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The Golden Trocar

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  1. Keith Jackson is fundamentally thick as pigshit and this article confirms it. He must have sat for literally minutes armed with Google and a Thesaurus and that's the best he could come up with. As for Warburton showing strain. Aye very good Keith, the guy has oozed class and diplomacy all season whilst taking coaching to a whole new level. The only strain he's been under is avoiding calling the Scottish Media a bunch of thick, lazy fucking cretins. No wonder any Bears I know refuse to buy this rhag.
  2. Just messing with you RM, April Fool (is that how this works?)
  3. I would suggest the floor is actually yours Louden Senior. You're the one who won't reveal your EH cic until August
  4. I will no longer be interacting with your good self for the following reasons:- 1. Calling new posters "taigs" for having a different opinion from you. 2. The snobbery you exude to new posters. Hardly a warm welcome to anyone joining this forum. 3. The bizarre offer to meet me in the Louden to show me your genitalia (sorry but not the kind of behaviour I'd expect from any Rangers Supporter) When the big Edmiston House project is revealed in August, we'll see who's in Cuckoo land.
  5. Yeah, like Big Rab's going to say something the Rangers Board don't want to hear (and jeopardise the wee deal he's got going with them) Apart from that, I agree with your comments.
  6. April Fool? Ah......OK then. Never mind, Louden Junior can now put his name forward on behalf of you both.
  7. I was. The priest's golf do was a private affair and he happily cashed in on that (whilst making jokes about the club). Well...when I say jokes you know what I mean.
  8. Don't twist what I said. As for the man bit, you surprise me, from your last few posts I thought I was engaged with a pubescent teenager.
  9. Not bitter at all. I can't stand manipulation and our support is full of it. As for your "taig" comment. Go fuck yourself.
  10. You're right. I have no back up whatsoever as I wasn't party to Louden Senior & Dingwall's plan. I am not a believer in coincidence either. Buy Rangers falls on its arse. Rangers First is born amidst much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Rangers First slows down Merger proposed Rangers First members leave in droves The majority of those left who can be arsed voting go for merger. Louden Senior steps out of the shadows as our all conquering hero. They should make a film of this one day.
  11. Mmmmm!!! Mirror mirror on the wall, Who's the most devious of them all?
  12. Now now Louden Senior, You sell yourself short. It's obviously not JUST a gift. To keep the pretence that this wasn't the plan all along took months of careful & devious planning. You and the Grandmaster must be very pleased.
  13. It's quite sad that you find our success embarrassing. I'm immensely proud of what our club has achieved and you can only win what's put in front of you. I ain't claiming we play in the best league in the world over the years but to win what we have is something we should all be proud of.
  14. I suppose this is mild compared to when he was a speaker at an RC clergy's annual golf outing and had them rolling in the aisles telling jokes at Rangers expense. Another Big Rangers Man who will sell his soul for a few quid.
  15. Good luck to you in your quest to get elected. Cap doffed to you RM. You've played an absolute blinder with this right from the off. From your very public, contrived and brilliantly engineered spat with Dingwall in the early days of RF, to the "we don't need a merger" nonsense, to the "get my boy and mates onto the RF board to push for a merger" all the way to this. Manipulation & skullduggery at its absolute best. If elected, you will be in good company.
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