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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Its an.urban myth that they aint an all inclusive club They welcome all,whether it a bigot,a racist or a peado
  2. Madrid,even though pepe plays for them :-!
  3. Over the years iv noted some myths turned fact by our tim freindly media,there must be some iv forgotten but il start with 3 that really yank my chain 1,We baulked on hartson Well fact is he failed a medical, He was a Wimbledon player at the time,they paid around 6m pounds for him,when he returned to Wimbledon he failed a medical there,had his contract ripped up and became a free agent, Coventry took a chance on him on a 20k pay as you play deal, Over a about a year he turned it round and the filth bought him So it wasnt just us who thought he was finished. 2 The tims have a great scouting network Victor Wanyama was offered to us 6months before peado fc bought him,but we didnt want to risk the cash at the time,so was offered to the dhims,so no great scouting network,just watching dvds 3 They are a well run cash rich club Well as we all know they have no spare cash and have liabilities to the coop for multiple millions Anymore timmy media lies to expose,please add
  4. Im not fully upto speed on the other sports institutions currently under full investigations,ie barca,real,the dutch clubs,swansea and the english rugby club,but with some of them its pretty menial compared to what the dhims have been upto,so i find it hard to believe this will not go to full investigation A key thing is its usually 2 months of primary investigation before its declined,this has been almost a year of constant info of potential wrong doing,there is no way that they wont be collared for something. And i dont think the shiftiest scam of them all,lennoxtown has been looked at yet
  5. This land was sold at reduced rates then used as security on loans from the coop. In my opinion liewell intended to sell all or some of the land,ie lennoxtown for housing and move to a new complex at barrowfield and westhorn,clear the loans and have what was essentialy free money to bankroll the club for a number of years. But thanks to fth he has been rumbled Its also my opinion that this is why popcorn teeth left,his financial doping quote was coming back to haunt him
  6. Is it possible the payement for remedial works include the access route,which if i remember correctly was to be upgraded as a condition of sale of land, Which incidently hasnt happened yet and is under scrutiny from local residents through the courts,which is also not commentable from msm
  7. Iv thought for a while that this could be the reason the eu are taking a while,if theres a yes vote the eu may just drop the whole lot,however these dodgy deals have been done while still eu members
  8. First time poster long term reader This whole story stinks to high heaven,its comparible to our ebt saga,but there are some glaring differences 1.Our ebt was public knowledge from the start,i can remember reading an article in the rebel around 2001,it was in a saturday edition and there was a large pic of micheal mols,he was used as an example of the level of player we could continue to attract due to this legal tax loophole,but for some reason the msm forgot this,it also stated that murray group took liabilty for any future tax cases involving thia scheme. 2.The msm aint touching this story with a bargepole,whislt they filled their pages and phone ins for 2years discussing our guilt and raving about the fantastic rtc website that was very informative,we now know this site was full of lies,conjecture and stolen documentation,sickens my stomach whenever a bear manages to raise this on the snyde phone in and the likes of delahunt sneer and laugh about this topic 3.Why hasnt the sfm site not jumped on this,this site morphed from rtc to sfm,its sole purpose was to highlight wrongdoing from ALL scottish football clubs, For many years the sectarian anti catholic drum was banged and still is,but as we all know this country is now anti loyalist and anti protestant,all things going for the bheasts and all things going against us.i just hope one day the worm turns around and this truly despicable sectarian terrorist supporting club is exposed uk wide for exactly what it stands for.i reckon we could well be moving in that direction as the filth look like they are not welcome south of the border now as this must be the first time in years that they havent played any pre season games down south,possibly because the lee rigby nonesense at brentford last year was a bridge too far, Come tommorow we will be one day closer till this story is given the coverage it deserves
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