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Everything posted by qwerty

  1. Is it just me or did anyone else think at the final whistle Ryan Kent seemed to be the last Rangers player to leave the park, and took his time to clap the fans from all 4 stands. Had me thinking if he was thinking that, todays game at Ibrox was his last? I love the wee guy and I sincerely hope something can be done to keep him hear for next season.
  2. How do I access the thread?? is it on here??
  3. As an Ex Serviceman can I say a sincere thankyou for this kind gesture cbagan92. It is heart warming that you have given this away looking for no personal gain. You Sir are a gentleman! And will make someone's day. Thankyou!
  4. If you havney got the desire and you havney got the heart you've not got everything, love the wee guy, he used to stay in my mates mums village.
  5. Buzzin for Sunday...….. Battle fever getting on, We were brilliant and I truly believe in my heart that we will be brilliant again within my life time!! https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pYVtTdWM&id=27663B0D7FF955DBDEF0FF5E5132BE6F488CE3D9&thid=OIP.pYVtTdWMhHHCXYU8-QePxwHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2fdd%2fc5%2f12%2fddc51232a0b0b26fc65b7823b1ecdf48.jpg&exph=540&expw=960&q=glasgow+Rangers+battle+fever&simid=608012731974159158&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0
  6. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=mark+hately+goals+v+celtic&view=detail&mid=9C8C6A52484785FE008B9C8C6A52484785FE008B&FORM=VIRE GIRFUY Buzzing for Sunday
  7. The Big man was Out F*cking standing IMHO 🙂
  8. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=jorg+albertz+free+kick+goals+against+celtic&view=detail&mid=E21982AE207940C64A26E21982AE207940C64A26&FORM=VIRE Mr Jorg Albertz: Its Hammer time!!
  9. Sugar puff teeth gonna bum them in the dressing room
  10. Wee Rangers kid in the front row givining it to the mhanky bastards large lol
  11. Fuckin dancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Lets see what they have in the locker??
  13. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss!!!
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