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Everything posted by writingranger

  1. Reading a few threads for content and craziness. I take it we're on an International break 🤣
  2. We still talking about Brexit? Boring!
  3. Nasty language there. No call for it. Surely being British is also Nationalist?
  4. RBS collapse wouldn't have happened. We'll use Smackaroonies after Scexit. Corrupt govt in the UK is de rigueur
  5. Jesus christ did you actually miss the point. It was aresponse to the "you can't be a Rangers supporter if you are an SNP voter" jizz.
  6. I wish. This thread would probably make more sense to me. There's a full week to go before there is any proper football. It's going to be hell!
  7. Tory voters. It's a very special and ineffable category. Ps, don't take the comment seriously. It is meant as a tongue in cheek reposte to those who are telling folk they can't love Rangers and vote SNP. Nobody should be telling anybody who they can vote for and we are all Rangers fans here.
  8. I'm a big David Edgar fan so I'm happy to support them as well. I've supported Glasgow Rangers for 50 years and will never stop doing so.
  9. Let's face it. The SNP is in power because people vote for them. They have gained power for so long despite a PR system designed to prevent parties with minority votes gaining all the power. If this was a first past the post system they would have a massive majority. Folk vote for them for two reasons. 1. Because they want independence and 2. Because the Labour Party is a shambles. In a post independent Scotland or one with a Devo max they would be irrelevant and whither and die. Nationalism is an awful look but Nationalism is what gave us Brexit too. I don't believe anti rangersness is an SNP policy but there are quite a number of zoomers in its ranks for whom it is and that is a very good reason to fight them.
  10. Explain how voting tory fits as they despise the working classes and see football as an opiate to keep them occupied while the keep power.
  11. Okay. So, there's a full week to go before any proper football happens. This forum is going to disintegrate under the weight of its own faeces before then.
  12. Maybe you're right, but this is important. I see so many folk on here who are outraged by sectarianism but call other supporters scum. They point to the failings of Scotland and its political parties but couldn't care less about the incompetent horror that politics and political opinion is South of the border. They are wedded to a notion of the Union as of its glory wasn't built on slavery, cruelty and exceptionalism. I live the union, but it needs radically reformed. For me Rangers is steeped in tradition, my tradition, but that tradition is not without its blemishes. I want Rangers to be a football club first and foremost. Its supporters can be everyone and anyone. Some good, some not so good. Our values are not that protestantism is superior. Who amongst us believes in God? It is about the values of equality, equity, fraternity, kindness and winning on a football pitch.
  13. It's a serious question about which party to vote for to get equity, equality and social justice.
  14. Horrifying all of it. Does this mean that anyone with any intelligence should vote for the party of Boris Johnstone, Priti Patel and Dominic Raab? Gotcha. Oh yeah, that's a tory loving headline from the 80s. Politics is so confusing. How should a person vote if you want equality and fairness?
  15. Heart and Hand truly do deserve our support. This is outrageous behaviour from the record and those bigots.
  16. There's some nasty stuff going about and that is for certain. Racism, sexism, nationalism, exceptionalism, sectarianism, prejudice of every stripe. Maybe we are the ones who should take the lead.
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