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Everything posted by BlueJacketRFC

  1. Nah I never fucked it atawl man. He did look fairly normal to me from the usual look of Celtic managers but looking normal to me doesn't mean normal for most people
  2. Well done 100 Staunch points for you. Did you totally disregard everything else I wrote about the fat mess? Or where you quick of the Mark to reply before anyone else did for a few likes.
  3. Anyone and there dug could see Gio's tactics where not well suited to us and the rest of the league including Celtic knew we where getting no where domestically. They know though that Beale is a good coach and we can only improve. Postecoglou at first seemed like a normal guy who thought fuck me what have i done coming to these cunts. But he has fitted in nicely and turned full scale paranoid now like the rest of the junkie bastards. Really hate the cunt everything he has touched has 90% went his way and no ones lucks that fucking good. Cant wait till it all falls in front of him and the scum turn on him quicker than milk.
  4. Fat cunt blocked me on Twitter for giving him it stinking
  5. Celtic know exactly what they are doing. They give out the paranoia " THE SFA ARE AGAINST US AND SO IS VAR " whispers to the fans and the fans complain and the club complains to the SFA then for a few weeks after the complaints the SFA and referees will turn a few blind eyes against issues so it looks like everything is fair. Just watch VAR go in there favour since the total paranoia show from them since the Old Firm. Could even see VAR shafting us now to balance the books.
  6. This Celtic team seem to keep winning but i genuinely don't think the league knows how to play against this Celtic team yet. If they have a go then they could get punished and if they sit back they could get suffocated. Soon as a team figures out this system of tactical chess then other clubs will follow and counter it. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold and by fuck he has a lot of fucking luck on his side which definitely helps in a campaign. Each player he signed is signed for a certain way of playing but soon as Beale gets his players and system set up i could see us absolutely smoking them. Genuinely do not rate this Celtic team they just have a good system that's working and the fact the rest of the league are dreadful and expect a drubbing against them doesn't help. Total defeatist attitude by a lot of teams this season with the likes of Lee Johnsone at Hibs " I want my players to knock on the dressing room of the Celtic Players and ask them how they schedule there day etc " and Mcinnes at Kilmarnock " best Celtic side he has seen in a number of years comment " Fuck them Then Fuck Them Now Fuck Them Forever Justice for the victims !!
  7. I genuinely think its a wrong move for Celtic getting rid of Giakoumakis. Might come back and bite them in the arse.
  8. Every interview that cunt does he seems to be coughing. The fat bastards going to drop deed on the touch line soon I reckon.
  9. As much as i dont like Roy Keane his book really was a good read. The parts about Halland Snr should have got him the jail
  10. I'll give Stuart Pearce one a look into mate. Just baught the Mark Noble book today also but they are great to listen to while working or chilling in the house. Cass is always giving away signed copy's of his book and merch on social media aswel . He mentioned Celtic going down for a friendly early on in the book also but they never gave them a fight
  11. Right now the kids are off school and playing with there consoles and phones and toys and I am off work until the weekend while the wife is at work so I am in my gaming room on the PC listening to Amazon Audiobooks on the webpage while playing the game mate. There are times I need to go back 30 seconds or so to listen to something I may have missed due to concentration on the game.
  12. Sorry if there is a thread on this already the search bar is not working for me so apologise if this thread needs merged into a post elsewhere. What's everyone's favourite book/audiobook relating to football then? Listened to Sir Alex Fergusons two books not that long ago and a few Rangers related ones and thought i would buy Cass Pennants new book " You're going home in a fucking ambulance " About him and his background of being a Football Hooligan. The Stories so far are bloody amazing and its a great listen while i am playing FM . Any other books or autobiography's or biography's that anyone can recommend?
  13. Thought this weeks ago and said to a mate he's waiting for his pay off so he can get back down the road. He still travels from England to Scotland for training and games and doesn't stay up here. Some drive that
  14. Have to agree with you mate. That break is a career ender.
  15. My other Half's dad who is a sheep shagger has told me some of the Aberdeen fans want Goodwin out if not most and names like Neil Lennon are being thrown around Fucking ginger mutant would fit right in at that shit club
  16. Vata from the Celtic B team. Or so the comments are saying
  17. His stock will be high due to a decent World Cup. His stats are not as good as Tav has shocked me a little to be fair haha as Tav has been shocking so far. Still think though he is better than what they have at the back though at Celtic.
  18. The amount of Japanese signings they have made is mental. How many can play at the one time is it 4? When he leaves most of those Japs will down tools and be stuck at Celtic on big contracts and decent wages. Every signing or at least 90% of his signings have hit the ground running. His luck will run out soon. Hopefully Juranovic does go as i believe he is the best fullback they have at the club.
  19. Really urge everyone to go and watch Goodwins interview after the defeat to Celtic then our game tonight. Fucking night and day by the way. People may argue that it was different games but the point being both games where lost regardless. He really can't hide he supports Celtic it rips right out of him. And with us you can tell he fucking hates us.
  20. Not the Nation for me or the fans it's one man and that's Messi someone I have loved watching for years. Great player and fully deserved to lift the world cup. He could have played for any country and I would have supported him. Minus Ireland
  21. Played like Ronald Watterues debut against Celtic
  22. You would think i was from Argentina right now I am fucking buzzing. Remember my wee gran who passed away a few years ago would say " That wee Tessi is a great player " Yup gran he is. Love the wee guy.
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