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Posts posted by bettertogether

  1. ..what an absolute gentleman of a bear . The Spirit of Rangers hangs proud in the living room chez Rab.felt this was more worthy of a pm.just to let the people on the board know how proud you made yer fellow bluenose.tell you what amigo, it looks fuckin superb , post a pic soon.

    thanks a million Cammy.my boys love it, so do I.

    No Surrender


    Glad you like it Rab delight to see a fellow bear and a legend on here happy

  2. mate that is some gesture.if you will allow me to buy it from you or make a donation to a charity of your choice to cover the cost of it, I will be very proud to do so.ill even post you a pic of it on the wall of chez Rab. Pm you when I finish work.

    No Surrender


    Its no problem Rab I would be delighted to see it go to a good Bear, if you pm me details where you would like it sent I will sort it for you.

  3. I have one called "Spirit of Rangers" Which is fans arriving at Ibrox in the 60s, the one I have is limited edition

    and signed byJohn Greig, Sandy Jardine, Jim Baxter and the artist John M Boyd.

    It is framed and is 900mm x 700mm

    If you would like it pm me and I will sort it out for you as I have not had it up for a while,

    and would be glad to see it going to a good home.

  4. Margaret Margaret ‘Did Celtic tell you they were meeting the EU delegation the day after the WSHA meeting?’

    Posted by footballtaxhavens ⋅ June 19, 2014⋅ Leave a comment

    Filed Under Celtic FC, EU State Aid, Margaret Curran, West of Scotland Housing Association


    As we saw before, Celtic pulled Margaret Curran, Shadow Secretary State Scotland, into both of their meetings with the West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) (see

    previous post).

    The second meeting was held on 23rd October 2013.

    And who were Celtic meeting on the 24th October 2013? According to informed sources they were meeting the EU delegation to discuss the EU State Aid case against them.

    Now did Margaret Curran know that there was an EU State Aid case against them in October 2013 related to GCC land deals when she started helping Celtic with ‘finding a solution to their impasse’ with the WSHA land deal? Did Celtic warn her what she was stepping into the day before meeting the EU? Did she or her advisers check before she stepped into a minefield?

    Was Margaret Curran also brought by Celtic to the EU meeting? If asked would Margaret have gone or would she have thought she was overstepping the mark?

    ‘Margaret, Margaret ……..’ Can you find your way out of the minefield?

    Thanks to the VB guys for this nugget.

    ©footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com CC-BY.png

  5. This is the latest from FTH


    Glasgow City Council’s corrupt misuse of old District Valuer valuations and the RPI on land valuations

    Posted by footballtaxhavens ⋅ June 12, 2014⋅ Leave a comment

    Filed Under Celtic FC, District Valuer, Glasgow City Council, West of Scotland Housing Association

    One major piece of information that came out of the the West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) land debacle is that valuations by the District Valuer (DV) are only valid for 6 months. See the last sentence in the paragraph from the WSHA minutes:


    Some of the DV valuations accepted by the GCC for the sale of land to Celtic PLC were years old. In the case of the London Road Primary School (LRPS) the valuation was 7 years old (see

    previous post).

    The original price of £300,000 was set by the GCC at a council meeting in January 2007 although they claim the option was written in 2009. So the GCC, when LRPS was eventually settled, after their 3 year option was accepted 7 years after in January 2014 added an increment for the 3 YEARS. And what did the GCC use? The RPI, the Retail Price Index.

    So as well as not getting an up-to-date valuation 2014 valuation the GCC used a 2007 valuation. Seven years old. Land valuations move massively depending on the economic cycle. Hence the time limit on the DV valuations.

    Plus the GCC used a RETAIL Price Index that tracks the increase in costs of everyday items like milk. There is no relationship between LAND and the RPI.

    Do any of the GCC Planning or DRS depts live in the real world? Do they know how to do valuations?

    How does the DV like their ages old valuations being misused corruptly?

