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Everything posted by Miss_K

  1. Cheers. :Animation44-dont over use: ummm.....naw
  2. I am, i hate spelling mistakes :pipegreen:
  3. *Cristiano not Christiano Very nice btw, luff it ^_^
  4. sure..why not I'll buy you it!! you might hav to fight Laudrup for me I could take him.... thats what you think :classier_than_pipeguy:
  5. sure..why not I'll buy you it!! you might hav to fight Laudrup for me
  6. burds in gers tops are saucy :pipehorse: You can buy me one then :pipegreen: im being serious Get your money oot :pipegreen:
  7. burds in gers tops are saucy :pipehorse: You can buy me one then :pipegreen:
  8. Miss_K

    Pete Wentz

    Too much red IMO dont like the fact his half his head is missing and i also dont like the text either tbh...
  9. Miss_K


    ok....i know it must be incredibly difficult for you im just desperate to see them i wanna start making my own masterpieces
  10. Miss_K


    I'll make a tut for this aswell, while i'm at it. i havent seen the other one yet
  11. Miss_K


    haha thats class!!
  12. Miss_K

    FAO BigBlueBen

    Lovin the 2nd one
  13. That's pretty good WW i think the background could be a little more exciting tho tbh
  14. Miss_K


    when are you gonna do another one? p.s. im still waiting on that tutorial
  15. Miss_K


    Nice one Elma
  16. Miss_K


    Nice background and text render = horrible way too blurry IMO
  17. Miss_K


    Dont like it at all only thing i like about it is the text tbh ...kind of
  18. TB for me, love his style Kev - yours is still a cracker tho
  19. Miss_K


    You've seen the sig, for god sake, its hard to right up a full tut for that kind of sig. Be patient. Hurry up
  20. Miss_K


    Yea where is this tut? <_< ive been looking forward to it
  21. wow, i love it That's fan-fluckin-tastic :classier_than_pipeguy:
  22. it looks em.....fantastic
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