the equaliser. I had no idea what had happened until I was back in my birds house in Castlemilk. It was on the telly and my ma was phoning the birds place worried.
  22. The Labour party are the only unionist party capable of winning Glasgow elections. That's why they won the last time out in the city
  23. it's usually a brilliant show. The standard of live music is unbelievable. However last night's wasn't as good as previous shows even though it was still excellent
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