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Ayrshire True Blue

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Everything posted by Ayrshire True Blue

  1. I went away for 2 minutes and came back to total carnage everywhere, and that was with only 2 of us in the lobby
  2. And the ones that did join were dicks, so didn't fell as bad killing them as much i between set ups
  3. Anyone on for heists tonight?
  4. Still 3 of us doing heists that I know of. Think I might have you on psn already.
  5. You handle that coquette well, I keep meaning to get one but have too many sports as it is.
  6. Fuck knows how the boat ended up on land and facing the opposite direction and then catching fire .
  7. Hard to say as everyone has their own opinion. If you haven't got one by the time am on tonight I've got a few that you can try to see what you prefer. I prefer my armoured kuruma for heists as it takes 4 people, sultan handles well and jester gives protection at the back.
  8. I should be on about then or just after once I get peace when the weans are asleep
  9. When I was trying to rank up I stuck to doing missions on solo, doing most on hard gives you decent enough rp and cash. I also started the missions from invite only sessions to avoid the fannies. The next time you're on and not doing heist if you want to rank up and cash up we could do some of the higher level missions that can be done in a few minutes.
  10. Am only David on a Sunday.
  11. I kept getting landed with randoms last night, got fed up with them being fannies so left.
  12. Am the same, should be on shortly.
  13. Should be on tonight for some heists after having a break from them if anyone is up for it.
  14. Hopefully find some more wee tricks to make it easier like last night.
  15. I might put it on hard for a laugh.Might be worth swapping the roles around to freshen it up abit
  16. Good going with the heist last night lads, although think we could have finished it a bit quicker with someone else with a headset instead a random.
  17. Anyone on later tonight on ps4?
  18. Only got to level 200 odd by being a sad bastard. Thought we had got it sorted till that chopper dropped right in front of me trying to take off.
  19. Not had any issues so far but the sesssions aren't that full, think I was in one with 7 at the most.
  20. Not had a chance to play much but loving it so far. First person mode bringing a whole new feel to story mode so far, although driving took a bit of getting used to. Tried online for a wee whole last night but kept ending up in near empty sessions, so might give that another try tonight.
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