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Everything posted by tgblue

  1. Mendes if confirming what we all thought, quality and an astute signing!
  2. RANGERS have NOT signed davis they have signed pedro mendes!!!!!!! Where the fuck did you get hat information??????????? considering he is valued at £4million by fulham plus they have already rejected a £3million ofeer from rangers earlier in the year!!!!! Some rangers fan you are your telling lies!!!!! you don't even know whats going on with rangers!!!! Fucking idiot!!!!! Wrong Cock!! just confirmed on BBC deal almost done (finalising the contract)for Davis for less than 3 million!! and the same goes for EDU
  3. Same here guys, a link would be much appreciated, Cheers
  4. The report were next week, not today, so this is a new one my friend and 1st official report from the website, excellant news
  5. I thought it was Graveson who had the 1million bonus?
  6. That is him on the right for the mighty Toronto FC Canadaready, you must have lots of info on this boy, is he a good as everyone is making out?
  7. Evening Times state he is to join next week subject to a work permit!!
  8. Evening Times - confirm Mendes signs - no link yet
  9. I thought the tims would announce this deal not cardiff anyway!! and i dont think there are any direct quotes from cardiff either
  10. Being reported in Wales as a done deal! Nothing on BBC, Sky Sports or any websites. It's probably true but not on their website. Maybe he'll do a Mo Johnson!! now that would be class!
  11. Being reported in Wales as a done deal!
  12. Murray was called a bawbag!! apparently Liewell is on DD next week
  13. Yes he is not sure what time thou, will keep you posted
  14. Jesus Danny, didn't realise you were so down on Carlos!! tbh i dont blame him moving maybe he feels as let down by our pre seasons performance as the fans do!! Just because he left doesnt mean he didnt mean the things he said about us the fans!! Or am I being naive!! You are Don't think so :harhar: , when push comes to shove we all look out for number 1, would Carlos be any different? afraid not. I wish him all the best just pissed he's joined that smeg filled dancing leprechaun!!! Oh I would agree if he'd just said 'I don't want to stay here, I want to leave, I want more money'. He'd actually have left and I'd have been apathetic but not disliking, because I appreciate honesty. But while Cousin kinda being that way got total pelters from the fans, so many of you swallowed Carlos' bullshit. I am pissed too! but hey thats footballers for you!! I dont think we can underestimate the significance of being knocked outta Europe (the only exposure he craved) and we will never know if thats what definatley made him activate his release clause! I for one hope it was and he wasnt stringing us fans along last season!! So his ambition is to play in the Uefa Cup? Not very ambitious eh Well its one trophy we are not in!! lets be honest, one/two big seasons and one of the big boys will pick him up, that wouldn't happen with rangers.
  15. As David Edgar said, if a rangers player has 6 good months in the royal blue they are flogged for a profit!!! we are a disgrace and a shambles of a club!! oh how we have fallen, its heart breaking!!!
  16. If our first team dont know ball skills or to beat a man by now, then theres no hope for them. Anyway Laudrup was a fantastic footballer not a fucking magician!!
  17. Jesus Danny, didn't realise you were so down on Carlos!! tbh i dont blame him moving maybe he feels as let down by our pre seasons performance as the fans do!! Just because he left doesnt mean he didnt mean the things he said about us the fans!! Or am I being naive!! You are Don't think so :harhar: , when push comes to shove we all look out for number 1, would Carlos be any different? afraid not. I wish him all the best just pissed he's joined that smeg filled dancing leprechaun!!! Oh I would agree if he'd just said 'I don't want to stay here, I want to leave, I want more money'. He'd actually have left and I'd have been apathetic but not disliking, because I appreciate honesty. But while Cousin kinda being that way got total pelters from the fans, so many of you swallowed Carlos' bullshit. I am pissed too! but hey thats footballers for you!! I dont think we can underestimate the significance of being knocked outta Europe (the only exposure he craved) and we will never know if thats what definatley made him activate his release clause! I for one hope it was and he wasnt stringing us fans along last season!!
  18. It will be interesting to see what Walt does, the pressure was on previously but the last couple of days have cranked the pressure up ten fold!! As big Eck wold say "Squeaky Bum Time" for def!!
  19. Classic Line was when he compared Bain to Waylan Smithers and Murray to Burns!! Superb
  20. Jesus Danny, didn't realise you were so down on Carlos!! tbh i dont blame him moving maybe he feels as let down by our pre seasons performance as the fans do!! Just because he left doesnt mean he didnt mean the things he said about us the fans!! Or am I being naive!! You are Don't think so :harhar: , when push comes to shove we all look out for number 1, would Carlos be any different? afraid not. I wish him all the best just pissed he's joined that smeg filled dancing leprechaun!!!
  21. Jesus Danny, didn't realise you were so down on Carlos!! tbh i dont blame him moving maybe he feels as let down by our pre seasons performance as the fans do!! Just because he left doesnt mean he didnt mean the things he said about us the fans!! Or am I being naive!!
  22. And the players are not staying long enough to form a team, bring some success, stability and domestic dominance!! we are nothing more that a conveyor belt to the EPL. I used to work for a company that kept re-organising and carry out major changes every few years and many staff believed they only kept doing this to hide/brush under the carpets the fuckups from previous administration/management!! Sound familiar???
  23. Dont see any parting shot, what you mean?
  24. We need him or i would push the boat out and get Fletcher from man U although i doubt he would be available. A right winger/midfielder is also a must. BTW not sure if this has been posted but Jim Templeton said that on Friday deals for two midfielders were at advanced stages so there will be moves, i reckon before Sat to deflect the wrath of the fans!!!
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