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Posts posted by Supersonic

  1. Just now, ShanksRFC said:

    :lol: Overeem came out recently and said it was all about the cardio now hence why he has lost so much size.

    As Nate Diaz says, everyones on steroids.

    I actually think the two Diaz's are the only fighters I'd be genuinely upset/annoyed at for testing positive for anything other than weed :lol:

    Everyone else it's almost expected at this point

  2. Just now, ex-guardsman said:

    Those fights were fucking epic. Do you remember the guy who had a rib missing me and the Mrs would always cheer for him just for his sheer fight he had and every cunt he fought would kick him there.

    I wonder whether they'd clear Telligman to even fight these days?

    Was like the wild west back then :lol:

    He lost quite a bit but fair fucking play to him for not letting that shit hold him back 

  3. Just now, ex-guardsman said:

    Tell ye what your better than an mma website for info bud.

    I just really liked him in his prime and just pisses me off no end when fighters just have to turn up to get paid for going through the motions.

    I have loved this sport since the old Bravo days and even Tito would come out swinging but Hendricks is just fucking about IMO and should not be even fighting after watching that pish he dished up.

    Those Tito vs Chuck days oh ya fucker :crywank:

  4. Just now, lidorfc said:

    Boom. USADA has done a number on a fair few fighters, the quicker they let athletes use performance enhancers the better. 

    The art of dodging the tests just gets better and better as tests get stricter
    Some don't want to risk it, some probably feel they can't fight without it

    They're starting to use some weird fucking animal testosterone shit that actually mimics human stuff that well it isn't showing up on the tests supposedly or something along those lines

    That's why USADA is storing blood tests and shit from fighters for the next 20 years so when their tests evolve they can go back and say this cunt and that cunt was doing this shit and that shit :lol:


    I kinda hate to say it, but the UFC (and PRIDE even more so!) would be no where near as beloved if it wasn't for PED's

  5. 3 minutes ago, ex-guardsman said:

    What is wrong with Hendricks he is just has nothing anymore he really was one of my fav fighters but now just looks like going through the motions.

    USADA is what happened

    Plus he's a fat bastard outside of fight camp and refuses to be disciplined with weight cuts which is such a shame cause he has some wrestling pedigree and used to have some stellar fucking power in them hands!

    As I say... USADA has fucked up a lot of fighters

    Ever since they started testing strict as fuck plenty fighters have regressed almost overnight

  6. This type of social media reaction is exactly what I think the cunts in the paper wanted :lol:


    No need, look how many stories have been printed in just the last couple months alone that have turned out to be utter bullshit


    Mind when Warbs wasn't signing an extension?


    As far Waggy liking a tweet on the matter, he's probably sitting pissing himself laughing at the reaction

    He's said time and time again he couldn't have imagined doing what he did in the first season at us


    In an ideal world though, Warbs or Tav/Waggy would come out put it to bed asap, but I can't see that happening either :lol:


    Fuck knows :lol:

  7. TUF card had some good fights on it for sure - that main event was fanastic!

    Another great bout between those two, just like the first! 


    Joanna definitely won it, but those judges were too happy to hand out 10-8's, fucksake :lol:


    Not a huge fan of Joanna if I'm honest and there's never any denying her ability to fuck cunts up, but I'm glad she apologised for her pish on TUF


    Claudia's a wee roided up babe though... but she really needs to work on her conditioning more! :lol:

    If she could've kept that round 1 and even round 2 pace up she'd be the champ right now, by round 3 she was fading, by 4 she was deed!


    Fuck it, roll on 200! (tu)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Gillete said:

    I thought the weigh in starts at 11pm?

    New method of weigh in is to get it out the way early as fuck, like today at 10am Vegas time

    They just show up at night "weigh ins" for the show of it now - and face offs of course!

  9. Just now, Cobham said:

    Are the checks on the front more prominent than they look in the picture also?

    They look non-existent in those pictures, if we were face to face for example you'd see them clear as day

  10. Just now, Cobham said:

    Imo it looks nothing like the leaked pictures we've seen. And it looks like the crappy blue colour again!

    I'd lean towards saying my shitty phone camera plays a big role in that, it's a lot more blue in person... as daft as that sounds

  11. 1 minute ago, Broxi said:

    Kit looked really tight on the players when they wore it against Charleston, didn't look as good on than I thought it would imo.

    Still a nice top though.

    And to be fair, I was watching a shitty stream then a periscope feed for half the game

    I'd say it's quite tight, but the past few years have all been fairly tight so I've been buying a size up just for the comfort

    Nothing like the baggy as fuck old kits :lol:

  12. 2 minutes ago, Fabric said:

    Probably missing something here mate but where did u get it 

    Bought it from Puma when they put a bunch up that one morning before taking it down promptly

    Took longer than expected to get here, but both mines and my brothers arrived start of this week

    Sure some other posters on here had found some on Amazon through the Puma store on there - no idea about them though sadly

  13. So I thought I'd post a pic of mines (arrived earlier this week) but you can't really see the large check pattern on the main body of the shirt, or even really make out the small check pattern section on the sleeves

    However, here the main pic:

    Gers Kit 1.jpg


    And here's a closer pic of the sleeve - it's a check pattern but kinda looks like lines here:

    Gers Kit 2.jpg


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