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Posts posted by Bellshill_Bear

  1. ??

    Well said mate, we only care about our own and if anybody chooses the other side then let's not even acknowledge them. He might not have signed yet but I think we all know he will deep down.

    I don't buy this young family pish, I have 2 babies and make 30k a year, I'm not struggling. So I don't see the issue with making 2 or 3k a week at your "boyhood heroes" my fiancé asked me what I would do if I was him and I asked her to leave the room.

    The only thing that really gets to me is the timplosion from the whole of Scottish football.

  2. Templeton is the new law? Law is transformed this season. And I wouldn't read too much into oduwa it's good to have appoints and cover I for one think he has a part to play and will take this chance.

    He is a good player ally ruined but he always will have the ability

  3. Slightly let down with this thread was expecting a wee video of them both :(

    I can't choose they were both out of the top drawer and hard to pull off wallaces was in a more risky area tavers in a more dangerous area, tavers ran the width of the pitch to collect the bal...

    Meh can't choose

  4. No leaked March delegates report, no Twitter condemnation, no media coverage or outcry. Just a factual piece about the ban?

    Why is it only big news when it's us? Hibs have bought a player from St midden, St midden has a player from us (in the last year of his contract) where is the outcry about this.

    Sick of us getting singled out for everything no wonder were an angry bunch fuck the lot of them the sfa, the bbc and all 41 clubs.

    *insert funny fuck you meme*

    Edit *insert piece about journos being banned from the piggery and Jim spence*

  5. Alright, first post.. Go easy.

    Lot of chat just now around Tavernier's form so far. Early doors, but he does look like a great capture.

    Got me thinking, who in your opinion has made the best impression after the fewest games when signing for us?

    Mines would be Mols.. I genuinely thought after a few games he looked like he was a world beater.

    Mols for me as well. Nearly commited suicide when he was injured

  6. English's mum should have swallowed. It's unbelievable how biased they cunts are. I don't see the big issue with us vs the Bbc theres more than one broadcasters to report on Us. Stv, Sky, Bt sport and every paper.

    The bbc are anti Rangers and the fans should show how we feel

  7. The thing that impressed me and will only get better through practice is the teams first touch during link up play the players take a touch past their man and look so much sharper compared to last season where the players would either run backward or launch it forward.

    Our passes will go astray but it's high risk football and it's good to watch, time and practice will see this improving.

    I can't see why temps and McKay get so much flak. I'm not Clarke biggest fan I actually thought he was push until yesterday. He has a place in the team not as the striker but as the wide man his energy and eye for a pass is good. Mckay and temps are good players but temps needs games, in flashes you could see he's still the same player.

    I predict he will prove the doubters wrong this season ??

  8. What do you think will be the top 4 at the end of the season and who do you think will win the play off semi final?

    I would go for 1) Us 2) hibs 3) St mirren and 4) Falkirk.

    I think St mirren and Falkirk is a tight one but I have to back St mirren to beat a plucky Falkirk but hibs to beat them and it pains me to say this but I think hibs will win in the last stage of the play offs and go up with us.

    I hope they don't I now hate hibs more than Aberdeen. One win against Montrose and they think they are better than us. Please oh please warbs destroy this shite junky mini taig bheast loving team ?

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