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Posts posted by Thornliebanktrueblue

  1. Some of us watched Celtic win 9IAR when we were at school

    Some of us stood on cold uncovered terracings in the snow watching crap football

    Some of us lived through John Grieg and Davy White managing

    Some of us follow follow

    Some of us will support evermore

    Some of us are Rangers till we die

    Some of us won't walk away

    Some of us are loyal

    Some of us Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity.

    Some of us remeber pre-souness Gascoine and Laudrup and 9IAR

    Some of us even support for 90 minutes

    Some of us support the club, the players, the fans, see ourselves as family

    Some of us waited in 1971 to see if our Dads would come home with our mother in tears

    Some of us are Ready

    Some of us will not surrender

    Some of us will be at Ibrox tomorrow and support the team that wear OUR strip.

    Some of us remember 1972 and the glory days that will surely return

    ......and some of us will boycott, for a whole range of reasons they will make a justification for, be it the board or Ally or the poor football.

    Make your choice my friends. Your club needs you now just like it did when we were demoted. There is a war on. There are 2 sides.

  2. I think a spiv should have money as the main raison detre for involvement in club. I think ally has been worn down and the term spiv is not best for him.

    He might be near top of bad managers league though. And for holding us together at start I will be forever grateful. People are often a mix of good and bad traits

  3. Ok ok i dont like the term either. I see in boardroom and in other Place that Ally is now being called a spiv... which got me thinking... who is most spiviest and who has let us down in other ways

    So we could have like several league tables... Like Naismith isnt really a spiv but has let us down

    Soooo... What should the tables be called... and who is top of each

    Ill give a starter for 10.

    Spiv League 1





    Other let down


    Ally moving up fast

    and another GOOD table of those who have done well by us over the course

    Id have to have Ally at top for all he did in early days

    Those that left and got us transfer fee

  4. Everyone has the opportunity of redemption.

    Promotion and starting to play a high tempo modern pressing passing attacking entertaining game. (There are a million models of this out there)

    A Strategic signing policy.

    Player development with youth coming through

    Ability to change a game and not be a mini Walter.

    Im always an optimist… thats why I buy a lottery ticket!

    The cups and the Celtic game I could forego if the above were delivered

  5. When my boy was born 16 years ago, I almost called him Alastair.

    Wife almost allowed Greig Baxter then my surname!!

    I eventually settled on a middle name after my greatest footballing Inspiration from a country on the other side of the world.

    How many of us are named after a player or have named our kids after a player.

    And how does it feel if your kid is named after someone who subsequently disappoints??

  6. My wee boy plays football and watching him has been one of my greatest pleasures over the last 12 years. I encourage him. I support him. I do not boo him….

    … Rangers are family.

    I do not boo the players or the manager. I support them.

    I actually find this easy!

    The product is what it is, we are in trough years as Struth predicted.

    This is when family must stick together.

    This is not a defence of poor management or poor tactics… it is a support of my family!

    They will forever have a warm place in my heart.

    We need to stop this divisiveness, this cancer from within is ripping the heart out of my family more than any boardroom spiv could do

  7. King : "The following are the names that can presently be disclosed and are subject to any changes once we get to the final contract stage. Paul Murray, George Letham, George Taylor, Andy Ross, Barry Scott. There are another 3 individuals who are unwilling to have their names released until a transaction has been agreed in-principle. I confirm that the names will be given at that time. I am aware of the individuals and am certain you will have no difficulty with them. I confirm, Sandy, that you are the only person I have shared this list with."

    I thought that faceless individuals we unnacceptable. Ipse dixit

    King :"Sandy asked me to clarify our intention re his/James ongoing involvement in the board if our proposal is ultimately implemented. I advised him that my personal view was that I had no difficulty working with them"

    So King and co were happy to keep the Easdales on board. Fair enough.

