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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. Peter Grant really is a bitter fud by the way he's worse than Hartson and Sutton. He really is a cunt
  2. Watched Neil Warnocks interviews after the game What a fucking legend, He's hilarious and the best thing about it Aberdeen fans are fucking raging with him already
  3. Don Robertson really did try his best for Aberdeen. He's another one that needs fucking outed. Cheating cunt
  4. Can someone explain the Sterling Red Card to me and was it warranted? My 5 year old son was trying to smash his sister with a wrestling belt while the game was on so had to split it up before the wee man got a rock bottom of his sister
  5. My nerves are shot to pieces. Superb win. Would have took that before the game started. On another note I can't wait to hear Derek Adams post match interview after County where smashed 5-0 by Motherwell tonight
  6. Exact same when the sheep played the scum at the weekend. Scum had countless opportunities to go double figures and never took them. I just hope this isn't the same way this games heading. Second half we need to give them hell
  7. Tonight was always going to be a cunt of a game and a challenge. Anyone who thought it was going to be a walk in the park are over confident
  8. I know mate but it was the position he was in and the time he had and he just wanted to make the pass. Need to be selfish tonight and take every opportunity we have (within reason).
  9. Jonny Hayes The beehive face experience is getting the better of wee Macausland. Would 100% give the wee man a rest for cortes
  10. Rabbi Should have went for the shot, Needs to be more selfish in situations like that.
  11. Rumours are he's a Rangers fan aswel. My arse everytime we play him he's a dirty cunt and always trying to get our players in the book. Dirty bastard even the way he spoke to Dessers when Mcgrath was on the floor with a sore head.
  12. Has Yilmaz completed a pass tonight? Keeps losing it and making mistakes.
  13. Feeling quite nervous about tonight. Going to be a tough night ahead. Obviously I'm confident enough in the team but tonight is massive and Aberdeen will bring there A game and a managers bounce also. Let's hope we score a couple early to kill all momentum they have.
  14. Tim in work was talking to another colleague and i over heard him saying that the Celtic board want Rangers to be challenging so that's why they have deliberately took the foot off the gas Heard this a few times and they genuinely believe this to be a reason behind there downfall. All Celtics fault but failing to bring up the point that while they are failing to win games Rangers are flying and winning there games. We might have got beat by them at the end of last year but with them dropping points against the sheep that game really means jack shit now. They might have the bragging rights but that's nothing in a title run in. Which they clearly forget what that is.
  15. Great appointment for the sheep regardless. Tuesday night has become even more important than it was now as they will be even more up for it than they usually are. Hopefully Warnock can be Jimmy Calderwood 2.0 against Rangers
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