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Everything posted by mrmojorisin

  1. I doubt CFCs sponsors and commercial partners even know whats going on given the piss poor coverage of the biggest paedo scandal in football by the MSM
  2. Their jelly & ice cream pish may come back and bite them on the arse on this one.
  3. Rangers signed the mercurial midfielder Ray Wilkins for £250,000 from PSG.
  4. Martin Henry..the man who could not spot a paedophile in a room of jimmy Savilles.
  5. Until the police got involved CBC was very much a part of CFC and it was official..spotlight has shown this. Up until this time celtic were quite happy to boast of the wins and take the plaudits for their boys club.
  6. No listened to the Doors for a while noo Depressing stuff 😁 Correct After the 1986 " investigation" they said they were "scurrilous rumours" and threatened to involve lawyers if the allegations were repeated thus creating a haven where these bastards were literally being protected by CFC from further public scrutiny and of course the abuse continued unabatted.
  7. 1: P#1 & P#2 are currently awaiting trial on allegations of historic abuse. 2: Thompson Solicitors have raised a class action against CFC involving 35+ former CBC players. 3: For now Spotlight is limited in what it can show at the moment due to ongoing live cases.When these are concluded they will show more and believe me from the wee tit bits i know its dynamite. This is where it is..to say nothing is/or is going to happen..... WATCH THIS SPACE......
  8. Both were certainly inolved in the cover up Neither were actually paedophiles.
  9. celtic put their S-form signings in danger of being abused by sending them to play with a boys club that seemingly has nothing to do with them?
  10. If its the right guy plus the one hiding in SE Asia brings the number of paedophiles at that club to 8.
  11. I rarely post anything these days here bar some updates on the CFC abuse case. So obsessed your actually stalking my profile and everything i post Yer a fuckin odd one
  12. The evidence against them is mountainous. Once these papers are served they must face up to what they have done...and should have done.
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