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Everything posted by AndyFRFC

  1. Be just typical for Utd to have an "off day" and get steam rollered.
  2. Sweet lost the link ages ago and couldn't find it again. Cheers!!
  3. Can totally see the lineup being botched already. 4-5-1 with Adam in midfield and Mculloch up front and Boyd not in the squad. Really hope Wattie doesn't blow it
  4. I don't think we have looked comfortable 2 games in a row this year - so we'll run the scum off the park next week. MON THE GERS!!!! :rangers:
  5. I really hope we do offload some of the shit but I doubt it. Can't see anythin major happenin til summer at least.....and hopefully Wattie will go with em.
  6. Aye gonna score in last 2 minutes to win it
  7. From BBC Sport: "1615: Hearts striker Christian Nade has to play peacemaker as Celtic duo Artur Boruc and Gary Caldwell start a little shoving match. The Celtic keeper then flaps at a corner before the home defence hack the ball clear. " Interestin...
  8. Walter: "Good first half...dissapointed to only get 1 goal.....we knew they would come back in 2nd half....played well towards the end.....please Lafferty got a goal" Same every fucking week. Am sorry Walter but time is up......reputation is diminshing by the week.
  9. The Ref and Linesmen were rotten today...but we shouldn't have lost those 2 goals.
  10. Referee should be shot Worst performance from an official in a while.....(at least since last week)
  11. FFS LINESMAN What the fuck is going on with the officiating!!
  12. 2-2 is still not good enough Shouldn't be in this position in the first place
  13. 17 mins to go....and NOW Walter comes down from the stand. twat
  14. Why the fuck can't we put 2 good performances in in a row. Pile o wank :angry2:
  15. Look so weak at the back. Everytime Utd attack they must feel they can score
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