    We don’t need to be blocked with our FoIs. It is plainly obvious that the GCC is corrupt and can be seen in plain sight. Do they really think the Glasgow ratepayers are stupid like the Scottish mainstream media?

    Harry Markopolis, the securities analyst took 10 years to get through to the US SEC that Bernie Madoff was a crook. So sometimes it takes time because the authorities, whether EU, UEFA, UK or Scottish don’t want to admit that this corruption happened on their watch. However the end did come for Mr Madoff and it will for the GCC personnel too. None of the persons digging are going away.

    ©footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com CC-BY.png

  6. I for one won't miss you's and don't agree with your stance. Your there to support rangers just the same as the rest of us, no different, no better. Does the wee guy with the megaphone who faces away from the pitch the whole 90 minutes walk through the turnstile backwards?

    Hopefully his is the seat that's still available, happy days !!

  7. Republic of Ireland assistant Roy Keane won't be next Celtic manager


    Staying: Roy Keane will not be the next Celtic manager.SNS Group

    <a href="http://oas.stv.tv/Re...1714812@Frame1" target="_blank"> <img src="http://oas.stv.tv/Re...1714812@Frame1" alt="" /> </a>

    Roy Keane is out of the running to become the new Celtic manager.

    The current Republic of Ireland assistant boss was the favourite to take the position as Neil Lennon's successor, but the Scottish champions will now explore alternative options with Keane seeing his immediate future with his national team.

    Keane emerged as the most likely candidate last week, when Republic of Ireland manager Martin O'Neill confirmed his assistant had held informal talks with Celtic's majority shareholder Dermot Desmond.

    O'Neill also confirmed that he would not stand in Keane's way should he choose to take the position at Celtic Park.

    On Friday the Hoops' chief executive Peter Lawwell told STV the club had a shortlist of five to ten candidates for the position.

    Neil Lennon left his job as Celtic manager in May, after four years in charge of the club.

  8. Another great piece today from FTH, these guys are doing some great work digging into this.

    GCC Compulsory Purchased WSHA land but when Surplus had to be sold back then GCC imposed extra conditions to make WSHA think twice

    Posted by footballtaxhavens ⋅ May 30, 2014⋅ Leave a comment

    Filed Under Celtic FC, Glasgow City Council, West of Scotland Housing Association

    Eight years ago Glasgow City Council hit the West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) with a compulsory purchase order to acquire some WSHA land, the GCC received the land and never paid for it. This how the arrogant GCC operates. The land in question was CPO’d was for the East End regeneration Route/The Clyde Gateway.

    After the route was planned & built some of the WSHA land was leftover and surplus to requirements. Under the Crichel Downs rules, land compulsory purchased when sold has to firstly be offered to the previous owner.

    However, in making an offer of the surplus land back to the WSHA, GGC imposed conditions and the main one was that WSHA could not make any profit on the further sale of the land.

    From the previous post’s Committee Briefing document from 20th January 2014 the condition can be seen:


    Now why would GCC impose such a restrictive condition on land which they had not even paid for and WSH owned in the first place. If WSHA had retained the land they would have been able to sell the land & get any profit.

    Why did the GCC impose the profit restriction? Could it be that the main contender to purchase the land was Celtic PLC. The land fell into the Celtic Triangle:


    In fact, the land in question was in the RHS part of the land that became security (Shaded in blue) for Celtic’s dodgy Co-operative Bank loan & overdraft:


    See The Clyde Gateway Phase 2 – Disposal of Surplus Land doc below. Plot B is the land in question and as can be seen it ended up with Celtic. As planned by GCC? So GCC did WSHA out of the profit they would have been able to get from Celtic:


    Doesn’t it seem strange that, in 2001, when the original Co-operative loan & overdraft was given to Celtic that only Celtic Park was the security. Yet every piece of land acquired by Celtic becomes additional security when the loan conditions have not changed.

