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Posts posted by Bellshill_Bear

  1. I know I stated McKay was no ronaldo but I think people are being harsh here. The boy mostly ran into traffic but I seen he has the ability to pick a pass quite like Scott Allan. Played a beautiful chipped ball to waghorn. Walsh was much more direct and successful when running with the ball but McKay has the better vision and through balls.

    Against hibs I would start McKay but bring on Walsh if we aren't having any joy

  2. Good game IMO and unfair to judge them solely on this performance. A player like Allan would be welcome but in a midfield three you need them to all work hard even when not in possession which I don't think he does.

    Waggy played ok for me he is a bit rusty but he will start putting them away soon enough. Mckay has proven 90% on here wrong he is no cristiano ronaldo but Walsh played better when he came on he is a real talent!

    Never seen too much of holt to be fair I think law may have passed him his invisibility cloak because law impressed me as well. Miller looked good when he came on as well he reads the game well and makes the passes the midfielders should.

    We could be doing with a striker but hardie, Miller and gal would provide good competition for the coming season. I think this team will win the league the looked hungrier and more comfortable in possession than last years team.we may see another few players coming in. I have a feeling warbs will be thinking the same as me, 2 more signings and the team is ready for the battle.

  3. Disagree with this but enjoyed reading.

    Everybody knows different players and positions peak at different times.

    I would say 27 for a striker, 28 for a midfielder and 29 for a defender.

    They need to mature physically and learn their trade for many years. Messi is at his peak while ronaldo is at the end of his sadly

  4. I wouldn't trust me. :D

    Just assumed because it's a friendly, and there's no European football on TV. Sure I've watched live friendlies before on RTV. Looked on Rangerstv but couldn't see anything about the game.


    God I really get frustrated with rangers TV for this reason, lools like I will stream it. I'm on paternity leave so I'm not allowed to attend :(

  5. If that's our lot , I'd be confident.

    However I'd like us to go for a prolific scorer particularly if we're playing an attacking style of football , I'm not so sure we have that in our squad right now . Someone in the mould of McCoist or Boyd.

    Perhaps Clark , with his goal scoring record at QoS could fill that role , if MW's style of football suits him better . I'm not sure.

    With McCoist's salary being freed in December , it may be more realistic to wait till January to find one , if we find we do need one.

    Forget about Clark, he's pish. Gives his all and has the ability but he can't handle the pressure.

    Also I have a feeling MW will playbmckay and temps in the right and left of the forward trio with waghorn in the middle.

    Halliday will play in the midfield three with a box to box role

    I am also inclined to think eustace won't be joining us. He has played all his days in England and would want to finish his career there, plus he has the chance to get his fitness back at fantastic facilities for nada.

  6. Are you regarded as a legend, and one of the all time greatest employees of your workplace by millions worldwide?

    Do you claim to care passionately about your workplace?

    Have you already been made rich by your workplace, despite majorly fucking it up?

    Yes to all of those questions
  7. Listen, if I was put on gardening leave by my work I would take my entitled pay until the end of my contract. He did get it wrong as manager but to be fair to the guy he took over with a system in place ready to follow. He was never prepared to build a full football club from the inside out. For that and all the happy memories he will always be a legend in my eyes. The club is in good hands now and we can all rest assured the club will be modernised and back to where we belong. Can we move on and look forward not back.

  8. A guy a grew up with was a Motherwell fan as his da was a Motherwell casual even though his family are Celtic fans and 4 of us went to a Rangers vs Motherwell cup semi final at hampden 2 in the Motherwell end and 2 in the Rangers end. We won 2-0 a think edu scored a screamer and he took it tight the whole way home and I stuck vids on YouTube of the hers fans singing build my gallows in Spain. A few days after that he came out as a Celtic fan stating he always liked them. I called him a turncoat but he says he was brain washed into supporting Motherwell and his family are Celtic fans. Anytime he mentions the ira I tell him he's only been a Celtic fan for a few year haha

  9. With the right management, Templeton & McKay could be quality players for us this season.

    Temps prefers playing in the hole but could be his year this year along with McKay in the left/right forward players. We won't be using traditional wingers. The fullbacks will play as wing backs with McKay and temps driving wide also. It's a position made for them !

  10. This is a hard one (that's what she said) I went for Wallace as I think he will have a blinder of a season. But Halliday came a close second. Waldo has really bought into the vision of the manager as the whole team has but I can see him playing like he did when he first came and being an integral part of the team.

    With his style of play the team has a lot of possession and I think if it's not Waldo it will be a midfielder

  11. not ruthless in front of goal

    marky mark warberg

    you ken

    sign a striker bro

    Clark just can't handle the pressure of playing for rangers, doesn't have the mental strength required. His inability to score goals is carrying in into this term. If he doesn't start scoring regularly soon I would ship him out

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