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Everything posted by theblueoysterbar

  1. Yeah you've got a point. Posted the other day that I thought this was the best way to do things, Gio watching from the stand and them all realising they're being evaluated by their new gaffer. Apart from Aribo in the first half none of them looked like they gave a fuck.
  2. On the plus side mate, Gio can be under no illusions about the task that's ahead of him after that shitshow.
  3. Think this is the right way to do it tbh. GvB wouldn't have a fair chance influencing things three days out. Sitting in the stand with the team knowing he's watching and evaluating them is alright by me.
  4. I don't think he's a mercenary, I just think he's a fucking wank.
  5. Who gives a shit if it was difficult for him to do, the point is he wanted to do it and he did it. Fuck him.
  6. Billy Dodds gave us a heads-up about Paul LeGuen in Willie Hills in Milngavie. Think it was about 28/1 we got. I'll no hear a word against him.
  7. Anyone thought about phoning Gleneagles and saying something like, "Hello, Douglas Park again. Could you put me through to Mr van Bronckhorst's suite please?" Would do it myself but I can't be arsed.
  8. Bastard just trying to make a scene so he could go in the huff. He must have been well aware that money had been front-loaded into the squad and there wouldn't be much going on for a few transfer windows. Said it before, if he can win the league by 25 points and win the Europa group what the fuck was wrong with expecting the same this season off him with the same group of players and a few minor ins and outs.
  9. What's the sell-on clause in Kent's Rangers contract?
  10. Hope so mate. He's kind of got the same international profile as someone like Lampard but we likely couldn't afford many of the players someone like Lampard could identify and bring here.
  11. The medium sliced ones are easier to carry about as they're lighter.
  12. I don't understand but kind of do understand his pissing and moaning about money. It must have been made clear to him that there was money being front-loaded into the squad to stop 10IAR and that the next few windows would be pretty quiet. If he can take those players, win a league by 25 points and win the Europa group last season what's the fucking problem in expecting similar this season with a few minor ins and outs. Started questioning his motivation after that Malmo game. Guy's a rotter.
  13. Fair enough mate. It's still buttons for ripping the whole management and coaching operation out of a club.
  14. Because he's been telling us porkies and doesn't really give a fuck.
  15. Whoever it was that put that £2-3m release clause in for Gerrard and his whole team needs their baws kicked. That compensation is derisory for the work needed to sort things out afterwards.
  16. Seems that some folks have seen him sniffing about and being on the TV for games a lot recently then put two and two together and got ten.
  17. There was an article last week that had McInnes directly quoted as saying he knocked back the job. Something about a chat he had with Walter.
  18. If there's any truth to it, it would mean we're looking at a guy who is prepared to leave a job after three months. No thanks.
  19. They honestly can't think that appointing a man who got sacked by the sheep is good enough for us.
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