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Bristol loyal

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Everything posted by Bristol loyal

  1. We’re not playing bad at all. Would like to see us just settle it down a little bit and make better use of the ball but apart from a few moments we’ve been comfortable. Balogun has had a brilliant first half, just when we needed him to step up he has.
  2. As much as he doesn’t offer much going forward, think Balogun has been decent defensively so far.
  3. Just look like we don’t know what to do with the ball. Either rushing to get rid of it and playing poor passes or too hesitant. Offt unlucky Kent that’s much better!
  4. Need to wake up defensively, finding far too many gaps at the back.
  5. Apart from Balogun at rb fairly happy with that team. Got enough to beat those peado bastards anyway! Fucking into them Rangers 🇬🇧🇬🇧
  6. Sorry yeh, so many players out or possibly in then out again I’m getting myself confused!
  7. Can Bassey play rb? Sure when he joined I read somewhere he can play anywhere along the back line?
  8. Any news why he’s out? Hoping we’ve not had any more positive tests, and surely we wouldn’t have let him go just before this game?
  9. Fs as if I wasn’t enough of a nervous wreck already this morning…
  10. Deserves it 100%. Question is does Lewis want someone who’s going to genuinely challenge him or is he happy to keep Bottas as simply a number 2 driver. And do Mercedes want the possibility of another Rosberg v Lewis rivalry…
  11. They’ve certainly over complicated it! Pretty sure even the pundits at half time weren’t sure of the rules just giving an opinion on if they thought it was a pen and red or not.
  12. Pretty sure hand in an unnatural position is a way of defining intent or not, although without going through all the rules I’m not 100%.
  13. Correct, but to be a penalty for handball it has to be intentional, so if the ref gives a pen the double jeopardy rule isn’t applicable as he clearly thinks it’s intentional. For what it’s worth I don’t think it was a pen, he went to use his knee and that naturally moved his arm, so although it clearly hit his arm was an accident.
  14. Get at them, get in their faces, run at them, put them under pressure and they’ll crumble. Intensity from the off and we win comfortably. Play a slow game sitting back and allowing them to play and they beat us by a few IMO. Game is all down to the management team and how they tell the players to play.
  15. It’s not just footballers either but young athletes in general. Sisters friend is a professional athlete (won’t name him as it’s personal but he’s not massively famous anyway) and I know he’s said in his sport how few are getting jabbed. These people are at the absolute peak of health and fitness so covid isn’t a worry. They’re also used to being so careful with what they put into their bodies from food to medication for various reasons you can see why they’re reluctant to have it.
  16. Maybe not. He normally raises his game v them, and at worst theyre shit scared of him and pay him extra attention which frees up space for others. In a game v them I would much rather have Kent playing than not regardless of form.
  17. Sky sports reporting Kent out, big loss Sunday if true. Also Gerrard isolating, Tav and both keepers. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11788/12390288/steven-gerrard-Rangers-boss-self-isolating-after-covid-19-outbreak-and-misses-alashkert-game
  18. Training should be fine, plenty of clubs have had positives without huge numbers isolating. Its the travel on the coach that’s got the potential to fuck us, much like the taigs with their trip to Dubai last year, was the flight that caused the huge number of contacts.
  19. I wasn’t around 60 years ago either but seeing as the national front were formed in the 60’s I think it’s quite safe to say we were much more a racist country then than now. The fact that he thinks people saying a few nasty words or singing a song about a religion is worse than what went on in the days of the NF etc shows just how warped these people are. He should be out of a job for even thinking it let alone saying it on air, but this is SNP Scotland and he’ll probably be given a job in government rather than punished for it.
  20. Don’t forget Shay Logan, while our club comes out with bans, those scummy bastards defend the racists. Just like they covered up and swept the Morelos abuse under the carpet. Cunts like Stewart called Alfie a liar but jump on it when it’s us. Make no mistake about it, they have a much worse record than us over this sort of thing. Difference is they and their pals in the media are pros at playing the pr game, whereas we’re spineless unless it involves going after our own.
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