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Everything posted by LiverpoolBlue

  1. Not sure this has been posted elsewhere .. Gordon Woods interview https://brandnewtube.com
  2. Maybe next season, with the huge drop in season books - the club can go a more eco friendly route .. by taking a stand away and adding a hedge
  3. Confirmed by bbc now, Kenny loan till end of season ..but from kerryfail street "One thing is for certain.; He’ll be a worse player come the end of the season coached by this lot."
  4. He has, remember that clip of him legging it up the park like the twat he is??
  5. Never been a great side since the 1990's Their last game was diabolical
  6. True, there can''t be anyone else as bad as the duffus donkey
  7. Scum looking to bring in Everton's Kenny on loan - he's 3rd choice in a shite Everton team (another Duffy maybe?)
  8. No likes left, but this is class
  9. FFS, 18 pages to catch up and no fkn likes left
  10. TLB - "A test of adversity"?? Fkn right, he can obviously see us now
  11. I can hardly follow this thread .. can't see for stuff in my eyes
  12. Yet they still managed to squeeze in last years, then again there was a good reason for that
  13. An interesting article by Tom Irish on the bbc website, I won't link it, but the gist is; "When Peter Lawwell assumed high office at celtic Park more than 17 years ago, the place was rock solid from top to toe, Lawwell had the wisdom of Martin O'Neill in the manager's chair, the genius of Henrik Larsson as the totem of a side that had strong characters and proven leaders throughout. In his first campaign in the job, celtic won the league by 17 points, beat Rangers five times in a row, beat Barcelona in Europe and won the Scottish Cup. Lawwell wouldn't have had his feet up on the desk and a cigar in his mouth while all this was happening, but the role was easier then. So much easier than it is now." So much easier? As article implies, considering what he inherited, to now leave the place in such turmoil shows his only interest was to line his own pockets. And to think there lego muncher wants a statue to him shows just how blind / deluded they are - from top to bottom of that rancid club.
  14. Had a quick look at a Bournemouth fans forum about the 2 new arrivals, got as far as this; "Disclaimer I do prefer Rangers to the pope and child sniffers FC."
  15. FFS, I'm getting homesick seeing that
  16. This is a refreshing and interesting read .. "Someone at celtic was complaining at no getting a big enough dressing room. You ought to see where we're changing - we're stripping on concourses, under stands!" https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/55756532
  17. Can only be put down to not being able to handle PROPER competition. Just look at their European record, very similar in that they usually come off second-best.
  18. From that same John Gow story in 2012; "It’s a remarkable sports story that has resulted in media from Brazil to Japan asking how this can happen. The fans not only stayed, but pushed the club forward in numbers that were bigger than seasons before? How can a football club that was days from ending and who now play in the fourth-tier of Scottish football get 37,000 season ticket holders, the highest average league attendance in Scotland, the fourth-highest in the UK and the 12th highest in Europe?"
  19. TLB says; "The board have been magnificent; they've presided over nine titles in a row and a quadruple treble. I think people need to take a step back and put some perspective on it." Nail on the head there. PERSPECTIVE - remembering that for most of those 9 there was no competition, plus not forgetting the one that was just handed to them via Zoom.. Fkn crackhead
  20. Me too, must admit I never thought of the born in '55 bit ..
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