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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. I put yes, though I would put him as 1st team coach and want Warburton or someone else as Director of Football. I think that given the players he had to pull from, and given that the contract dates of so many of them were up immediately after this game I think his goose was cooked before he even took on the team as would have anyone elses been under the circumstances. The players ... had nothing to play for in a very real and mercenary sense. They -knew- that they were out the door tomorrow and so lacked the ambition, hunger and focus that was required for the last 3 games at least. I think that having a director of football now is even more important than it was last week or had we simply gone straight up. Building from scratch, we need to find a way to bring stability to the club...a philosophy that supercedes any one coach and any 1 team. Having sat through some of the training sessions at Murray park for the little guys coming up through the school, it is easy to see that we have some talented little fellows. We also have a few very decent coaches for this 'beginning' level. Some of these little guys, hopefully, will be the landmarks for the 2nd and 3rd teams down the road and then eventually the 1st team. Part of the task we have to complete is finding a way to both attract, teach, and -keep- the talent that is shown rather than giving it away to other clubs. I think that we need someone to over-see the entire program .. from the little guys and 'little coaches' all the way through to the 1st team and -this- appointment is far, far more important than just the 1st team coach. As 'first team coach' I think that McCall has a number of pluses -- if he can work with a director of football which I think he could do. McCall (under more normal circumstances) has a pretty decent record of picking talent, attracting players and advancing teams. He is driven to win, likeable and everywhere he goes he tends to leave behind a legacy of respect. He was successfully able to motivate the bunch of characters that we have/had until such time, I think, that the players began to look forward to 'just getting this season over with' and given that it was(is, I hope) almost a given that most of the players would not be coming back .. trying to motivate this bunch for the last 3 games would have been next to impossible. He already has his eye on certain players and apparently has had players approach him ... which I think is due to his reputation of being a decent manager. McCalls' biggest draw back that I can see, is a sometimes lack of confidence in himself. He is not one to sit around and take money from the club after he's due. If -he- doesn't think he can do the job, then according to his record -he- is the first person to say so. One of the things that have had some people nervous about him is the question of .. 'what if he does the same as he did at MW and walk mid-season?' At the same time, the previous 2 (McCoist and McDowall) stayed long after their effectiveness drawing wages whilst essentially doing little for them, or so it is perceived. Having a 'director of football' gives the benefit of a) having an extra set of eyes, experience and ideas which the 1st team coach can refer to so that when things start to go astray a more 'collective' approach can be taken with regards to solutions. This lessens the likelihood of something like what happened at MW happen here regardless of who is in the 'hot seat'. b) It provides a stable and secure continuum so that should -anything- happen to the 1st coach (be that giving up, being fired or getting hit by a bus) the transition from one coach to the next is less of a big deal. c) Because the director of football role .. also...takes a role in setting goals and such so that 'home-grown' talent starts to play a larger role. Director role has to be with an eye to 'where we want to go to' .. which is more in line with England than with Scotland. Yet, right now -we- are here in Scotland so having someone who knows the English score plus having someone who knows the Scottish deal is important. 2 heads .. 2 people (or) 2 teams of 2. I, personally, have given little credence to McCalls' last few interviews given the sometimes stupid things he's been asked. He can hardly go on national tv and say 'this bunch of over-paid wankers suck and I can't wait to see the back of them'. If he did, he'd be accused of passing the buck and making excuses .. yet, I am pretty sure that is -exactly- what he's wanted to say. So, he's done a snow-job of pointing out their 'good points' and putting stuff down to luck and saying 'tonight they were the better team' (which is a more diplomatic way of saying the former) So, my vote is yes .. keep McCall as 1st team coach ... and please, please give us someone like Warburton as a Director of football.
  2. Totally agree. Game is only have over and we've been 2 down before. Just gotta get 3 and I think ... if we start and keep going as we did in the last 10 mins ... we will get there.
  3. Well, that was delightful and informative. Great way to disagree and hold a discussion. As to the question? YES! It's only 1/2 time folks. Today was a poor performance. Nerves and lack of focus. Last 8 minutes or so, focus was back. Sunday is another day. The need more focus and less nerves ... for the entire 90 minutes. I -refuse- to talk my team down at 1/2 time.
  4. How much roughly do they run? (I'm wanting one for next year)
  5. [i think the board doing their due diligence, speaking to candidates properly and in detail and really taking their time to appoint the right man is so important.] (DBBTB) We want the board to speak to candidates properly and in detail and take their time ... yet any time someone goes to Ibrox to talk, or they go to someone else to talk, everyone starts jumping to conclusions and the rumours start tlying around about how we are going to get this or that person. Person in charge .. has.. to be able to handle this kind of rumour-mill and gold fish bowl lifestyle and be able to focus 100% on the job at hand regardless of what is being said about him. This is all part of the days work for us.
  6. Hopefully they will end up with no money and no funny.
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