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Uncle Fester

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Everything posted by Uncle Fester

  1. We never hear the question, but we all know it is not the question we as a support would ask imho. I think it would be immoral not to work our way through the leagues and much as I would never try to second guess our support Id'e bet my house we would go with the long honorable road,
  2. I'ts a moot question but I'm pretty sure if and it's a massive if, Rangers worked their way through the lower leagues, they would be stopped from joining just because they're Scottish.
  3. What your saying is keep quite or the mafia will get us. Fuck EUFA and the FA they are only getting away with all this shite because no one has yet challenged them...Oh fuck Bosman remember him? The reason all that happened was the player was being so unbelievably badly treated by his club he had nothing left to lose as they had totally fucked his career. It's my opinion that Rangers could potentially spark a revolution in British and European.
  4. I agree with most of that Big Al but, if Scudemore announced next week that the door was open, how irrelevant would he be then?
  5. I don't think we will know for sure until this is tested in court. The EU have been bending the rules making football a "special case" The European court has a really good habit of ignoring these, at the end of the day if we get to England and work through the leagues I don't think the EPL would be in a position to stop us as any rules they have must comply with the law.
  6. No I think that would be Charles Green as stated earlier this week. But don't let that stop you being snide just for the sake of it. Now jog on
  7. Once again the mouthpiece for the Premier League has attempted to kill the debate about whether Rangers or "any other" Scottish team would be permitted to join their league, stating the rules allow Welsh but not Scottish!!...See you in court Rick. ENGLISH Premier League chief Richard Scudamore has sounded a death knell for the Old Firm’s dreams of playing down south. Despite Rangers supremo Charles Green starting the debate again last week, Scudamore says English rules will prevent any move. He said: “It’s my fourteenth year of answering this question. The answer is still ‘no’. “Our rules say it’s only clubs from England and Wales that can play here and I don’t see that ever changing. Quite a lot of clubs in the world would like to play in the English Premier League. “There have been clubs from other European leagues as well as the Scots who have approached us. “It’s all very flattering but it’s not simply going to happen.” Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4742381/Youre-NOT-wanted-here.html#ixzz2Hwnpoqza Sorry forgot the link
  8. Can't we have a separate section for trivia? There are people who use these sites for information, and debate About Rangers and our enemies.
  9. It's actually quite concerning that so many guttersnipe scumbag fuckers can exist in Scotland, never mind just at BBC fucking Scotland. I'm for the off fuck this place.
  10. I would be surprised if there exists a single Bear who would give any kind of fuck what Odious Creep thinks... A sniveling lying weasel not worthy of debate.
  11. Ha Ha I honestly had no clue about that either.
  12. We will be fine and so will they. One of my life long friends is one of them although it must be stressed he's not totally evil! Talking to him some time ago about the old days at the footy, crash helmets for the bottles, men urinating into cans then tipping them to create hundreds of rivers of pish, these things occurred at all grounds back then but where our stories changed was when he told me about a woman in the "jungle" at the menagerie a young woman was RAPED not his word (he thought rape was intercourse which of course it's not), by the crowd a escaped the jungle with not a stitch of clothing. This tale for me encapsulates the massive difference between our clubs. They are animals if they are not being raped or raping themselves they are busy sowing social division and hatred. Will I miss them?...Will I fuck..No fucking surrender EVER!!
  13. Wallace was a classic Scottish manager of the type familiar to modern fans in the guise of Manchester United's Sir Alex Ferguson, renowned for their ability to lose their temper and terrify players who are not trying their best. Gary Lineker, the broadcaster and former England captain, recalls the terror he felt when Jock Wallace, then manager of Leicester City, "pinned me against the dressing room wall at half-time and called me a lazy English this and that. We were 2-0 up and I'd scored both goals. I didn't score in the second half - I was still shaking!"
  14. Wenger my be French but he's as much a British snob as anyone and never disrespects us....He knows Rangers are class.
  15. Patience grasshoppers all will eventually be revealed, I'm certain there are people now employed by Rangers who will have had "sources" passing them information. So in the words of William Wallace.....HOLD.
  16. Fucking dick is a bit strong..... I feel that once carved properly he would have fully justified his "most expensive" lump of wood tag.
  17. Hey! nae dissin the Fuhrer......Ye can say what ye like aboot that cunt Hitler though
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