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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. No pissing about for whoever bombed Lieswell
  2. Jeezo ,Lieswells home has been petrol bombed, The DR are running a story ,His car caught fire and set fire to his house . A nice leaving present from the groin brigade me thinks .
  3. Rodgers is an egotistical prick . The made up story of the bear getting out his car at the Clyde tunnel to shake his hand and thank him for coming to Scotland proved that . First chance of a half decent EPL job he was always going .First offer was Leicester and he did that .
  4. Your just jealous of her uncle 😁
  5. He’s lucky it was behind closed doors .
  6. Possibly the reason why Thumb refused to come on .Didn’t want his medicine .
  7. Lego has been praised for his wind ups in the past .It’s part of the game so we were told . If you dish it out you need to be able to take some back , Its a case of he who laughs last laughs longest with this one .
  8. Just the voices in my head again 😂 Just my prediction,Poor start to World Cup campaign and pumped at Euros he will be looking for a job .
  9. Looking like Steve Clarke as the Taigs manager . Send them right into meltdown just as they are recovering from being fucked all season .
  10. Superb ,So ,what happens both teams get these breaks too then .
  11. Shows that himself more than most has bought into the overhype regarding his ability .
  12. Nice one ,70 from a free bet
  13. I know it’s close if he sees the season out .
  14. Have you any idea how many games he’s had in charge yet ,I’m needing 10 for my Skybet payout .
  15. Rodgers team wasn’t up against a team that had won the league 8 3/4 times in a row with all the stability and a few years of CL cash behind it .
  16. Is he allowed to put accas on now .That’s the only way he will be picking any epl team .
  17. He’s coming in as Jose’s no 2. Dream team 2.0
  18. At work the other day a Hivs fan said he watched the Sportscene highlights on Sunday and said we were lucky as the taigs had most of the game . 😂😂🇬🇧
  19. We can look forward to Meltdown 2.0
  20. They have also in the past had a player they could sell for decent money without affecting the overall team drastically. Now they are in a position where the only players really worth anything have 1 year left ,making them less valuable and they ideally are the base of a team to build around . They effectively need to build from scratch ,Getting 8 to 10 players in of a decent standard is very expensive and not all transfers work out . They don’t even have a manager in place planning for the summer picking up the bargains or getting in front of the queue for the few affordable players that would be good enough . It’s a fucking shame so it is 😂😂
  21. Thought he was a 15m plus player 😂
  22. 14/1 with Skybet that the taigs are his next job .
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