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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. The house of cards coming down was always going to give more than one seasons entertainment.
  2. None of those guys went on to pro clubs . Think they all retired after ,😀
  3. The remainder of his contract will be well below 2m quid .Anything above 10m they should be snapping the hand off them . By the beginning of September he becomes almost worthless .
  4. Landon Dykes . The only Dykes that should be wearing a Scotland shirt are the Scotland ladies .
  5. That would be funny as fuck ,activate option to buy then punt for a profit . Who sanctioned that deal 😂
  6. 2 racist issues . Tonev ,got banned for 6 games ,Lieswell didn’t accept he was racist ,move on . The year the taigs lay down to the sheep at the piggery to allow them to beat us to 2nd,he was abused again by fans . Anti racism charity ,Possibly nil by mouth .Reported it to the SFA to investigate ,Right under the big carpet or went and never heard of again.
  7. Il never forget the night I first saw that shark . Took me ages to work out what it actually was ,All I could see was an inflatable shark ,The kind of thing you get the weans on holiday for the pool 😁
  8. The Wee ozzy guy that city signed then loaned to the taigs right away was first reported as a joint ownership transfer .They quickly had to quash that as it was illegal . He still ended up at the Taigs ,there is defo a connection somewhere .
  9. Might be enough to cover the instalments due for last years transfer extravaganza.
  10. Can’t remember the source .Iv seen 15m quoted today ..
  11. The sellick way is a myth .They had a short period under burns where they played the “traditional” way for about 2 years and won fuck all . Even then the style wasn’t a patch on we saw at times last season from Rangers .
  12. Get rich and run away more like .
  13. The first time we played at their midden with reduced away they were given options for extras . There were crowd control issues as it was thought many were unfamiliar with getting in and out the ground
  14. He said that after 1 league win the house of cards would fall . At this rate there will be nothing left to fall .😁
  15. That’s the big problem with coaches coming here with a “philosophy “ All well and good having a style ,but using that style against a team that’s there to go toe to toe is different from the bus Parkers here .
  16. Really ,that would be embarrassing. is there not a period of grace they can give him .
  17. Are you leaving school soon .
  18. Makes a change from the showers .
  19. You have to wonder why they spent 3 months waiting on Howe when they had this genius in the background all along .
  20. And of course we won’t ever get to hear how many they have sold . The only we can judge is how deep into the season they are advertising on Clyde .
  21. The only relevance Howe has now is Howe soon will it be before they are in the car park flinging sharks .
  22. Terry Munro is a prod .😂
  23. Fits into the category of a few ex players who are Scots ,Speak with their wallets not their hearts . The Fergusons are the 2 worst . Amazing to see our ex foreign players speak more favourable than guys that grew up as fans .
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