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The Louden Tavern

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Everything posted by The Louden Tavern

  1. You'll need to rope in your own delivery guy then - our staff are far too busy working hard for our loyal and handsome/beautiful customers
  2. Nothing to do with WATP Podcast but you get it from iTunes so unless the 'figurehead' has some awesome contacts in Apple I'd guess you are safe
  3. Yeah on average we give away 600 Rolls and 300 pies a game. They are top quality as well - get more praise for them than anything else lol
  4. We will be open from 11am for tomorrow’s home match against Stenhousemuir. We invite any Rangers Supporter who can make it to the vicinity of the home of fantasy football to join us in celebrating the continuing unbroken history of the most successful team in the game. Renowned for our quick service and great pints, our staff will ensure you never have to wait long to get a drink. We also provide free rolls, free pies, an atmosphere second to none and for clarification – we don’t and never have had a cover charge. We also never do tickets for a Rangers game, all supporters are welcome. Situated across from Ibrox Subway Station, there is easy access to and from all city destinations. Although not completely finished, the outside drinking and smoking area will be available to enjoy our wonderful winter climate… We also have a bottle bar there that will get those in the beer garden served in no time. In addition to the premier pre-match atmosphere we will be showing live football games on our six 60” full HD televisions in the bar area and five big screen televisions in the lounge area for an ideal sports event viewing experience. Live matches include: Sat: 12:15 Middlesbrough v Leeds United 12:45 Chelsea v Everton 17:50 Crystal Palace v Man Utd Sun: 13:30 Newcastle United v Aston Villa 16:00 Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur Come in for The Premier Rangers Supporters’ Matchday Experience in The Quintessential Rangers Supporters Pub. One Rangers… No Factions – www.thelouden.co.uk @TheLoudenTavern We Are The People God Bless The Rangers The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium - More than a Pub Official Partner of The Rangers Football Club *We are responsible for The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium, 111 Copland Road, Ibrox, G51 2SL solely and are not involved in the operation of any other premises
  5. I can understand the skepticism - but if that was the case we will be out - so I hope this goes the way I hope/expect
  6. I take issue with your last point. How can this be pushing anyone out? You can only buy shares that are available to be bought - you can't force someone to sell their shares. If anyone with shares doesn't want to sell them then there is nothing anyone can do.
  7. Sorry I don't see your point - Any constructive criticism should be welcomed. I am just trying to see where you are coming from
  8. I don't really see where you are coming from with this but: 1. We will always be welcoming to all Rangers Supporters - nothing would ever change that. 2. Why would you presume that we are impartial? I like this idea and think it could be exactly what the club needs. We have our beliefs about what is best for Rangers and Rangers Supporters. We are allowed an opinion. Just because someone does not share my opinion on Rangers First does not mean they would not be welcomed into the pub - Everyone can make up their own mind. 3. Re: Rangers Partnership - Why would that be affected? the group is specifically independent from the 'fans politics' - it isn't pro board, and it is not anti board. If there was a position on that then we wouldn't be involved Anything else?
  9. I haven't been advertising in this thread I would like to see what makes you think that so that it can be addressed as the last thing Rangers First needs is to be tarred as an ego trip. It really isn't about that from what I can see
  10. I really don't see the egos in this. There was actually a section of the meeting where 'egos' were discussed - It was made abundantly clear that if you are in this for personal glory then you are in the wrong place. There is no single face of Rangers First - there are lots of different boys from different Rangers backrounds, some within groups others not. The key thing that has been said is we need to put the club and the fans first and stick together. Thats the ethos and why the name Rangers First fits
  11. I brought up the 'nationalist' thing because one of the lads in this thread called us that - it was only a wee joke. You can have whatever political views you want - I have mine and they are not the same as Mr Salmond's. I think if this is as successful as I believe it can be then the credit will lie with the supporters who back it.
  12. We've had worse - someone accused us of being nationalists FFS
  13. Well at 25% ownership we would have full transparency on the financial position of the club and not have to quash rumour at club level as we the fans would do it (just an example with the recent stuff the club have had to come out and deal with). You see where I'm coming from? Edit: Again just an example - I'm sure the more learned in the CICs could give you better info than that
  14. Transparency and consultation. By that I believe it about the board of the club being upfront with the fans and working to a common aim. Richard spoke several times about how clubs often with to 'cover their workings' with interactions with the support. I think it would allow the fans to base their opinions in reality rather than what they are deducing from sources that are not the club themselves Now that is not a specific criticism leveled at the current board - I personally think GW is a credible individual who will be working to the best of his ability and has asked for his 120 days and so will have them from me. I would also like to add that I don't believe there should be a 'fan rep' on the board. I think only professional people with specific skills should be involved on any future board appointment. We need the best people for the club imo
  15. Then they won't get a vote - I believe the information should be available though. I'm not a fan things remaining behind walls that separate our support
  16. 1. Yes we would offer our facilities - same as we do for all Rangers Groups that have asked. If anyone wants help then come to us and we will do our best to help you. 2. Originally our position was open to the idea but not sold. As time has went on and more information has become available then I believe that this could be very good for the Rangers support. 1 year ago if you said fan ownership to me then I wouldn't have been enthusiastic but I really like the way this is being pitched. I like the possibilities that are possible with a CIC. I could see a day where we Own 25% of the shares and then use the extra money generated to improve the stadium or get a better team on the pitch. Those possibilities excite me. If I did not believe in this or I thought it something that could potentially fragment the club further I would not be involved. I see this as encompassing all the current groups and all Rangers Fans not in groups. Anyone can join this and you don't have to believe in anything other than putting the club first. What I will say is that I have still not seen all the minutia of all that is involved in the CIC yet and my opinion is still dependent on it all being what I consider to be right for the club and the support. I would also say that I haven't really encountered an argument against fan ownership/involvement that I have yet found compelling. Most arguments against it I don't believe apply to the CIC as I have seen it presented. But that is just my opinion on it - if there is anything that I can get you to ask to clarify our position then ask away.
  17. Well I think the remit of this is for fans to own shares and eventually we have the transparency we all want from the board so that there is no second guessing in the press - we know where everyone stands and so are not see easily manipulated. IMO the reason opinion can sway so much is a result of a lack of info - which the transparency and consultancy that this group hopes to achieve would avoid. That is the way I see it anyways - I'm genuinely optimistic about this
  18. Cheers mate, my accuser has logged off so I'm sure he will get back to me at some point
  19. Thats why it is important to have checks and measures in the constitution - that will be made public as well
  20. I'm Greg from the Louden - I only know what was in the thread. I don't get involved with the inner workings of the RST and neither does my dad (Robert)
  21. We actually are Official West of Scotland Public House Partners for Rangers Football Club - name me another Rangers related pub/club/etc that gives as much money as we do to Rangers?
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