    A bank Risk Management Committee goes through any loan secured request to ensure the bank can get it’s money back if the lender fails. The only reason there has been repeated additional security is that the loan was not properly drawn up in the first place. That means it bypassed the Risk Management Committee. It was done at mates rates by people in the Co-operative Bank to Celtic’s advantage. Well we can see the consequences at the CO-operative Bank with it’s latest £1.5 billion loss.

    Maybe, instead of Co-operative Bank being opportunist and reacting when Celtic PLC acquire land, that the CO-operative Bank are requesting more security and it goes in the opposite direction and the GCC facilitates the land to Celtic. Perhaps that’s why the GCC only offers land, not only in the Triangle – remember Westthorn. As has been pointed out previously, the issuing of Options over long durations, only to Celtic would appear to allow Celtic to decide when to acquire the land to placate the Co-operative Bank monster.

    GCC: The Clyde Gateway Phase 2 – Disposal of Surplus Land 12th December 2013







    Many thanks to pzj, The Engineer & several others for the source material.

    WSHA Committee Briefing document 20th January 2014



    ©footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com CC-BY.png

  9. WSHA used HMRC District Valuer & Thought They Were Compromised in Land Dealings with Celtic. WSHA now in Arse Protection Mode.

    Posted by footballtaxhavens ⋅ May 29, 2014⋅ Leave a comment

    Filed Under Celtic FC, District Valuer, Glasgow City Council, HMRC, Margaret Curran, West of Scotland Housing Association


    The map above is the land Celtic used as security in December 2013 to prop up their Co-operative Bank loan & overdraft. This was the subject of a

    previous post. The red area on the RHS is the West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) land which was transferred to Celtic.

    A WSHA Committee Briefing document dated 20th January 2014, excerpted below, highlights several points on their view on the process which resulted in the land transfer to Celtic:

    1. WSHA suddenly became aware of the EU State Aid case against Celtic which seems to have spurred them to protect their arses in case they are pulled into the investigation.

    2. WSHA used the local District Valuer (DV), a branch of the HMRC, as a valuer/agent which you would expect would work solely for the WSHA but according to the document there appears to have been ‘a history between this individual DV and Celtic’ such that compromised their dealings with Celtic. This is highly important since, at one point negotiations take place in private with the DV & the Celtic agent completely un-minuted. It looks like the DV, instead of stating & defending the WSHA case, acted like a mediator moving the case toward Celtic’s and rolling over in negotiations.

    3. Another Site Investigation document disappears like the Westhorn Geotechnical document of GCC. Seems to be a pattern of documents disappearing.

    Using the DV should have provided WSHA with piece of mind that they were getting a professional neutral negotiator but it looks like WSHA were facing Celtic, Shadow Secretary of State Margaret Curran and the DV on the other side.

    The DV naturally would have a lot of contact with Glasgow City Council being the largest city in Scotland therefore their transfers of land including the ones to Celtic, to such an extent that ideally, local DV personnel should have been substituted by others from down south to prevent accusations of familiarity.

    Given that the HMRC’s Scottish tax investigation team case leaking of Celtic main rival, Rangers, tax case details, contributing to the latter’s witch-hunt in the main stream press including BBC Scotland, it doesn’t seem a coincidence that here is another branch of the Scottish HMRC, the office of DV, also appearing compromised.

    Note Again: This dodgy land was used as Security for Celtic’s dodgy Co-operative Bank loan & overdraft. End to end this transaction stinks and deserves investigation.

    The WSHA land discussed above was not the only parcel of land that was transferred to Celtic in December 2013. The GCC sold land that was previously owned to the WSHA and Compulsory Purchase Order.

    How GCC & the DV contrived not to return that land to WSHA and re-direct that land to Celtic is the subject of the next post. This corruption runs deep and the digging is now mining the mother lode.

    Many thanks to pzj, The Engineer & several others for the source material.

    WSHA Committee Briefing document 20th January 2014



    ©footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com CC-BY.png


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