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Everything posted by Loyaleastend

  1. If any St Mirren fan ever gave me a sore face I'd consider a sex change tbh
  2. Most Sellik fans are filthy bastards mentally, it's no shock to learn they don't gravitate to physical washing.
  3. You sound intellectual ya fucking embarrassment
  4. I don't give a fuck what you think you drug addled lunatic, some of us care about the Protestant cause, others like yourself are so fucked up as to be useless.
  5. I hope I can live up to your standards mate, sorry.
  6. Naw, I'm too far fae Ulster so my opinion doesn't matter, sorry mate.
  7. Away and tell us how much drugs you have taken, it's so captivating.
  8. Fuck what part should I be impressed about ya daft wee ned?
  9. I live in the East end, full of people who fucking hate the tarriers, you live in Portadown, an immigrant hellhole I hear.
  10. I'd never approach anyone with such a convoluted name.
  11. Fuck climbing that ladder with those cunts at your back
  12. Can you repeat that in English mate? Only the Burnbank Jungle hatred came through? (Och, I'm kidding ffs)
  13. Any team with a "Saint" in the name is idolatrous.
  14. Not like you diving up the Falls with your Easter lily ya wee rhat
  15. St Midden the lie down merchants are papist in my opinion .
  16. Leave him alone, he's been through a lot , and I don't mean women.
  17. You seem a bit unhappy, is there anything i can do to help? I'll even offer lessons in Cantonese?
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