  8. ASDA and the the Albion both take too long to get out of . I live to the west and park at the wee car wash just further along the road from pizza hut. £10 for a mini valet and my car is safe . Its not too long a walk and the traffic is quick. Its only place I get car wahed. If I see you there say hi!!!. Silver clio tomorrow

  9. For me it was easy. Follow follow. Rangers till I die. No surrender.

    We will fight till the day is done.

    We follow Glasgow Rangers, our hearts are strong and true.

    If they make them play on the streets then I'll support them from the pavements!

    We don't do walking away

    The Struth forecast about troubled times.

    These words are ingrained in my psyche!

    I remember 66 dying for the privilege of supporting us.

    So boycotts and the like never worked for me although I respect others views, and would wish to welcome you back now.

    I have revelled in the fact that I have followed through these troubles with colleagues at work waiting for me to break. They'll wait a long time. I was at school during Celtics 9IAR! I was born Rangers. I will die Rangers! I will be there no matter what!

    Some former players don't always go and I saw Carson talking about if John Grieg goes back then he will. Remember Grieg was treated badly but he perhaps does not have the business expertise required at a modern boardroom. Walter too. I love and admire them as I do Ally. But players and managers, they often leave. We are different. we are the permanence, the stability. We after all... are the people!

    Lily must be in her 80s.... sits behind me, she kept going and struggled to get here... though I've not seen her recently.

    So gentlemen, I give you Bobby Brown, one of our oldest surviving players and a regular attender. He supports the team. He's been around longer than all of us. We all should share that DNA. Lets get back with Bobby and support our team, our club, our players.


  10. For me it was easy. Follow follow. Rangers till I die. No surrender.

    We will fight till the day is done.

    We follow Glasgow Rangers, our hearts are strong and true.

    If they make them play on the streets then I'll support them from the pavements!

    We don't do walking away

    The Struth forecast about troubled times.

    These words are ingrained in my psyche!

    I remember 66 dying for the privilege of supporting us.

    So boycotts and the like never worked for me although I respect others views, and would wish to welcome you back now.

    I have revelled in the fact that I have followed through these troubles with colleagues at work waiting for me to break. They'll wait a long time. I was at school during Celtics 9IAR! I was born Rangers. I will die Rangers! I will be there no matter what!

    Some former players don't always go and I saw Carson talking about if John Grieg goes back then he will. Remember Grieg was treated badly but he perhaps does not have the business expertise required at a modern boardroom. Walter too. I love and admire them as I do Ally. But players and managers, they often leave. We are different. we are the permanence, the stability. We after all... are the people!

    Lily must be in her 80s.... sits behind me, she kept going and struggled to get here... though I've not seen her recently.

    So gentlemen, I give you Bobby Brown, one of our oldest surviving players and a regular attender. He supports the team. He's been around longer than all of us. We all should share that DNA. Lets get back with Bobby and support our team, our club, our players.


  11. I dont know how to do poll

    Are you

    1. Going to game and have a ST even though we've been shite and the Boardroom's a mess and will keep going to support the team

    2. Paying at gate ( had ST last year) even though we've been shite and the Boardroom's a mess.

    3. Paying at Gate because that's what you've always done.

    4. Not going for personal finance or distance reasons.

    5. Not going because performances are desperate! ( FFS ...i endured Celtics 9IAR)

    6. Not going as a protest against Board.

    Im interested in what the make up on here is of Bears

    Im 1.

    Its a no brainer for me. Always will be.

    Lets have biggest support in scotland this year!!!

    Lets do it!


  12. Big Peter --- The Girvan Lighthouse.

    I used to go on holiday to girvan and Peter had a sports shop which he worked in at times. Can't remember its name though might have been McCloys.

    Anyway, my Dad bought me a putter... Big Peter served us. I'm still crap at golf though.


    Jardine Mathieson

    Greig McKinnon Smith

    Henderson Penman Stein Macdonald and Johnson

    2 3 5 Sorted!

    Thats the team I will remember when I'm old and demented.... not long to go then!

    or maybe Ferguson before Stein and a bit of Person on left wing.

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